Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A Day Off

There was no school on Friday so Natalie and I some kids to entertain...We went for a bike ride, threw rocks into the river.  Went back for pizza, cookies and a movie.  The prefect recipe for a day off!

Scroll down for 4 more posts today...I fell behind.

Caller ID

I love to read.  I usually read at night just before bed, a few pages...maybe a chapter before I fall asleep. Very rarely do I come upon a book that I cannot put down at ALL!

Suspense, action, hints of romance.  I love love loved it, and I'm not just saying that because she's my cousin!  I have a copy if you'd like to borrow, you'll have to wait in line though. I also have her first book Wrong Number if you want to read that one, let me won't be dissapointed I promise!


What THEY Wore EASTER Sunday :)

We try to have an Easter egg hunt with just the kids and Scott, it makes his makes his YEAR!

Pretty excited!

Checking for goodies!

Easter Egg Hunts

Albion Campus Easter Egg Hunt

Ashley Bell was freezing

Hudson and Jake

 Braiden and Brody

Each age group has a special bunny and if you find the special bunny you win a big Eatser basket. We we emptying out our eggs and checking out our goodies when they announced that the special bunny for the 0-2 yr olds hadn't been found, so Nate and Joslyn ran back out there and...

They found it!!!

 Here she is with her big prize! We went back to Grandmas and opened it up and shared the love with everyone!!

Ward Easter Egg Hunt...

Lots and lots of eggs and candy thanks to our awesome primary presidency! ;)

Finally...Spring Break Part 2

We went to Challis with the fam.

We were lazy...

 We watched conference...

We went on hikes.... ok so Casey and Kristy took their kids on a hike and Brody tagged along. ;)

We played games...

We ate
We built forts
We built fires
We whittled sticks
We went swimming
We went swimming
We drove home from the swimming pool without our glasses on. ;)
THAT was interesting.
We had fun.

The best part of the trip...  Dad didn't come up because planting season was in full swing.  Well it got a little rainy at home so he surpised everyone when he pulled in on Saturday afternoon. All the kids were outside around the fire you should of heard the excited voices shouting "GRANDPA!!" when he pulled in...Priceless! We're so glad he came!

We had to drive home...

Some were happy...

Some were SAD...

Some didn't care...