Showing posts with label Paul Martin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paul Martin. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Hmm, busy day. Well, there's been action in the wake of the U.S. ambassador's threat to ground us (or was it to send us to bed without supper?) if we didn't play along with He-Who-Cannot-Safely-Eat-A-Pretzel's plans with suitable humility. From the CBC:

Martin rejects U.S. ambassador's rebuke
Last Updated Tue, 13 Dec 2005 20:37:52 EST
CBC News

Liberal Leader Paul Martin denied Tuesday he was making the U.S. a target in the federal election campaign after being rebuked by the U.S. ambassador to Canada for continually criticizing his southern neighbour.

Martin rejected criticisms by Ambassador David Wilkins, who suggested the Liberal leader had attacked some U.S. policies to score political points.

David Wilkins, U.S. ambassador to Canada at a Canadian Club luncheon speech in Ottawa, Tuesday, Dec 13. "I have not made the United States or any country a target in the campaign," Martin told reporters while campaigning in Surrey, B.C., for the Jan. 23 election.

Ok, that's all well and good, but the most interesting part comes at the end of the article:

Martin took the opportunity to slam Conservative Leader Stephen Harper, saying he would always give in to Washington.

"If the thesis of Mr. Harper is that the only way to have good relations with the United States is to concede everything to the United States, then I do not accept that at all.

"We do expect our partners to honour our agreements and I will defend Canada – period."

What the Hell? That sounded suspiciously like the PM actually standing up for Canada! And of course Harper would always give in to Washington, he's fucking trying to defend himself in the press down there. These are not the actions of somebody who gives a fuck what Canadians think. Anyway, Paul, good on you, but do you think you could try to keep that sort of thing going when we're not trundling through an election campaign? It would be fun if you did!

Anyway, the useless twerp who runs Can I Be An American Now, Please? and the drooling morons who follow him around were predictably all a-twitter about this, whining about how awfully oppressed they (and the U.S. ambassador) are:

U.S. Ambassador can also talk, no?
Or is that privilege restricted to liberals and the left generally, and only against conservative Republican administrations in the U.S.?

Yes, of course the U.S. ambassador can talk, you simpleton. And when he gets patronizing and stupid, people (for example the Prime Minister) can tell him so. It's called "freedom of speech," shiteyes, and it's your worst fucking enemy.

I Aten't Dead, with apologies to Granny Weatherwax and the many, many, people who have already used that line to introduce a return to regular blogging.

Anyway, what'd we miss?

Well, Paul Martin put the Shrub administration into a snit by daring, daring, to criticize them on climate change. And with what fiery, over-the-top, rhetoric did he do this thing? Well, he said this:

"To the reticent nations, including the United States, I'd say this: there is such a thing as a global conscience, and now is the time to listen to it. Now is the time to join with others in our global community."

Oooooh, burn, baby. Yeesh. And, this just in: Our latest Paul Cellucci clone has expressed patronizing outrage over the incident, which was to be expected. I was actually worried a little bit about David Wilkins; he was being a little too, you know, ambassadorial. Good to see that that's all cleared up now. Anyway, the usual suspects knuckled under right away, of course.

Furthermore, the war on Christmas opened a Northern front,and the Forces of Stupidity recruited an actual living dinosaur to represent them, However, this whole ridiculous situation has turned out the best, without a doubt the best, piece of rantage to come along in the last month or so (Still not as good as Molly's take on Texas manhood, thought). Anyway, go, read, enjoy.

And that's about all for now.