Showing posts with label French Inspired Bedrooms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label French Inspired Bedrooms. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Inspirational Bedroom Designs; Which is Your Favorite?

Greetings Everyone!

We hope that everyone had a great Christmas Holiday.  It has been a busy one around here! Now we have entered the time where we are all suffering from post holiday guilt; mainly from eating one too many pieces of fudge, and visiting the dessert table one too many times.  Thankfully the new year is right around the corner and we can again make a resolution to exercise more and eat healthier foods; just like last year right??

Today we find ourselves indoors, far away from post holiday shopping.  We aren't the only ones, as a blizzard is currently taking place just outside our window here in Indiana.  I am sure the local merchants are disappointed, but for us it makes for a perfect day of slowing things down, and enjoying time with each other.

It was also one of those mornings where you just didn't want to get out of bed.  In honor of staying longer in bed, we have decided to show some of our favorite, cozy bedroom spaces.

Which one makes you want to sleep in a little longer?

Love the blue used in this bedroom.  The canopy over the headboard really gives the room height.  Also love the little secretary in the corner as we have one that is very similar.
I know this picture has been floating around for a few years, but we still love it! The entire space has a rustic french style, from the beams to the arched french doors.  If I am correct, this has some hints of a Jack Arnold designed home.

Another elegant bedroom with what appears to be a matching baby bed also under a canopy.
Love the dimensions of this bedroom and sitting room.  Again we love the blue color used on the wall and some of the fabrics.  If I had a sitting room this large I may never leave my bedroom!
Source Luis Aceved Interiors
This four post bed with canopy gives a more masculine vibe with darker colors and woods.
Who wouldn't want to wake up next to this roaring fire? With a blizzard outside, this may have been as far as I made it today.
Maybe it is just us, but we never seem to get our beds to appear as cozy and fluffy as the photographs.  Would love to spend all day rolled up in this bed. Love the molding detail along with the often seen French yellow and blue color combinations.
This is one shot of our current master bedroom.  At the new house we intend to use this set in our guest bedroom, and go with something similar to the first photograph in our new master.  This duvet and bench were great Pottery Barn finds!

Now that some of the holiday craziness is over we plan to return to house planning.  January is the final push to get all of the bids and estimates completed.  Depending on the circumstances, we could be sharing construction posts within the next few months.

Wishing everyone a safe day!

- Tonya and Rob