Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Ukelele Electric

Have you ever heard something about ukulele electric?  I haven’t, until one time I saw it on one of the tv shows my sister is watching and I find it really cool.  It generates such a powerful sound but still calm and peaceful and yes very cool.  I don’t know if it is because the guy playing it is good looking and carries and plays with it in a very appealing way hehe or it just sounds really nice and cool.  I guess it’s the latter.  Anyway, if you haven’t heard about the ukulele electric yet, go find out about it.  I’m sure you’ll find it interesting too. :)

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I was invited by some of my musician’s friend for a jamming session at their house.  He said they would like to try the new roland effects at musicians friend that he recently bought and he asked me if I want to hear it and make some comments.
Unfortunately I was not able to join them because my weekend was full already plus I don’t have a nanny for the kids.  My friends’ said they really had a good time and our friend’s new musical instrument is really awesome.  I told him that I’ll try to visit and try it as well as soon as I have the time. :)

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One of my frustrations is to become a musician. I can play the keyboards but I can’t sing well, oh and I can’t play the keyboards well too, I just know how hehe! Anyway, I really pray that my kids will learn to love music and play at least one instrument. Even the schlagwerk unique hand drums is ok for me. At least it’s one of a kind and I’m sure it’s really cool. But just in case they won’t like it, I’m hoping that my daughter will learn how to play the guitar or the piano and my son the guitar or the drums. They are both showing their interest already and I’m just trying to get funds to send them to a music school. Wish me luck! :)

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Happy 1st Birthday Natalia and Isabel

Last week, we attended a royal birthday party for Isabel and Natalia. Queen Kelly and King Gats invited us and my kids had so much fun. It was a nice party, and different from what we used to attend. The hosts were great and the program was simple yet entertaining. They even have a live background music with guitars and a resonatorwhile the host / teacher is telling a story. Thank you again Kelly and Gats for inviting us and Happy, happy birthday to the twins! I’m sure you’re going to be very fine ladies just like your mom. ;)

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Kids' Interests

As mentioned in my previous post, we attended a party yesterday and took home lots of prizes. One of them is this small drum set which my daughter loves to play now. She’s been telling me that she wanted to learn how to play the drums ever since she got a chance to use/play a real drum set. One was during our family Christmas party in Batangas and just recently at Joaqui’s 7th birthday party. I know my daughter is more inclined into arts and music while my son is into sports. When we were at the mall last Saturday, we passed by the area where they sell music instruments. Hannah immediately went there and tried playing the keyboards. She also saw Selmer Clarinets and asked me how it works. She also tried to strum the guitar but got frustrated when it doesn’t make a sound being an electric guitar. Anyway, I’m really glad my kids are showing interests in something else not just in playing gadgets. I really like them to learn to play at least 1 instrument and also to learn how to swim and have interest in other sports, like basketball and volleyball. Both are showing it now and I will support them as long as I can. :)

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My sister and I were talking about my cousin who loves music.  She’s a great singer, knows how to play the guitar and the keyboards as well and is married to a musician too.  His husband plays bass guitar and knows how to play the drums too!  No wonder their kids also love music even if they are just 1 and 3 years old.  Start them young right! :)
Anyway, I really love listening to them when they talk about music but there are times that I get lost in the conversation especially when they talk about different stuff to enhance the instrument they are using.  Like my cousin said she’d like to buy audio-technica ath-m50, and some drum sticks, etc.  I really hope my kids will learn to love music too, for now both of them loves to dance, while my daughter loves to sing too! Next time I’ll encourage them to learn to play one instrument each.  Good luck to me! :)

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