Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sawtooth Relay

The Sawtooth Realy was on Saturday and lets just say I've never had so much fun running 10 miles in my life! These girls are a riot.  We loaded up on Fri afternoon, we could have been gone for a week with all the crap we had, 6 women.... We decorated the car with our team name and we each named our legs of the relay, I wish I had a picture of that, it was pretty silly. We got to Stanley and had a wonderful dinner that we each helped make. Then we all went to bed around 9:00 to try and get some shut eye. Try being the key word.  Nerves got the best of me and I layed there until my alarm sounded at 11:50, time to get ready and head for the starting line.

Here we are at the starting line:  Renee, me, Karla, Brittani, Jacque, Erin
Gooooo Houswives of Heyburn!

Here's Renee ready for the 1:00 a.m. start:

Check out #214 it looks like he's thinking "...hmmm I'm totally gonna smoke these chicks..." HA whatever dude it's Renee you're up against!

I was totally on a team full of ROCK STARS and then there was me. :)

I ran my first leg at about 3 a.m. At first I was worried about running in the dark but it was fine and I actually enjoyed it more than my second leg.  I ran 5.03 miles in 1 hr 6 min 54 sec I'm not quite up to running 5 miles straight yet so I walked a little too (ok alot :))

Here we are FREEZING our booties off at dawn watching for Brit to come in. YaY! it's finally light enough to take pictures.

Here's Brit finishing up leg 5 and Jacque getting ready to run up the summit! Checking times.

Yay! Jacque made it up now Renee is getting ready to run down

Jacque you are amazing!!

Here comes Erin that means it's my turn.

Okay gag! (me not you are a beauty.) Ignore this picture I wasn't going to post it but it's proof that I actually did this thing!

This leg was 4.64 miles so...shorter than my first leg but WAY harder...mentally. :) Since it was daylight you could see the exchanges and I kept looking and looking and it was never there and my knee started killing me.  But thank goodness for Sport Beans they are seriously like good drugs.  They helped SO much thanks Courtney!  So I felt like I was dragging on this leg...after all I've not had a wink of sleep. But I made it into the finish line in 1 hr and 41 sec.  When I came in and Brittani told me my time I heard it as 1 hr and 41 min. I was devastated after all it felt like it had been that long. I seriously almost started bawling right there (my emotions were on the fritz anyway)  so I started apologizing  feeling like I'd let the team down, and they couldn't understand why I was apologizing.  About an hour later we realized the miscommunication and I almost started bawling again, from relief this time. :)

Here's Karla cheering Brittani in.

And here goes Karla on the last leg

Here we are at the finish line!!

 I had another "moment" crossing the line, I can't believe  I...I can't believe, I knew that they could do it, but I wasn't so sure I could do it, but I did!

We finished the race in 11 hrs 23 min and 14 sec which is SO awesome I think!

This was such an awesome experience I can't wait to do it again!!!


The Wayments said...

Elise that looked SOOOOO fun!!! i am proud of you! That is awesome! You totally did it! Once again, I am soooo jealous! We have to find something this summer or fall to do! Congrats on your accomlishment! It feels amazing, doesn't it?

James and Tricia Thomas said...

Way to go that is awesome!!! I totally want to do one of those in the next year or so... I guess we will see!

Kristy said...

Awesome! I am totally jealous. I love running when there is a fun goal at the end. I would love to do a relay someday, just need to do it I guess!!

Karla, A Cali Girl in Idaho! said...

It was the best ever. And YOU are amazing. You really pulled us through. You happy little clapper mama!... I'm still laughing outloud about that one. ALL the time. Tried to explain it to Paul and all I did was laugh the whole time and he didn't get it. HA! Guess you had to have been there right? Well... with no sleep for 24 hours, running 10 miles and no food but icecream and diet soda what do you expect? I love ya!

Amy said...

Wow!! What an accomplishment Elise!! Nice work :). I was actually thinking about you for those couple days and wondering what you were thinking. You ladies are cute.

Jessica said...

Congrats! You are so awesome for doing this!!!

Pal & Hatty said...

You did great! I am so impressed with all you young moms that run and do so well!!

Niki said...

SO proud of you! What a warrior! Are you going to be able to come to Cristine's reception? I would love to see's been too many YEARS. I think it has been 5 or 6 since I saw you in person. That's just wrong.

Kristy said...

I think you are all freaking crazy. I enjoy the cookies and a couch. :-)

Jolisa said...

GOOOOO Elise! I am very impressed. I have taken up running, but I am can only run about 3.5 miles, without wanting to die....I haven't looked at anyone's blog for at least 6 months-I might even update mine.