Showing posts with label events. Show all posts
Showing posts with label events. Show all posts

Birthday Wish

This post is perfect timing hehe!
My birthday is a few days away from now and my sister was asking me what I would like to have as a gift.  She saw that I was looking at some bulova watches because I’ve been thinking of buying a new watch.  Right now though, I don’t have a budget for it yet because we have a lot of payables this month plus it will be enrollment next month.  But who knows, maybe my sister is being a bit generous this year and will give the watch on my birthday? We’ll see! Hehe!

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Kirsten's 7th Birthday!

Last month, we attended Kirsten’s Royal 7th Birthday Ball at Valle Verde 5 Clubhouse.  Kids are encouraged to wear gown and thankfully I was able to find one for Hannah.  Her cousin Margo left some of her gowns that she used when she was a flower girl and we just had it repaired.  For Lance, we bought long sleeves for him and they just lend us a vest so he’ll look more formal. :)

Kaekae was so cute wearing her gown and her siblings look great also. It was also great that most of her guests followed the theme that they came in their gowns or looks kingly.

The party was a success and the kids had so much fun!  Happy 7th birthday again Kaekae.

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Christmas Gift

I’m trying to make a Christmas list now so that by the time I’ll have money; I know what to buy for my godchildren and for my friends and my family. One of my godson is a teenager and I’m thinking of giving him a G-shock watch. I’ve been having a hard time looking for gifts for teenagers because I don’t know what they want anymore. I hope my budget will fit the price of the watch so we’ll see.

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That’s one of the events that I really love to go.  I love it when you feel the love and care of the couple who’s getting married and I feel honored that you’re invited to witness a very special event in their lives.  At the same time, it also feels good to see friends and relatives whom you haven’t seen in a long time.
My favorite part during a wedding is when the bride walks down the aisle to meet his husband to be.  There are even times that I cry especially when the bride or the groom is crying too!  Yes, that’s how emotional I am!  Actually, I think I cry in almost all the weddings I attended lol!
Anyway, about wedding preparations, of course one focus of the bride is her gown and how it will look on her.  I’m sure most brides check out different magazines or websites such as DressFirst to serve as guide on the different designs of wedding gowns and at the same time see what the latest material to be used is.
I remember the time when I was preparing for my wedding, I really have no idea what type of gown I’d like to wear.  I don’t know what style looks good on me or how long my trail should be.  Thankfully my cousin helped me and introduced me to her couturier.  At that time, I just let the couturier sketch and suggest the style that’s good on me.  If I had known back then about DressFirst, it would have been easier since there are a lot of designs to choose from, and they also have different accessories, veils, headpieces, even shoes, and whatever it is you need on your big day. Look at the pictures below which I grabbed from their site, those are just two of the styles you can choose from and they have a lot! Nice wedding dresses right? :)

It is really a very helpful site and brides today are lucky that there are sites like those that can help you with just a click of your finger.
Anyway, it’s been awhile since I last attended a wedding and I am looking forward to going to one again.  We will see who and when will it be. :)

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Chelsea's 8th Birthday!

The daughter of my sister’s friend celebrated her 8th birthday last week.  At first, my sister was planning to take Hannah only to the party while Paul, Lance and I are going to Batangas to take my mom there since she wants to spend Holy Week in the province.  That didn’t push thru because Paul had to work and so Lance and I joined in the party.
We’re glad we joined the party because as usual we had fun.  It was good to see old faces again since they have been my sister’s friends since grade school and it was good to see how their friendship had grown.  It made me miss my friends though.:(
Anyway, thanks again Irene for inviting us.  My kids had a really great time and it was nice to see you again.  Happy birthday again to Chelsea!:)

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