Yellow represents sunshine.
It is associated with joy and happiness.
Before I decided what to grow, cosmos invaded.
I got rid of some but left most of them where they were because I thought they would be good to attract all the interesting critters apart from looking beautiful.
Below is a Common Grass Yellow Butterfly.
Here is a White Antenna Wasp Moth.
It is a moth, NOT a wasp.
Plain Tiger Butterfly.
Thanks to Nature Rambles, the orange butterfly below is called a Peacock Pansy.
It resembles the Blue Pansy which also appeared on the cosmos.
It resembles the Blue Pansy which also appeared on the cosmos.
Don't you just love the orange skipper below?
I'm entering this photo in Picture This Photo Contest at Gardening Gone Wild.
The theme for this month is 'Fill the Frame' and in this instance, it is the bokeh that is filling the frame, not the skipper.
Here is another orange insect.
Come to think of it, there are lots of of orange insects at this time.
Anything to do with Halloween approaching?
Treehoppers suck the sap of the plant.
They may not be healthy for plants but it really doesn't matter to me.
The cosmos has served its purpose of attracting many critters, both beneficial and otherwise.
A lady bug should be a delightful sight for most gardeners, I guess.
Actually, I enjoy these cosmos with or without the critters.
Anyone keen to adopt a grasshopper?
Probably not.
How about a dragonfly?
Linking up with :
GBBD at May Dreams Garden
Camera Critters
Probably not.
How about a dragonfly?
Linking up with :
GBBD at May Dreams Garden
Camera Critters