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Showing posts with label bbc. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bbc. Show all posts

Friday, 11 July 2014

IDF Avoids Civilians Casualties in Gaza, Hamas Increases Them

We keep hearing from the BBC that the evil Israelis are indiscriminately killing Palestinians en masse.

The video below shows that the Beebs view is sadly biased. As you will see in the video, the Israelis give ample warning that they are going in for the kill.

Where houses have been turned into military targets, the IDF has provided advance warnings to Palestinian residents (so called roof knocking) to leave their houses prior to an attack. This is designed to minimise civilian casualties, rather than maximise them. In any case, targeting civilians would be futile. It would achieve nothing in military terms and hand a massive propaganda victory to Hamas.

Hamas' spokesmen have openly admitted to placing civilians on the rooftops of houses in order to thwart Israeli strikes. Extensive video evidence also shows that rockets have also been fired from heavily built up civilian areas, and command and control centres are located close to residential neighbourhoods. Using civilians as a human shield is a blatant war crime.

It would seem to me that the BBC needs to seriously question Hamas’s claim’s and go about doing some real reporting. Not just rebrand a Hamas press release.

They do not seem to realise that the internet reveals all.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

BBC television news……

Don’t tell the whole story. Instead they cherry picked part of the story to suit their green agenda.

A BBC Radio 5 live survey has suggested that people in the UK support clean energy and think that the government is not green enough. But in times of economic difficulty, people say cheap energy is more important than reducing emissions. Do we have to choose between the two?

The survey, carried out by ComRes, showed broad support for clean, "green" energy sources.

Unfortunately too many taking the poll, seem unaware of the true cost and lack of constant and significant generation by renewables.

Just take todays breakdown of electricity generation by type.


At the most it is 2.1%, at the least it is just a pitiful 1.4%.

And from the Royal Academy of Engineering comes this cost analysis.


If only the sheeple would look outside the BBC generated green bubble and see that cheap energy can be had. Shale gas for one.

But then again it’s like educating pork.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012


It would appear that the BBC seem to want to cover up almost everything they do.

The latest is about a climate change seminar that was held to discuss reporting Anthropogenic Global warming (AGW) as it was called back then in 2006.

One interested blogger, by the name of Tony Newbery, who runs the Harmless Sky blog, happened to read a BBC report called From Seesaw to Wagon Wheel. What he found on page 40 was this:

The BBC has held a high-level seminar with some of the best scientific experts, and has come to the view that the weight of evidence no longer justifies equal space being given to the opponents of the consensus [on anthropogenic climate change].

So Tony decided to put in a request under the FOIA to find out who attended the seminar.

However he ran into a stone wall as the BBC fought tooth and nail to stop him from finding out who had attended the seminar. eventually he lost at the tribunal stage.

But this is not the end of the story.

Another Blogger Maurizio Morabito had spent countless hours searching the Internet Wayback machine and found the list. This list is now published on his blog.

There are some interesting participants who have a stake in promoting AGW:

I’m not sure why this man is there.

Jon Plowman, Head of Comedy

Maybe he was there to entertain over lunch or something.

As far as I can see there is only one true sceptic on the list. The majority have a stake in AGW promotion.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Breaking news!

Two more have come forward to say their backsides were tampered with by a dead BBC TV star!






sooty and sweep

Sooty and Sweep say the abuse went on, with the full knowledge of BBC Management for years!

Another scurrilous rumour I suspect.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Well done sir

turbine on fire

Here I’m referring to The Duke of Edinburgh who has delivered a withering assault on the folly of wind turbines.

Now those of the Lefty/Green persuasion will try and dismiss his comments as the rantings of a senile, out of touch, silver spoon, “never had it so good”.

Now I’ve met and talked to “The old duffer” on many occasions. He certainly speaks his mind, (A good thing in this PC age. Someone has to) but he usually has a good grasp of the subject in question.

I’ve noticed over the last year or so how the whole experiment in renewable energy is starting to fall apart. Even the BBC is slowly dropping it from it’s agenda. Pre Climategate it was touted as the salvation of mankind. The BBC is now, in my mind, quietly trying to wriggle out of their wholesale endorsement of renewables. However this blogger has a long memory.

The population at large is just waking from an X factor induced sleep, and is starting to realise that this year they are going to be stuck with almost unaffordable energy bills due to the energy secretary’s obsession with renewables, instead of helping lower bills by encouraging the exploration and extraction of Shale gas.

Shale gas would cut gas prices for commercial and private  users and thus boost the economy. Also ending our reliance on middle east imports, which can be used as an economic weapon against us.

I would hope that the average Brit is waking up to realise that they have been conned into buying into a scheme that is impoverishing millions and making very rich those who promulgate this idiocy.

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Two different takes on the same story

Firstly we have an article on line at that Impartial news monger. The BBC. Note the scary headline.

IPCC: Climate impact risk set to increase

Satellite image of Hurricane Katrina, August 2005 (Image: Getty Images/NOAA) 

The risk from extreme weather events is likely to increase if the world continues to warm, say scientists.

A report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said it was "very likely" that emissions had led to an increase in daily maximum temperatures.

It added that emissions had also led some regions experiencing longer and more intense droughts.

The findings of the Special Report were presented at the IPCC's 34th Session, which is being held in Kampala, Uganda.

The details were outlined during a media briefing by the co-chairmen overseeing the compilation of two of the three segments of next IPCC assessment report

Compare with what was really said:

The IPCC report says:

“Projected changes in climate extremes under different emissions scenarios generally do not strongly diverge in the coming two to three decades, but these signals are relatively small compared to natural climate variability over this time frame. Even the sign of projected changes in some climate extremes over this time frame is uncertain”


It was also touted out on the six O’clock news tonight. That was even worse. According to the presenter we are doomed to fire, pestilence. flood, and genital Herpes.

*Ok . I made the last one up.

Monday, 26 September 2011

BBC Speechless As Trader Tells Truth: “The Collapse Is Coming…And Goldman Rules The World”

The BBC presenters were gobsmacked by this truth from a Trader.

I think I need to move some money. Be right back.

H/T to Zerohedge

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

We’re doomed I tell you, doomed.

Again the BBC are pushing their CAGW  agenda again. It would seem that local flooding is all down to greenhouse gasses.

It would appear so, due to computer models. Where have we heard that before I wonder?

Of course this was from the Beeb’s ecoloon – in – chief, Richard Black.

A research team led from Oxford University ran computer models of the atmosphere as it actually was, and parallel models of the atmosphere as it would have been without the carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that had accumulated from humanity's emissions.

This produced projections of rainfall patterns, which were then fed into a further model that translated rainfall into the impact on river basins across England and Wales.

The 2000 floods occurred when river basins filled up rapidly.

"We looked at how greenhouse gas emissions affected the odds of a flood," related Pardeep Pall, the Oxford researcher who led the study.

"We found that the emissions substantially increased the odds of a flood occurring in 2000, with about a doubling of the likelihood."


The researchers suggest there is nothing that can explain this trend except the slow steady increase in temperatures caused by greenhouse gas emissions.

"In North America, precipitation extremes correspond to the El Nino effect in pretty characteristic ways, where some regions get heavy rainfall while others receive less extreme precipitation," said Francis Zwiers from the University of Victoria in Canada.

"But we don't see these spatial variations in our study, and our models don't generate that kind of spatial structure either.

"The evidence is leading us in another direction, to a phenomena that influences precipitations in a global scale - and the only thing we can think of is the changing composition of the atmosphere."

However notice the weasel word in that last paragraph. Suggest.

I must admit I didn’t expect to read this.

This was a point taken up by Sir Brian Hoskins from the Grantham Institute for Climate Change Research, who was not involved with either of these studies.

"Both studies depend heavily on the accuracy of their computer models," he told reporters.

Once bitten, twice shy maybe?

If you want to read the whole article it is HERE as I can’t be bothered to write the whole article here.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011


My three least favourite organisations in the UK (Apart from Parliament of course), seem to be heading for a bit of a bun fight.

The BBC serves Freedom of Information request (FOIA) on UK Government over weather forecast failures secrecy in worst winter for 100 years.

In an almighty battle to salvage credibility,  three British government institutions are embroiled in a new global warming scandal with the BBC mounting a legal challenge to force ministers to admit the truth. Sceptics ask: Is the UK government’s climate propaganda machine finally falling apart?

I haven’t seen this in the UK MSM and certainly not on BEEB news.

And hopefully this will come to pass.

With the BBC appearing to take the side of the Met Office by seeking to force the government to give honest answers, untold harm will likely befall Prime Minister Cameron’s global warming policies on energy, taxation and the environment.

We shall see. You really should read the rest. It could spark an explosion in the next few weeks.

H/T to Canada Free Press

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Weather forecast

I noticed a slight shift last night in the Beeb’s weather presentation.

Now they call it “Tonight’s Report”. They used to call it “Tonight’s Forecast”.

Why the change? Is it because they’ve realised they’re not very good Shite at the forecasting bit?

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Hypocrisy explained to the BBC

Graham Stuart MP hits back at the BBC about their bias on the "Donorgate" affair.

“Imagine a Tory donor who’d bought a company, run its pension fund into the ground, bought the assets back for pennies in the pound, who became a privy counsellor even though he wasn’t qualified while personally funding the leader’s leadership bid – they (sic) would be a massive story and yet somehow the BBC runs day after day on Lord Ashcroft, who as far as I can see has done nothing wrong, and gives Labour an easy ride. It takes me back to the tales we had of the champagne bottles in 1997 and I’m afraid the BBC remains biased and fails to ask the proper questions of those who are currently in power.”

Listen to it on BBC iplayer HERE Just over 10 mins in.

Saturday, 30 January 2010

The BBC's environmental analysist is wriggling now.

I give you Roger Harrabin.

In his article about the so called Amazongate scandal, where it was reported that the IPCC had declared that the Amazonian rain forests were in imminent danger of dying due to a lack of rainfall, due to Global warming, he now appears to distance himself from it.

After the usual bluster he concludes with this:

I have tried to contact the lead author of Working Group II to ask why his team cited WWF not the journals - but without success so far.

My guess is that NGO reports often offer an easy synthesis of already-published evidence.

In my experience, NGO papers are often both accessible and accurate - though clearly written from a point of view.

But it is obvious that the next IPCC report will have to be much more meticulous about flagging up the provenance of its sources.

There will need to be more clarification of what is known as "grey" literature (not peer-reviewed) and IPCC panel participation.

It all points to the need for much greater transparency, though that will throw up issues of its own for a body striving to offer a coherent view to policymakers of an issue dominated by risk, uncertainty and values, rather that unambiguous science.

Just this week, for instance, there were two pieces of published research in Science and Nature suggesting that the very worse effects of climate change may have been overestimated.

The researchers of both papers say they are still concerned about man-made climate change, though.

The unfinished science of climate change goes on.

Full article here At the BBC

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

It's warmer this decade, opines BBC pravda

I really am getting fed up with what are now, not just halftruths, but downright lies. All independant reports have stressed that for the last ten years, the earth has cooled. Did you hear that BEEB? C-O-O-L-E-D.

The first decade of this century is "by far" the warmest since instrumental records began, say the UK Met Office and World Meteorological Organization.

Their analyses also show that 2009 will almost certainly be the fifth warmest in the 160-year record.

Burgeoning El Nino conditions, adding to man-made greenhouse warming, have pushed 2009 into the "top 10" years.

They really are toeing the party line aren't they?

Go on read the whole article. I'm not putting the whole lot here as my blood pressure is high enough.

Oh and bye the way, it has it's very own Hockey stick graph.

Here is the Beeb Propaganda to support dodgy science.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Bianca Jagger, expert on climate change.

The BBC are desperate to hang onto their position on climate change.

I've just watched The Daily Politics show, and been subjected to the most nauseating 10 mins of the week. Here we had Bianca Jagger postulating on how the Cumbrian floods were caused by climate change, even though one of the presenters did try and put it in perspective, by numerating all the floods Cumbria had suffered in the past.

It's really scraping the bottom of the barrel of the BBC global warming fraternity that they are resorting to B list celebrities to make their case with emotive films of such rubbish that I've just been subjected to.

The nauseating clip is here

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Alcohol concern. Mine.

I read today that the conservatives are also going down the populist line of minimum pricing for alcohol.

Mr Grayling told delegates that many city centres had become "battle zones" for police due to drink-fuelled violence and anti-social behaviour.
Comes down to making the "Many" suffer for the follies of the "few".

Plans announced included:

  • Raising the price of a four-pack of super strength lager by £1.33 and more than double the tax on super strength cider
  • Increasing the price of large bottles of "alco-pops" by £1.50
  • Banning supermarkets from selling alcohol at below cost price
  • Introducing bigger fines for those caught selling to children. Repeat offenders could have their premises closed for several days.
  • Making "late night, problem premises" pay more for their alcohol licences to help cover the cost of policing.
If I was going to vote for them, then I'm not now. I've had enough of this nannying by the state.

Sir John Stanley: You've lost my vote.

Read the whole bloody article here.

Saturday, 15 August 2009

Dan Hannan - That broadcast.

Having just seen that interview on U tube, the conservatives and the MSM have blown the part about the NHS out of all proportion. He was just re-iterating what most of us who have had loved ones admitted to Hospital, already know. It's not working. Just because something has been around for 60 years, doesn't mean that it works well.

The BBC is another case in point. They might look to their own record over the last few years.
They should be another Monolith that should be up for intense scrutiny

Thursday, 12 February 2009

I am So, So, Sorry

I'm afraid that I watched the BBC 6 O'clock news again.

The main article of news was the arrival and expulsion of, you can guess, Geert Wilders.
I was absolutely appalled by the BBC's left wing bias on this. Phrases such as; Far right wing, stirring up racial hatred, etc.

But what got my goat, was the listing of all those, that this government of wankers, had excluded. Not one mention of the Tossers of hate peddling, that various labour twats had invited in .

Give me strength.

PS must remember to dig out the blood pressure monitor.
No sod it I'm going to have a stiff drink

Monday, 9 February 2009

I'm sorry again

I'm afraid I watched the BBC news tonight.

The main news item was the terrible fires in Australia. What I couldn't stomach, is that they had to parade a weather expert in to inform us that it was Global warming that caused it. We were told like naughty schoolboys that there would be more disasters caused by global warming in the future.

What utter Bollocks. Australia has had bush fires every year since records begun, notwithstanding that some of these fires maybe have been the work of arsonists.

With all that hot air from the Beeb they should shut up and save the world.