Showing posts with label nuklear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nuklear. Show all posts

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Obor-Obor Laut Sebabkan Reaktor Nuklear Israel di Tutup

Selepas kebakaran hutan dan banjir memaksa beberapa reaktor nuklear di tutup, kali ini Allah turunkan tenteranya yang paling lembik iaitu obor-obor menyerang reaktor tersebut menyebabkan sistem penyejukan reaktor tersebut tersumbat dan mengancam reaktor tersebut.

Jellyfish overflowing into the station
Obor-obor laut Menyerang Laluan Sistem Penyejukan Reaktor

Israel Bertarung Dengan Bertan-tan Obor-obor

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Stesen Nuklear Los Alamos Pula Terancam

Selepas banjir besar memaksa penutupan beberapa reaktor nuklear di US, kebakaran besar yang melanda wilayah Los Alamos setakat ini membakar lebih 60,000 ekar tanah sedang mengancam stesen nuklear Los Alamos. Los Alamos merupakan pusat pembuatan bom atom dan kelengkapan perang nuklear US yang terpenting. Kebakaran itu sedang mengancam kawasan simpanan yang mengandungi 20,000 tong sisa plutonium. US setakat ini telah mengerahkan segala kelengkapannya terdiri dari bomba dan pasukan pengawal kebangsaan.

UPDATE 2-Los Alamos scurries to protect nuclear lab from fire

Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:20pm EDT
* Nuclear weapons lab closes due to fire danger* Fire has potential to double or triple in size (Adds fire at zero containment; changes dateline from Santa Fe)
By Zelie Pollon
LOS ALAMOS, N.M., June 28 (Reuters) - New Mexico fire managers scrambled on Tuesday to reinforce crews battling a third day against an out-of-control blaze at the edge of one of the top U.S. nuclear weapons production centers.
The fire's leading edge burned to within a few miles of a dump site where some 20,000 barrels of plutonium-contaminated waste, including clothing and equipment, is stored at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, fire officials said.
Officials for the government-run lab said the stored waste is considered low-level radioactive material and remains a safe distance from the fire in an area cleared of trees and other vegetation.
Carl Beard, director of operations for the lab, said there has been no release of radioactive or hazardous materials into the environment and there was no immediate threat to public safety, "even in these extreme conditions."
Established during World War Two as part of the top-secret Manhattan Project to build the first atomic bomb, the lab remains one of the leading nuclear arms manufacturing facilities in the United States.
Authorities have suspended routine removal of the waste drums for shipment to a permanent underground disposal site in southern New Mexico, said Los Alamos County Fire Chief Douglas Tucker.
"Because of the fire, they are not moving any of that. It is safer where it is," he said.
The fire, believed to have been ignited on Sunday by a fallen power line, has consumed nearly 61,000 acres (25,000 hectares) of thick pine woodlands in the Santa Fe National Forest, which surrounds the lab complex and adjacent town of Los Alamos on three sides.
Tucker said he feared the so-called Las Conchas Fire, whipped by high, rapidly shifting winds, could soon double or triple in size. The blaze remained listed as at zero percent containment and burning largely unchecked in its third day.
"I seriously believe it could go to 100,000 acres (40,000 hectares)," Tucker told reporters at a news briefing on Tuesday. "We have fire all around the lab. It's a road away."
A small offshoot of the blaze jumped State Highway 4 onto the lab grounds on Monday, burning about an acre (0.4 hectare) of property before it was extinguished about two hours later.
More than 300 firefighters, backed up by several water-dropping helicopters, battled the blaze as fire managers scurried to bring in additional ground crews.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

US Sembunyikan Krisis Reaktor Nuklear Nebraska

ABC news reports that there is already 2 feet of water at some parts of the Fort Calhoun nuclear plant:
Although the Fort Calhoun plant ... is surrounded by an eight foot tall and 16 foot wide protective berm, two feet of water have already made its way to several areas of the Fort Calhoun plant, but authorities say there is no immediate danger at either plant.
CNN confirms:
U.S. nuclear regulators say two Nebraska nuclear power plants have protected critical equipment from the rising waters of the Missouri River even though flooding has reached the grounds of one of them.

Parts of the grounds are already under two feet of water as the swollen Missouri overflows its banks. But the Omaha Public Power District, which owns the plant, hasbuilt flood walls around the reactor, transformers and the plant's electrical switchyard, the NRC said."They've surrounded all the vital equipment with berms," Dricks said.An 8-foot-tall, water-filled berm, 16 feet wide at its base, surrounds the reactor containment structure and auxiliary buildings, the NRC says. The plant has brought in an additional emergency diesel generator, water pumps, sandbags and firefighting equipment as well, according to regulators.
The Omaha World-Herald notes that the river is expected to rise an additional 4-5 inches at the Fort Calhoun and Cooper nuclear plants:
On Tuesday, the Army Corps of Engineers announced that releases from Gavins Point would increase another 7 percent to 160,000 cubic feet per second.

That will add about 4 to 5 inches in the river’s level at Fort Calhoun and Cooper Nuclear Stations, according to information from the corps and the National Weather Service...

The NRC has added two inspectors and a branch chief to the permanent two-person inspection crew at Fort Calhoun station, said Lara Uselding, spokeswoman. They are providing around-the-clock oversight there.
Fort Calhoun's chief nuclear officer Dave Bannister says that the river would have to rise another 31/2 feet above where it stands now to pose a danger to the reactor.  See this and this.

Hopefully, no dams will break, and the emergency measures will work.
Here are photos of the Aqua Dam installed outside the Fort Calhoun plant courtesy of the official OPPD Flood and Outage blog:

June 10th (AquaDam protecting the Administration Building at Fort Calhoun Nuclear Station):

June 14th view of the plant and AquaDam:

(Click the above image, and then zoom in ... you can see a man walking across the bridge on the left side of the picture to get a sense of scale.)

June 15th (AquaDam protecting the nuclear station):

June 17th (AquaDam protecting the nuclear station):
A writer named Tom Burnett alleges that radioactive fuel rods are being stored outside of the area of the AquaDam protection and in a flooded area of the plant.  Hopefully,  someone can quickly debunk or confirm his allegation.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Krisis Nuklear US

Nuklear reaktor di Nebraska di tenggelami banjir dan di isytiharkan bahaya pada tahap 4. Berlaku kebakaran pada sistem penyejukan menyebabkan reaktor tersebut terpaksa ditutup. Kegagalan menangganinya boleh menyebabkan "meltdown" dan menyebabkan kebocoran radiasi seperti di Fukushima.

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