When I saw a yellow butterfly hovering around my yellow cosmos, I remembered the LEM Photography Challenge with the theme, Yellow.
If you are wondering where the yellow butterfly is, well, butterflies don't wait for the camera to arrive.
There were however other bugs waiting for their photos to be taken.
You might have noticed that there have been a lot of activities around the cosmos flowers, including in my last few posts.
I would always remember the green praying mantis that waved and smiled to me from a cosmos flower.
If you are looking for some critter activities, grow cosmos.
Critters tend to be easily charmed by cosmos.
Grow once and it easily self reseeds.
You might have noticed that there have been a lot of activities around the cosmos flowers, including in my last few posts.
I would always remember the green praying mantis that waved and smiled to me from a cosmos flower.
If you are looking for some critter activities, grow cosmos.
Critters tend to be easily charmed by cosmos.
Grow once and it easily self reseeds.