One : Do not disturb! I'm counting calories; 148, 149...
b-a-g : 150 calories! I'll work it out by swinging in the trees for half an hour.
Anna : Should I, or shouldn't I? I have eaten 20 already!
Lisa : Kinda plain, don't you think?
MyGardenHaven : Ooh, my stars...this fortune cookie banana says that I am meeting the monkey of my dreams on the day I have my blue eye-shadow on!!!
Hootin' Anni : ...and Pandas EAT this daily? Ewwww!
GardenSpot : I got the heavy end, Clifford complains.
GardenWalkGardenTalk : Now, who do we get to limbo? Oh, Pichu...
This is Pichu, the tiny Pomeranian preparing to limbo...
Kitchen Flavours : Come on, Pichu! Do your limbo. We don't have all day!
Above is a butterfly covered with pollen and below is a praying mantis posing on a flower.
I am looking excitedly forward to your captions for these 2 critters.
Comments are very much welcomed too.
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Macro Monday
Creative Exchange
Fertilizer Friday