Showing posts with label Vietnam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vietnam. Show all posts

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Ian Robinson Hangs A Slider Right Over The Plate

There are days when blogging is difficult. Whoever the muse of blogging is, she's just not around all the time. And then, there are times when it gets served up to you on a plate. Today is one of those times.

No pride in harbouring cowards from U.S.

Ok, an unpromising beginning. This looks like another snorefest about personal responsibility, making choices and living with the results, and other things that conservatives like to bleat about but which are, in fact, anathema to them. But wait...

Aw, it must have been such a beautiful moment.

There was a conference of Vietnam-era draft dodgers and deserters in B.C. last weekend, coming together after all these years to celebrate their deep-seated courage in avoiding service in the Vietnam war by coming to Canada.

Well, that's a switch. Seems Ian is still pissed off that we took in draft dodgers 40 years ago. One wonders vaguely why, given that even the architects of the Vietnam war have admitted that it was, pretty much, a clusterfuck.

They unveiled a statue showing a Canadian welcoming two fleeing Americans with open arms.

The sculpture was originally to have found a home in a municipal setting, but the national uproar it touched off sees it now in a private gallery in Nelson.

That would be this statue:

I think the fuss would have been more muted had the statue perhaps better reflected the reality of those times.

What, you mean we didn't actually take in draft dodgers and their families? Now Ian's confusing me.

Shoulda been a chicken hiding behind a beaver.

Hey look, snark!

Yep. A beautiful moment. That is if you were born without the capacity to feel shame.

Actually, I think most people are born without the capacity to feel shame, and that it develops in early childhood. But we won't get into that, cause we're coming to the money shot here. This is where Ian writes something that is so dumb, so inane, and so just plain wrong that all one can do is sit and admire its stupiditude:

Let's get something clear here.

Vietnam was a moral war.

I see.

Ian Robinson's morality in action.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


Ok, this actually happened a little over a week ago, but it's still damn funny (first spotted through the Oi! Thump! crystal ball here):

Hatch refers to Iraq as Vietnam

WASHINGTON - Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, flubbed Monday and referred to Iraq as Vietnam while commenting on Fox News against an immediate troop withdrawal.
"The Democratic Party seems to be taken over by the Michael Moore contingent in their attitude toward Vietnam, and they continually call for a withdrawal of troops at a time when we haven't finished the job," Hatch said on the network's morning show. Hatch's spokesman acknowledged the error, which was first reported on the American Prospect Web log.


Spokesman Peter Carr said the Utah senator had been reading a magazine article that referred to analogies between the Iraq and Vietnam wars and misstated what he meant to say.

The new number 1 on the list of People Whose Jobs I Don't Envy: Peter Carr!!!! "Um yeah, my boss tends to get confused by the sight of words, and he's a little unclear re: what decade and century we're living in, and his picture is now in the dictionary next to the entry for "Freudian Slip", and, um, what was the question again?"

Main Entry: Freudian slip
Function: noun
: a slip of the tongue that is motivated by and reveals some unconscious aspect of the mind

Actually, it must be said that Orrin at least gets on the bad side of conservatives once in awhile, even if the less we say about his music career, the better...

Friday, January 21, 2005

It's oh so easy...

Most folks have probably already seen the above picture, of a little Iraqi girl crying after U.S. soldiers gunned down her parents on the off-chance that they were suicide bombers. And a lot of people in the blogosphere have already made the ironic connection between that photo and the "Freedom on the March" mantra of little Georgie. So there's not really too much more to say on that score, other than to note that my sympathies are also extended somewhat to the soldiers who participated in this particular monumental fuck-up; some sleepless nights ahead for them, methinks.

However, the picture looked oddly familiar to me; a little girl, in terrible fear, her life destroyed by American imperial ambition and greed maskerading as donated freedom. Where have we seen that before? Oh yeah, here:

Perhaps someone on the right can explain to me why the iconic images of America's purported attempts at liberation are always children crying. Any takers?