Sunday, June 2, 2013

First Days of Summer Break

Here are Hudson's hands after 4 days:
Those blisters are huge! I put Silvadene on them and bandage them morning and night.  One night after I got done fixing him up he started to sing, "I feel better, so much better, thank you Doc for taking all the ouchies away." It's the little song they sing on Doc McStuffins. So cute! It made me tear up!

Here's his hands after 7 days! Looking much better!
He missed his first T-ball game, we didn't think that would be very fun for him, swinging a bat and such.
Baseball starts full force this week, so for the next 4-5 weeks we will be at the ball park every night of the week! Braiden and Brody's games are Mon/Wed and Hudson's games are on Tues/Thurs.  It should be an interesting year, it will be Brody's first year of pitching machine (and that takes some getting used to) and Braiden's first year of Live Pitch, so we will see how it goes.
So if our evenings are spent at the ball park our mornings might as well be spent at the pool.  I signed the older 2 boys up for swim team this year. They are not quite sure about it yet, so far it has been pretty chilly at 8:00 a.m. low to mid 50's , good thing the pool is heated right? It will be SO good for them!!
We got signed up for the summer reading program at the library and have already checked out a good stack of books.  Joslyn picked Barbie and Disney Princess, go figure. :) It is part of their daily routine after swimming it's home, shower, chores, reading, lunch then free time.  Mean ole mom!
This is the tree,
This is the tree that Joslyn looks out the window and says, "OH CUTE!"
This is the tree that Braiden says is "infested with bees."
This is the tree that STINKS to high heaven!!
Every year for the first few days it's in bloom I walk around the house and I wonder what is that smell? Then I realize it's coming from the tree which is surprising because a tree that is that "cute" should not smell like that! :)
Only 5 days until the relay!!! Holy Smokes!!!
We got our start time the other day...2:45 a.m. It's gonna be a party!!!
Our shirts came in on Friday, you just wait until you see them, they are awesome!!
The forecast is looking very promising (knock on wood) YAY!
I've revamped my playlist a bit. (it's about time) It needed it bad.
I am running the down hill portion of the race. Lets see... I loose 1,401 feet in elevation and gain 0 ft. in 6.02 miles, YIKES! I had my mother in law drive me up Pomerelle mountain 6 miles then I ran down to the car, just to see how I'd do. I think down hill is my thing!?!  I think I should do fine, time will tell. My second leg should be easy, that is if I can move after my first leg. 
Wish me luck! On the bottom of the page I put up a playlist of a few of my favorite running songs, what do you think? What's your favorite workout song?

Memorial Weekend

As soon as the kids got home from school on the last day and they showed me their report cards which always kills me...
Brody is officially a third grader!
Braiden is officially a sixth grader!
We loaded up and left for Challis, the kids have been looking forward to this for months!
We met up with all of my family 19 of us there!! My Dad had to stay home and work so we missed him, Joslyn kept asking where grandpa was. :( It was the last day of school for all of the kids so it was a PARTY!
I love my family we have a great time together and the kids all get along SO well with each other! James and Joslyn had a minor disagreement on how to say "pillow" and it was quite funny actually
James: Piddow
Joslyn: no! Piwwow
James: no! Piddow
Joslyn: no! Piwwow
So funny! In their own little minds, they were the one that was right.
We did all of the fun Challis things, went to the Hot Springs, fished in the pond, bike rides, fires, and this time we discovered a fun park!
I got started on Hudson's scrapbook and made a little dent in his first year book:

Look at that baby! Don't you just want to kiss his little face! mmmmm!

I am loving Project Life! Even my nieces were pretty interested in what I was doing, they were enthralled with the corner rounder. :) So I had great little helpers, they rounded a lot of corners for me and even picked out some filler cards! I still have a LOT of journaling to do which is a daunting task, well because that was 5 years ago!!

Last Sunday night everyone else went on a walk up to the fish pond Hudson, Joslyn and I stayed behind because Joslyn was having a little fit (read: royal melt down) so she was in time out. Huddo and I were sitting by the fire.  After little miss calmed down a little she needed to go potty so I took her in the house and Hudson stayed out by the fire.  Just as Joslyn was finishing up I heard Hudson SCREAMING outside!! I ran to the door and he was yelling "it's hot, it's hot, it's hot!" He had tipped forward in his camp chair and caught himself on the fire ring and burned the palms of his hands.  :( I immediately put them under cold running water for a while then wet a towel and filled it with ice so he could hold it between his hands.  My poor little boy was in so much pain it just broke my heart! Soon everyone returned from their walk and mom and Kristy ran up to the drug store to find something that might help.  Nate had to go home late Saturday night so he could be to church on Sunday so he was not there but Christopher and Casey gave Hudson a blessing. I was so grateful to have them there! Mom and Kristy came back with some burn cream, gauze, etc. The burn cream had some Lidocaine in it so it helped take some of the pain away.  He still needed to have the ice on it though and he kept the ice for the rest of the night, we kept him loaded up with Tylenol and Ibuprofen, and after a few hours he was feeling a little better!

My poor boy! Between the two of us we almost used up a box of Kleenex.

The sweetest thing though, Scott had recently discovered the boys' collection on Ninja turtles and decided he needed a few of his own, so he bought 3 or 4 and took them to the cabin so he could show the boys.  Well after Hudson got burned he felt so bad for him that he let Hudson pick one of HIS turtles.  (makes me tear up) It really helped to lift Hudson's mood!!

I am grateful that Heavenly Father was watching over my boy because it could have been much worse! I am grateful for my two brothers who are worthy priesthood holders, who gave my boy a blessing, I know it helped him! And I am grateful for my family who rallied around us and helped make him feel better.

I thought the night was going to be rough but he did great, I set my phone every three hours to give him more medicine so other than that he slept like a log! The next morning he was ready to play, didn't even need the ice anymore.

Kristy and I took the kids to the park

Who needs a slide when you have a skateboard ramp?

Happy to see a smiling face!

After that we went home and packed up some of our stuff and hit up the hot springs one last time and headed for home. I was a fun trip...for the most part.

We now have a serious first aid kit in the works for up there! Good thing!

Hudson's Preschool Graduation

If I could choose to freeze my kids at any age I would freeze Hudson right ... about... NOW!

He is just so darn sweet, and loving, and he doesn't talk back, and he thinks Ninja Turtles are super cool but so is Iron Man and he can't quite decide which one to get a toy of when  he fills up his chore chart. He gives his mama hugs every 2 min. He says to  his sister, "Come on Jozzie, lets go see if Mickey Mouse is on." When he asks me what for dinner and I say "Shepard's Pie" he doesn't say, "uh gross, why do we have to have that?" And when he is trying really hard not to cry he rubs his eyes really hard.

Which is just what he was doing when He was standing up there with his little preschool class and they were singing their songs that they have learned this year.  And that made me cry. Or maybe I was crying when I saw him up there and he saw me so he started crying will never know.

His ABC book that he has worked so hard on all year! He finally got to bring it home and show off his work!

He is a sweetheart and he has loved preschool this year and his teacher, we are so lucky to have Miss. Andrea, LOVE HER!!

Braiden's 5th Grade Graduation

May 24: Braiden's 5th Grade Graduation
AKA: My boys last day of elementary school,  say whaaaa?
Here he is marching in

Receiving The Principal's Award which is like a "diploma" for the fifth graders that are leaving.

And here he is marching out I held it together pretty good, but when we got home I started bawling...ok sobbing. :(
I have been ok with my kids moving on the next stage of things but I am not ok with THIS. I am not ready to send my boy to middle school, I am not ready to throw him to the wolves I. am. NOT. READY. Well, I have a whole summer to prepare myself, but I am afraid that even after that I still will not be ready.