Showing posts with label banana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label banana. Show all posts


Anything for Bananas

The new born silvered leaf monkey differs considerably from the adults as it has orange fur, white face, hands and feet.

Its skin changes to black within days of birth.

The babies love to suck thumbs and fingers just like human babies.

It takes about 3 months for the orange fur to turn to black.

These monkeys live in groups but obviously the brown one is just a passer-by.

The females help one another out with their offspring.

For a moment, I thought highly of such a helpful guardian.

We were told that bananas is their favourite food although they eat many other things like long beans, peanuts and bread too.

 Despite the struggling and squealing of the baby, its guardian threw the baby down when she saw someone offering bananas.
The monkeys were hungry because not many tourists have been feeding them during the raining season.
However, it was no excuse to let the baby fall from 3 feet high.

Its mother quickly came to the rescue...

...and had to give her 'friend' a real dirty look!
I hope the baby didn't suffer brain damage.
Never trust a hungry monkey who would do anything for bananas.

After reading Donna's comment below, I'll add that these monkeys are living in the wild on a historical hill which is called Bukit Melawati.
This small peak was once a mighty fortress built in the 17th century to safeguard the state from Dutch forces.
I am adding the photo below to show you how the monkeys live.
Thank you for the good question, Donna.

Linking up with:
This or That Thursday.
Fabulous Friday.


Caption - Counting Calories

It's Photo Caption time again.

monkey stare at banana

One : Do not disturb! I'm counting calories; 148, 149...

b-a-g : 150 calories! I'll work it out by swinging in the trees for half an hour.

Anna Should I, or shouldn't I? I have eaten 20 already!

  Lisa : Kinda plain, don't you think?

  MyGardenHaven : Ooh, my stars...this fortune cookie banana says that I am meeting the monkey of my dreams on the day I have my blue eye-shadow on!!!

dogs chew cornstalk

Hootin' Anni : ...and Pandas EAT this daily? Ewwww!

GardenSpot : I got the heavy end, Clifford complains.

GardenWalkGardenTalk : Now, who do we get to limbo? Oh, Pichu...

Pomeranian smiling

This is Pichu, the tiny Pomeranian preparing to limbo...

Kitchen Flavours : Come on, Pichu! Do your limbo. We don't have all day!

Above is a butterfly covered with pollen and below is a praying mantis posing on a flower.

I am looking excitedly forward to your captions for these 2 critters.
Comments are very much welcomed too.
Linking up with :

Macro Monday
Creative Exchange
Fertilizer Friday


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