Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts


I Have Been Framed

I can't help amusing myself with photos and silly thoughts.

Goldee was resting comfortably among the flowers and ground cover when she suddenly felt trapped.
She thought she could have been framed.
See the looks in her eyes above.

I assured her that I was only using her lovely golden fur to frame the flowers.

When one is worried, one loses focus.
It seems that she has forgotten her intention to sleep.

If you enjoy these silly little photo stories, visit 'Words in Pictures' in my other blog; Tropical Nature Photos.
I intend to post 'Words in Pictures' daily in that blog for 30 days as a challenge for myself.
Do I have the photos and words ready?
Definitely not.
I have no clue what I shall be posting next.
I must not worry as worries might cause me to lose focus.
Breathe in, breathe out...

Have a great weekend!

Linking up with :
Flaunt your Flowers
Roses and Stuff - It's a Trap
Fabulous Friday
The Purple Tree House


Fair vs Unfair

There are many meanings to the word 'fair'.
Today I'm sharing some of the meanings of 'fair' pictorially.
There are 3 sets of meanings to this four-lettered word below.

Caution : Do not take the meanings too seriously.
















What is fair to you?

Lining up with :

Flaunt your Flowers


Dance to Raise Funds and Votes

In an  effort to raise funds for Japan, my 8 year old niece performed a 2 minute dance during a Cardio Dance Party recently.

She is incredible!
You've got to watch this!
Click on the image to enjoy the dance.
You may have to log into a Facebook account to view since I have extracted the video from Facebook.

Have you enjoyed Desiree's remarkable entertainment?

Apart from fund raising, Desiree is also vote raising for her aunt who is participating in 2 categories of a local blogging contest.

Here's a yellow collage which consists of blooms in my garden as a token of my appreciation for your dropping by and for voting.
The instruction for voting is at the bottom of the post.

This red collage would be for my little niece for helping me raise votes.

Thank you for the incredible dance, Desiree.
Thank you for the support everyone.

...and this paper wasp is to make my post complete.
See, it is smiling!

Onenezz's current rankings for category:
Top LOL : 5
Blogger of the Year : 11

Procedure for voting:
1. Click on a "Support Me!" button above.
2. Scroll down and log into Facebook.
3. Key in the 2-word Captcha and click on 'Vote, located next to it'.

Thank you for your support.



Adapting to Change

Have you ever heard a tune and find yourself humming the tune repeatedly?
I have just seen a photo and the image stayed, my heart hurts and I know I must share this.

Where there should be snow, instead there is a field of purple flowers, confusing this polar bear

The above photo is taken from Mail Online.
You may view all the beautiful photos and read the entire story by petting the bear on its head with the touch pad or mouse.
It is about the polar bear missing the snow and losing the ability to camouflage due to the change in climate.
I hope the bear doesn't turn purple but white flowers bloom abundantly instead.
Even then, the polar bear may miss feeding on ice.
I guess we human do encounter changes in our environment and learn to adapt as well.

Back in my garden, there are green grasshoppers that camouflage well amongst the leaves.

However, there is a white grasshopper that stands out which reminds me of the polar bear.
Will there come a day when we encounter snow in the tropics?
Will we adapt?
Let's live in the present moment and enjoy what we have today.
Who knows, they may be gone tomorrow.
Meanwhile trust that we would be able to adapt to changes...


Irresistible Flowers

Flowers can be irresistible to many of us.

Some may be attracted to the fragrance.

Blogging from Bolivia
Some may just love the texture and taste.

Some develop a symbiotic relationship with the flower.
One offers food source, the other offers protection.

Some derive their energy from nectar and bring home pollen for the little ones.

Some play 'hide and eat' but obligingly smile and wave to the photographer.

Others know that flowers are to be admired from a distance...hopefully.

I have borrowed some stunning images for these collages from a flower delivery
Wouldn't you agree that flowers can be irresistible?

I especially love these gorgeous bouquets of orchids.
 Because they come with roots!

Hmmm....Why not get a bouquet on Fathers Day?

Father gets his gift while Mother enjoys the gift.
The puppies can of course appreciate the fragrance and admire from a distance.

Camera Critters MM3

Hop over to May Dreams Gardens to see what's blooming all over the world.


Shades of Orange

Here are some of the items with shades of orange in the garden.

Top view of Moon Cactus.
With barely any care for the last 6 months, this yellow-orange moon cactus still look gorgeous, doesn't it?

They are grown in between cabbage plants.
I don't know exactly what the marigold did, but I certainly managed to harvest all my cabbages this time and in good shape too.

Geiger Flower Tree
A row of these trees are grown by the developer in front of my house.
They look good from this direction.
Lots of fallen dried leaves and fruits on the opposite direction.

These are thriving despite daily rain last month and rainless days this month.

Titty Fruit (Solanum mammosum)
These are not edible but I think they look cute.

See the peace symbol?
We use our fingers, the bug uses its antennae.

Orange beetle.
What could it be up to?

Skipper - not a true butterfly nor a moth.
More of this in another post.

It's purpose is to ensure no mosquito larvae in my lotus pot.
Sometimes I scoop up some of the water and fish waste to add to the compost pile.

My favourite orange items would have to be these 3 dragonflies.
I have yet to see them catch their prey.
So far, I've only seen a spider eating a caterpillar and a praying mantis eating a fly.

Visit May Dreams Garden to see what is blooming throughout the world.

Blogging from Bolivia       Copy_of_001   Camera Critters

This photo below is still waiting for more captions.
Selected ones will be posted next Wednesday.
Click on the photo to share your thoughts.

Have a wonderful weekend!


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