June 8-9
This day creeped up on me a little too quick this year, I didn't feel prepared. But I packed my bags anyway with lots and lots of clothes...rain and snow in the forecast. :( The Housewives arrived with their gear and we all piled in the car, away we went, destination Stanley, Idaho.
We got to our hotel room and enjoyed a delicious carb-heavy meal. :) After a leisurely stroll and some chatting it was off to bed, alarms set for 4:30 a.m. Start time for the race this year was 5:45 check in at 5:30. A much more respectable time than last years 1:00 a.m. start.
Here we are at the starting line: Julie, our lovely volunteer, Amber, Heather, Jacque, Renee, Brittani, and myself...The Housewives of Heyburn! Renee is geared up to run the first leg.
It was super foggy when Renee started, you can see in the pic that the fog is starting to lift, no rain or snow yet. Renee coming in, Amber getting ready to start leg two. That means, I'm next!!! I ran leg 3 and 9 same as last year. When I started running my first leg there was just a nice little confetti snow coming down...totally bearable, but it didn't take long for that to change. When I started there was no snow on the ground when I finished there was at least a half an inch!! There was one time during my run that I wished I had my camera, I was crossing 4th of July Creek (which, at the time was more riverish and less creekish) The view was breathtaking! Everything was white, including myself, and you've never seen bigger flakes falling from the sky. Despite the lovely weather conditions I beat my time from last year!!! Wahooo!!!! I was so excited. Once I melted off I was positively soaked to the bone, but luckily not really that cold. Good thing for a complete change of clothes.
Just to give you an idea.....
This is Brit running up Galena Summit.
The pics are few and far between this year, because frankly no one felt like getting out of the car.
My second leg went so much better than my first which was quite the opposite from last year. The flakes weren't quite so huge and wet and they were coming at my back instead of right in my face. One great thing about running the same legs is you know what to expect. I knew this year that the exchange is very illusive, and is hiding in a little dip in the road. I knew not to be discouraged when I had been running for miles and all I could see in front of me was a l o n g stretch of road and no exchange in sight, I knew this year that it was just over the hill. :) I hereby claim legs 3 and 9 forever!
Here we are crossing the finish line YAY!
Another awesome note, our team beat our last years cumulative time by 30 min!! GO H.O.H.!!!
This is Atkinson Park in Ketchum after we crossed the finish line. Seam rising up from the ground, funky and beautiful!
We drug our sore bodies to the car and high tailed it home to our kiddies our hubbies and a nice hot bath.
Until next year Housewives!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Well school is out, we officially have a 2nd grader and a 5th grader now, eyeyiyi! It is so nice to have a break from school, it was starting to get old. :/ We started our summer off with a bang, we picked up the kids from school on the last day and left to go camping. We met up with some friends on the mountain and set up camp, unfortunately an uninvited guest decided to show up and ruin the party. RAIN. So when the going got tough, we got going. (really we had a temple cleaning assignment and then went to church.) Went back up after church and brought the good weather back with us because it was decent the rest of the time.
Brody and his buddy, Phoenix.
The kids rode their bikes up and down this hill the whole time we were there, when it wasn't raining anyway.
Hudson got this balance bike for Christmas it has been the best thing ever. He is becoming quite the dare devil on it. To him it is his motorcycle..notice the goggles. You can often find him riding around the neighborhood wearing a motorcycle helmet, goggles, gloves and boots. It seems to give everyone a good chuckle.
What was amazing only 2 kids went flying over their handlebars, luckily no broken bones, just bumps and bruises.
I got out the pool on monday it was in the 90's
They had their fun and then the wind picked up and we packed everything inside, and then the wind picked up some more, and then some more. That evening the temp dropped 40 degrees in about an hour and we were battening down the hatches as a cold front rolled in. The next day was rainy and in the 50's, this morning my grass was frosty. Heaven forbid we have warm temps for more than one day, we'd all melt around here.
Baseball season is here. Baseball season is busy, busy, busy but good, good, good. Braiden plays pitching machine on monday, wednesday. Brody plays boys t-ball and Hudson plays co-ed t-ball on tuesday, thursday. Nate and I usually have to divide and conquer the tues thurs games. It's fun and something to keep us busy.
Pitching machine is fun to watch because these little guys make some pretty good plays. Braiden is turning out to be a pretty good ball player, his skills have improved immensely!
Don't have pics of Brody and Hudson playing yet, But there is nothing cuter and more entertaining than to watch the little tikes play t-ball. One of their favorite parts of the baseball season is coming to the ball park with pockets full of change so they can frequent the snack bar!
Lets see, now lets talk books. Just finished Crossed By: Ally Condie (Matched trilogy) it was Terrible with a capital T, I don't even want to bother with the 3rd book now. Hate to say it. Had to make everything right in the world though, Edenbrooke by: Julianne Donaldson was fabulous, had a hard time putting it down. 19th Century England romance, it dosen't get any better.
Wish me luck, the Sawtooth Relay is on Saturday. Our start time is a much more respectable 5:45 a.m. (remember last year?) so I will be running my first leg at about 8:00 a.m. I am so so so not ready this year, but I have every intention of beating my last years times, we shall see ( I am running the same legs.) GOOOO Housewives of Heyburn!
Signing off for now, I have a ton to do before we leave in 24 hours, like making a pot of carb heavy potato soup!
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