In a civilized society, should anyone or any government ever force anyone to do anything against his or her will as long as that person does not infringe upon the life, liberty, or property of another?
Showing posts with label Iraq war. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iraq war. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Change we can believe in?

I seem to recall Obama saying things would be different, the war needed to end, etc. And the Democrats kept echoing the same phrases and added how evil the Republicans were for waging war. Hmmm. But as we can see by this article, there's no difference between the Democrats and the Republicans. The Dems love war too. In fact, only Democratic presidents waged war the last century. Wilson with WWI, FDR with WWII, Truman the Korean War, Kennedy and Johnson the Vietnam War.

Congress has no guts. Instead of funding, they should shut down the empire and let people around the globe decide their own affairs.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Constitution in peril

Here is a short book review by Doug Bandow that appeared on, one of my favorite websites. Very alarming. This book should be read, and all of us need to become champions of liberty (unfortunately, most Americans are sheeple).

Sunday, June 8, 2008

What'll it be, soldier, Zoloft or Prozac?

War is not good for anyone, especially the young men and women who are actively engaged in fighting it. Not only are U.S. armed forces personnel committing suicide at an alarming rate, they are, as reported on here, also taking antidepressants at an increasing rate.

Over 4,000 U.S. troops dead, $12 billion a month bill for Iraq and Afghanistan, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi men, women, and children dead, increased animosity toward the American empire, over 30 thousand permanently injured U.S. troops - need I go on?

The purpose of this unconstitutional war was what?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

U.S. shoots itself in the foot once again

History shows that most, if not all, of U.S. intervention abroad eventually comes back to haunt us. As you read this article, ask yourself if it is happening once again. Have we actually made Iran stronger and in a better position than they were in five years ago? Is this yet another example of the U.S. shooting itself in the foot?

(thanks to for the link to this article)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

A devastating war

I can't even begin to write about how devastating this war is to our security, prosperity, and standing in the world. The U.S. invasion of Iraq, a nation that could not attack us militarily, will have repercussions for the rest of our lives. And those repercussions will be negative.

Read this great article that appeared on today. Great article that hits the nail on the head.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Why I fear McNeocon

John McCain, who has many nicknames like McNeocon, McRelic, etc., scares me because all he seems to talk about is this war on terror. A nice piece was on today, and the article by Robert Dreyfuss is somewhat disturbing because it seems McCain would take this war on terror to a new level, which is quite costly for us taxpayers and it does nothing to endear ourselves with the rest of the world. From the article:

"To combat what he likes to call "the transcendent challenge [of] radical Islamic extremism," McCain is drawing up plans for a new set of global institutions, from a potent covert operations unit to a "League of Democracies" that can bypass the balky United Nations, from an expanded NATO that will bump up against Russian interests in Central Asia and the Caucasus to a revived US unilateralism that will engage in "rogue state rollback" against his version of the "axis of evil." In all, it's a new apparatus designed to carry the "war on terror" deep into the twenty-first century."

You can read the rest of the article here. Scary stuff.

Sowing the seeds of love

The American Empire continues to intervene in the affairs of other nations, just like it's written in the Constitution of the United States (not!). The more America intervenes, the more hatred grows. As you can read in this article that appeared on today, one Iraqi woman calls the U.S. soldiers devils in clothes and vows revenge. And what about all those young boys who lost their fathers? What will they do when they reach adulthood? Love the U.S.? I doubt it.

It's time to heed the words of the Founding Fathers and the framers of the Constitution. Leave everyone alone politically and militarily and just trade with everyone. Nothing promotes friendliness with other nations as much as free trade. Plus, we wouldn't have to pay the $12 billion war tax every month.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Ready for the draft?

As you can see by this article, John McCain, Republican presidential nominee, is just the kind of war hawk to get us involved in more conflicts. The army is exhausted already, so the only way he can tell other countries what to do is to draft you. Yes, you.

As the new draft is written, it says all men and women, between the ages of 18 and 42, must serve two years in the military. You can't get out like people did during the '60's and '70's, where those in college were exempt. They've taken that away. So get ready to exchange your textbooks for a rifle and grenades.

I'm sick of war, especially now that we've been in Iraq for longer than the U.S. fought in World War II. And it's costing the U.S. 12 billion dollars a month! That comes from you and me, the taxpayers.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

War draining America

As you can see in this article, the cost of the war is draining America and is driving up the cost of a barrel of oil. One of the largest myths is: "war is good for the economy." If so, we should wage perpetual war.

As bad as Barack Obama will be, I think he'll be less crummy than Hillary "socialized medicine" Clinton or John "I don't care if we're in Iraq for 100 years" McCain. At least Obama is talking about bringing the troops home.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Grab your weapons! The Pentagon wants more troops

The Pentagon wants to wage endless war, as you can read here in this article. The empire continues to grow as it drains America militarily, financially, and morally.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Suicide soldiers

Not only did America invade a nation that couldn't attack us, not only have almost 4,000 soldiers died, not only are almost 30,000 soldiers permanently maimed, not only have we spent over $2 trillion on Iraq and Afghanistan - now, soldiers are committing suicide at an alarming rate, as you can read in this article. Almost five soldiers every day try to kill themselves.

What did we get out of this war again? Peace? No. Prosperity? No. Less Americans hurt and killed? No. Better standing in the world? No. What did we get out of this war again?

Monday, January 7, 2008

Is Iraq less violent?

The MSM (main stream media) is buying the government's take that the surge is working and Iraq is now less violent. But is it? Maybe in Baghdad, but what about the rest of the country? Interesting article that appeared on today. Read it here.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Iraq, Afghanistan pass Vietnam in cost

It's amazing how America does not learn lessons. The only thing we learn from history is that we don't learn from history. As this article that appeared on indicates, we've now paid $700 billion on Iraq and Afghanistan, more than was spent on Vietnam.

When President Lyndon Johnson poured billions into his "Great Society" and Vietnam at the same time (known as "guns and butter") he broke us. The '70's was a lackluster decade highlighted by stagflation and eventually very high inflation.

Won't we ever learn? 300 million people (4% of the world's population) trying to run the other 6 billion (96%). Who's paying for it? You and me.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Immoral empire lets down vets

All empires are immoral and show little respect for human life. In this article, we read how the army discharges brain injured vets without truly helping them and ensuring all their benefits are in place. Thousands of injured vets will be walking the streets of America, and many are already becoming homeless. Thanks, W.

I want the peaceful republic back. The republic of Jefferson, Washington, Franklin and friends. I reject what we've got now and the men responsible for it: Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield and friends. This set of thugs doesn't have one one thousandth the moral fiber and character of the Founding Fathers.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Democrats cave in again

Democrats said they would end the war and bring the troops home. They lied. As you can see in this article, they have caved in once again and provided more money for the war. They also want a subprime mortgage bailout, using your money and my money. There's no difference between the liberals and neocons. They're all clueless, and they all want to spend our money and run our lives. God help us if Ron Paul doesn't win.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Die on the battlefield and the empire will grant citizenship

The U.S. armed forces is strapped for new recruits, and the army recently upped the enlistment age from 40 to 42. Imagine, so many people are rejecting dying for the empire that they'll now take people 42 years old.

As this article states, the military focuses on minorities because they traditionally don't have the options some others may have. If you enlist, you get a six-year conditional status, but you get the express citizenship program if you're killed in battle. A lot of good citizenship does you then.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Soldiers deserting - they're tired of it

U.S. soldiers are now deserting the armed forces at a rate higher than at any time since 1980 - read here. The war hawks, however, keep putting out those commercials, trying to show how honorable it is to travel around the globe and kill others.

According to the military, there were over a half million "incidents of desertion" during the Vietnam War. The soldiers knew then what our soldiers know now - that war is a racket, it's immoral, and it makes America weaker. And we're led by bullies. They only attack small nations they can toast in four weeks or less. If we're so tough, let's go attack some monster-sized nation. Yeah, I didn't think so. Our leadership is like the bully in the grammar school schoolyard - picking on the small and weak.

The government let him down

You would think that the government would take especially good care of America's veterans. After all, the warmongers and hawks can't play their little war games around the globe if people don't enlist. Without the soldiers, the hawks would be bored and would have to play Stratego and Risk instead.

Here's an article that appeared on on just how well some of America's veterans are being treated. Amazing.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Business as usual

Both the Democrats and Republicans, or Republicrats as I like to call them, say one thing and do another. The Republicans finally got control of the House of Representatives in '94, saying that now they could finally reduce spending after all those years of a Democratically controlled legislative branch. Well, the Repubs then went on a spending binge, and actually outspent the Dems. Say one thing, do another.

Now, as you can see by this article, it's the Democrats turn. Put us into power, they said, and we'll end the war. Blah, Blah, Blah. Same old story for the last 100 years or so. I read today that a woman in New Hampshire said it was an exciting time to be an American, since next year is going to bring some real change. Is she kidding? Or just delusional?

Friday, November 2, 2007

Americans absorb war propaganda

Not only are most Americans clueless about geography and history, so my students tell me, they also like to absorb the war propaganda put out by the necons and others. Great article by Justin Raimondo that appeared on today.

Don't Americans understand that the government is always conjuring up more boogeymen for us to be afraid of? Don't they understand they love to use fear to get us to do what they want us to do?

It's time for us to do our own research (no, not the mainstream media) and reject most of what they're telling us. Remember, they told us Medicare and Medicaid would only cost $9 billion the first 25 years. They were wrong. It cost $67 billion.