Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts

Grocery Time

Every other week is our schedule for grocery.  Normally, Hannah and I go to the grocery together with my mom for the senior citizen discount.  Yesterday my sister went with us also for she needs to have her laptop charger repair.
There were several samples of new food and other stuff yesterday at the grocery.  There were different flavors of chicken nuggets, hotdogs and even milk.  There were also wines, tatuaje cigars, and laundry soap.  I remember Paul saying that if you tried all the sample food at the grocery, you’ll end up full already when you’re done. Lol!  Anyway, I hope that the snacks we bought for the kids will be enough until our next grocery schedule.  Sometimes, they get too fond of eating that they keep on getting food at their snack box. :)

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Breakfast at Manila Pen

We realized that we haven’t used our voucher yet for breakfast at The Lobby and so last Dec 22, we went there with the kids to avail of the free breakfast.  Lance enjoyed it so much that he keeps on saying “it’s a good day for breakfast”.  He loved the bacon, hash brown, and eggs, while Hannah ate bacon, sausage and fruits.  Paul and I enjoyed it too and were glad that the kids loved it.  Lance said that he wants to come back again to eat there and hopefully we can come back soon. :)

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Food Trip

My colleague and I were craving for Wee Nam Kee’s squid and thankfully our boss and some of our colleagues gave in to our request and went with us to eat at Ayala Triangle.  We had the honey crispy squid, hainanese chicken, hot and sour soup, spareribs and of course rice.  I was so full after eating that I had a hard time standing up after.  And since we’re in ayala triangle already, we decided to have our dessert at caramia.  Yes to mint chocolate gelato! Hehe! :)

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McDo Midnight Snack

Last Sunday, we were not able to have dinner anymore after coming from my cousin’s birthday party in her house. In the middle of the night, I woke up because I was hungry and I can hear my stomach grumbling. The funny thing is Paul is awake too because he too is hungry. We decided to order at McDonalds for a quick snack. So at 3:00am, Paul and I are happily munching our cheeseburger meals. Thank God for 24hrs delivery service! :)

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Becky's Kitchen

Last week, our department went to eat at Aling Nene’s in South Super Highway because they are craving for it’s barbeque. After that, we decided to go to Becky’s for my boss is craving for something sweet. I decided to buy a box of crinkles for I’m sure my kids will love it and true enough, they immediately consumed the crinkles and the box was empty in just one day. Too bad I only bought one box. Next time, if ever we’ll be given the chance to go there again, I’ll make sure I’ll buy more. :)

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Buy One Take One

The CafĂ© France here in our building always has a buy one take one promo every Friday. So today, I went there to buy a couple of bread which I hope the kids will like. I bought croissants, turnover and loaf. Their breads are yummy and their loaf is soft too!! I’m sure from now on I’ll be going there every Friday. :D

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What I Need

I’ve been complaining about my weight for the longest time but I know I’m to blame on it because I really don’t try hard enough. I’ve been careless on what I eat and I don’t have my regular exercise anymore. My friends told me that I need foods that burn fat so it will be easier for me to lose weight. I really should start looking for one if I am serious on losing weight.

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I’ve been craving for the food at CPK for a long time and Paul and I just can’t find the time to go there. But finally last night, we were able to go. We went to their Trinoma branch for it is the nearest branch to our house. I was so happy when our order of garlic cream fettuccine with shrimp arrived I almost finished all of it hehe! Too bad though that their original bbq chicken pizza lacks flavor as before. Despite that, it was still a wonderful dinner. Thanks honey!

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Craving for...

...CPK’s pesto cream penne or garlic cream fettuccine with shrimp or Bubba Gump’s Shrimp Shack pasta or Boubon Street Mahi-Mahi. Nope I’m not pregnant. It’s just that I haven’t eaten in these restos in a long time and these four cuisines are my favorites. I hope Paul will be in Makati anytime next week so that we can eat here together.

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Dinner At Dampa

We had dinner last night at Dampa, Cubao. One of my officemates treated us last night so who are we to say no. She just said she wants to eat at dampa and asked everybody in our floor to go so off we went. We had ensaladang mangga, calamares, crablets, inihaw na tilapia, sinigang na maya-maya, baked tahong and my all time favorite buttered shrimp. Sayang we were not able to take any photo for as soon as the food arrived, everybody started eating. I ate so much that I felt dizzy after eating hehe! I think I had 3 cups of rice arrgghhh… And since I’m dizzy, I decided to wait for Paul in Gateway so that we can take the cab together. Haayy… I really love dampa!

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Market Day

Today is market day. Toni and ate Rose left early this morning to buy about a week’s worth of food at the market. So armed with the trusty old personalized tote bag from her parents, off they went to the market. Yeah, we could buy the food at the supermarket when we do our groceries, but it’s going to be a little more expensive than the market. And you’d get it fresh, not frozen.

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What's Inside Your Fridge

Thanks Eds and Abie for this tag.

I was not able to take a picture of what's inside our fridge so i'll just list them down here and like eds, it's empty too hahaha!. We're scheduled to go to the market this coming weekend pa. Anyway, here's what's inside our fridge as far as I can remember.

Frozen Products – Meat, Chicken, Fish
Hotdogs, French fries, Fish balls
Chocolates (hindi nawawalan nito sa ref hehe!)
Left over foods
Eggs, chuckie, nestle melon
Catsup, pancake syrup, etc
Water and coke hehe!
I think that’s everything.

Tagging all those who haven't done this yet. :)

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Food Choices Week 1

Take on the Pounds:

1. Appetizer: Soup or Salad? Salad
2. Steak: Rare or Well-Done? Well-Done
3. Coffee: Caffeinated or Decaff? Caffeinated
4. Chocolate: Milk or Dark? Anything basta chocolates!!!
5. Soda: Coke or Pepsi? Coke
6. Soda-Diet: Coke Light or Coke Zero (Pepsi Max anyone?) Coke Zero

Shed it off:

1. After eating, do you still do dessert? Yes. Now it's a must! :)
2. Which do you prefer? Something sweet
3. Walk or Run? Walk
4. (Answer to Number 3): Outdoors or In the Gym? Outdoors
5. Routine or Dance? Dance
6. Diet? Now? No diet. In fact I'm eating a lot now, ngii!!

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