In a civilized society, should anyone or any government ever force anyone to do anything against his or her will as long as that person does not infringe upon the life, liberty, or property of another?
Showing posts with label pundits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pundits. Show all posts

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Politicians and pundits alike

The garbage spewing forth from politicians and political pundits never ceases to amaze me. They all live in a dream world, and they love to lie. Not little lies, but the BIG lies. Dennis Kucinich, the little Democrat who wants to be president, said yesterday that he will make America "carbon free and nuclear free." Wow. What will we use for fuel, Dennis? Since we'll be carbon free, Dennis, there's no more cars or factories, right? Well crafted.

Hillary was also bloviating, saying: "I will let them stay in business." She was referring to the health insurance companies. How nice of her, or any politician, to LET a company stay in business. She also said she would "make Medicare more efficient." How so? It's been around for 42 years, and it keeps getting more inefficient. She's got some magic wand to wave at it, I guess.

Ann Coulter, the cowardly neocon author and pundit, said: "I just want to disarm them and demoralize them." She was referring to our enemies in the Middle East. Wait, wait, no, no I don't see it here in the Constitution. Sorry Ann, can't do it. No mention of empire in the Constitution. No mention of disarming or demoralizing other nations.

And of course, we can't leave out Bill O'Reilly, also a cowardly neocon war hawk who wants the U.S. to run the globe and have you and me pay for it. He told a guest who disagreed with him that what the man said "doesn't diminish the threat that all of us face." What threat Bill? Some army, navy, or air force reaching American shores? Impossible. Can't happen. Respond below and tell me what nation can reach us. Sorry, try again.

My advice: read the sane people at and Forget the mainstream politicians and pundits. They love fear, and they want to rule us.