
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Fact of the Day

Do YOU know that???
SOME people have mouths soooooo 'smelly'...
it can never ever be 'washed' clean
Even with 10 bottles of disinfectant???
Now you know...

Monday, January 29, 2007

Meeting up with Lilacyee

HOHO...i bet some of u might be wondering who is lilacyee ...kekeke

now if i say its

i hope it rings a bell now :P *ring ring*

Okieeee...tis dear gal hoh...could not make it for the friday night meet up so we decided to go on a one-on-one date on saturday afternoon! *giggle*

very the kan chiong ok!

this is like going on a date organised by the matchmaking agent...muahaha

so we arranged to meet each other at the monorail station of bukit bintang at 1.15pm...

so i was standing there trying to see whether there's any gal who's alone and who seemed to be waiting for someone...

i look and look...and still cannot find someone 'suspicious'

and it was then the irritating Unisense guy (unisense is a slimming company just in case some of you dont know what isit) walked over to me and started telling me abt their offer

SHID!!! i look like i need slimming?!?!?


now thats better UNISENSE GUY!!!!!! =)

so while i was busy trying to make the guy go away...i was still spying at the escalator up to the monorail station lor and it was then!!!

i saw a gal who seemed to be waiting for someone...

i was almost convinced it was my date for the afternoon i told the guy ..OH MY FREN IS HERE..n quickly walked to the another place to call up _butt

but before i even managed to dial her number...she called me up already...

but EH?~?~?~ the 'suspect' was not making a phone call wo!!

_butt told me shes on the escalator so i walked up and there she is!! =)

so we went to our lunch venue and started chatting about a lot a lot a lot of things :P

when we suddenly talked about how we managed to recognise each other just now...

and she said hor...she thought the gal that i thought was her, was me !!!

hehehehe...farni hoh?????

and that's how my 'date' went :D


Sunday, January 28, 2007



Me back...from land of Twin towers and great bloggers!!!! =)

me tired...


me met them bloggers...

lots of them...

like...Angel,Winn,Zeroimpact,May,Sengkor,Kenny,Nyonya,JL,Will,Monkticon :)

We go....

Eat .... bbq...chicken wing...

And many many more...

After that...we go...

Drink drink and chat chat...

Then baaaaaaaad things this...

This looks like _ _ _ _!

They nice people...

I like...

They say me blushing...

I say its me pink shirt...

Make me face look red...ROF

The nxt day...

Me met _Butt!!!

Me found the secret behind _butt

Now me know _butt NOT a$$


Now too sleepy

Bye bed smell niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

p/s i got a very very big mouth ulcer AGAIN! and the ironic thing is that...its heart-shaped!!!! Is this some sort a valentine's joke???

pp/s and no i wont post pics of my heart-shaped-gigantic-a$$-of-an-ulcer...its disgusting ok!

ppp/s for the record, the meet lasted from 8pm -12am...still cant beat THE ultimate bloggers meet lor

Wednesday, January 24, 2007



Just a short post to tell you all that...

I will be going away to........











so do leave me a comment or two will you?

to entertain me when i come back with an empty purse and burned out credit cards on sunday mah!!!

wahahaha :D

ok now...byebye!!! muaks!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Auntie and Uncle

i have a question for you all...

how do you determine whether a person is auntie/uncle material??

i mean how many yrs older does a person have to be, b4 you r considered 'young' enough to call him/her uncle/auntie leh?
10?20? 30??
of cos those who r 40 yrs++ older than you are considered AH KONG/AH MA la!..kekeke

b4 i started work...this doesnt seem to be much of an issue to me...

i mean,all my parents' friends automatically gain the auntie/uncle status regardless of how old they r...

and of cos my all my sisters' friends become koko/che-che also lor...

but when i started work and started to mingle around with ppl who are of the same age as my sisters and some who are even in the same age range as my parents...and i start calling them by their first name..

that was when things start to get weird :P
i mean they r considered as my friends/colleagues even tho they are old enough to be my dad/mom and therefore should be consider a 'peer'??
you cant expect me to start calling them uncle in the office mah rite???
so i started to take things for granted and one day i came home to find my mom's friends chatting with my mom...
so i walked in and gave them a casual "HI!"
to which my mom replied irritably "NO MANNERS AH!WHAT HI???...CALL AUNTIE LAH"
oops! ....
these friends of my mom are of the same age as those ppl in office i call by their first name how leh???
hmmmm *deep thought*
p/s i don wanto start calling Chen JIE JIE...ROTFL!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Simple Food

When i was little, i used to looooooooooooooooooveeeeee salted duck eggs a lot a lot alot !! =)

I love it to the extent that i can eat salted duck egg (lets call it SDE) alone for any one meal! whole duck egg can last me for 2 meals...half half ma :P

So my mom used to say that ... my future husband is going to be so lucky cos its so ez to 'feed' me....wahahah

So to my 'someone' (who should be reading this) you better cherish me properly! *cough cough*

It has been a while since i last had these SDEs and i had those just now!! WOOHOO!

My favourite way to eat them is to mash it all up together with my rice so that my rice will be yellowish due to the egg yolk...YUMM~

Besides SDE, i also had these......................

Black black thingy!...

Its actually some sort of fruit? vege? not sure...

The taste is very unique lorrr....i dont know hwo to describe it ... its not salty and not sweet ... hehehee...usually we eat it with soy sauce :)

And its quite rare....we dont get to see this in the market very im always HAPPY when my mom buys some home...

But not everyone knows how to eat this tho, due to its very peculiar taste...but i can tell you its very 'addictive' lor

The first time i tried it, i almost puked and never touched it again for many years...

Few years back, i gave it another try....and im hooked since then! muahahaha

And thats the simple dinner i had which made me a very satisfied ball of pinkcotton :D

p/s oh btw...HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! (for 2moro) even tho saturdays is always a holiday for me


Thursday, January 18, 2007

First Times...*wink wink*

I was tagged by Chen again! again and again...

This is about first times!... i was so engrossed reading chen's gross and scary and bloody first time experiences...mana tau! aik! become tag pulak...haiyoyo...

But its ok la...good also, give me some stuff to blog about ...wahaha

Ok these are my 5 first times ...jeng jeng jeng...need to dig deep inside my brain for any memories of first times :P

1. FIRST day at school

hehehe...the very first time i went to school was when i was 5 yrs old.going to kindy mah! and that's my first time being away from my parents or my bro/sisters for the longest time wo! but i didnt cry or anything...i was and still a good gal :)

but i didnt let my dad leave when class was about to begin..hehe...and he told me that he will be waiting for me at the canteen but i will just have to enter my class first.okok so i agreed and went to class

after dono-how-long, it could be hours or even minutes (that time i dont know how to read time la ok) i stood up and tried to look at the canteen which is visible from my class window. so my 'teecher' asked me what r u looking at? i said i m looking for my dad,he is at the canteen

my teecher said no lah no lah...where got...sit down!... i said got got!!...

luckily i din cry oh!!...after school i asked my dad how come i din see him ... and he said i didnt look carefully enough.and this went on until one fateful day i found out that he was at work all those can he be sitting at my school canteen during office hours leh?haiya silly me

2. First time i appeared in a newspaper! woohoo!

wahahaha...i bet some people might laugh their a$$es off when they hear this cos considering the state i am in might be hard to believe that i was once won a ......... KIDDIE BEAUTY PAGEANT ok! hahhaahahahhaha! no play play!

I was the second runner up of the Miss Photogenic title...kekeke...farnii~~

of cos i didnt join the pageant voluntarily lah!...those days...everything was decided by my parents.they say JOIN! ok i join...they say JUMP! i jump...haa...

so that was the time i appeared in several newspapers lo!...keng? i was hmmm lets see....5 yrs old :)

3. FIRST time i spoke mandarin

Those who have met me before might or might not have noticed the weird slang in my spoken mandarin~

wahahaha...but you cant blame me u kno? no one spoke mandarin to me before primary 1...and my parents used to speak mandarin in front of me whenever they need to say something which i musnt know bcos they know i cannot understand it :(

soooooooo one day...i entered primary 1 and as i sat in my class with all the strangers...they were all CHINGCHINGCHONGCHONG in mandarin!...omg!!! how am i going to cope with 6 years of primary school education with a bunch of people who speak in an unknown language.

even tho my knowledge of the language was very very little..i still can make out some simple words la...

i dont know how long it took me...but after a while of socialising with them (god knows how i communicated with them in the early days) i began to LEARN MANDARIN!!! WOOHOO!

but in those days my mandarin was mixed with malay and english...kekeke...and my mom used to giggle at me when i speak 'mandarin' with my frens :(

come secondary school mandarin improved!! woo~ come college improved more! (i had a friend from china that time who taught me precious mandarin :P) and now...CAN FLY LIAO OK??? try me! kekeke

altho sometimes that someone will still laugh at my mandarin lo :(

4.FIRST TIME i saw.........

The first time i saw .... i hope you all are ready for this............menstrual blood!!!! EWWW...

I was still in primary school...still a skippy skippy kid...but some of my close friends had already had their periods.hahaha

so naturally, i was very curious abt this whole period thingy...and u know what my friend did? :(

she took anotehr fren and i to the toilet to show us hers!...NOOOOOOOOOOO

That time i didnt feel disgusted or wat...gheeez...I WAS SO STUPID! UWEKKSSS...

5.FIRST time i drove a car! was my first driving lesson with my driving instructor...and he just got out from his driver's seat and asked me to take his place and he said DRIVE!


he was at the passenger's seat la...but he put the correct gear and asked me to steer the car with the steering wheel and to step on the clutch and brakes and accelerator of cos.

so i was like oh MY GOSH! im actually driving a car!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!

and it seemed soooooooo easy!!! i cannot bliv that driving a car was so ez!~

i only found out that all the learner's car has another set of pedals in the passengers seat after that day, so my instructor was actually stepping on the clutch and brakes too lah :(

and till today...i still dont know how to drive a manual car! ROF!

THERE! first timesssssssssssssss

Bye bye! =)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Bunch of marketing gimmicks!

Went to try out the rather heavily-advertised new product from KFC over the weekends...

The so-called Alaskan Fish Burger

Have been hearing the radio ad on mix fm the whole week long....i must say the radio ad is very STUPID! yeah...its about a man interviewing a SO-CALLED alaskan fisherman who fishes whole day long just to catch enough fish for the burger. the worst part is ...the ALASKAN fisherman speaks in malaysian lame

After my previous experience with the KFC Fish Burger, i was a bit skeptical about this whole fish from alaska burger...

The meal comes with carbonated drink and coleslaw...and is priced at RM8!...much more expensive than my 'default' kfc zinger meal...

The box reminds me very very much of the previous kfc fish burger...see?

WOOHOO~..with anticipation i opened the box only to find...

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An upside down burger!!! how cool!

Ok never mind ... i turned the burger right side up and opened it up...

Doesnt look too special to me...

And the fish doesnt look as THICK as the picture leh!!!!

And look what the ad says...

AIYERR siao lee err....

First bite...hmmm okok lah

Second's an alaskan fish supposed to taste like?

The ONLY thing that is different about the burger is this weird,thick,reddish sauce...that tastes very much like thai chilli sauce...

To me,its just like any normal fish burger you can get anywhere...but to someone, he is not even near full when he finished both his burger and coleslaw and i even had to give him my last few bites

Conclusion ? KFC.... YOU FAIL ME TERRIBLY! i say you stick to making fried chicken and zinger burgers k?

Give me your competitor's fish burger anytime (supposedly 30% less fish than yours or maybe thats what makes it taste better?haha)

p/s After i tried out the burger, i received this coupon in my mail...20% off gives you at least some reason to go n try it out lah...go on...don say u never try it before mah :P

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pp/s the whole alaskan burger thingy reminds me TOO much of the previous fish guess is...they r trying to finish their excess fish leftover from the kfc fish burger 'x'

Monday, January 15, 2007

Was tagged by the dear loktor last week :(

Who in their right mind would make such a tag?!?!?! arghhh....70 freaking questions ok???

Haiii... i think my blog counter is gonna stop moving the minute i post this tag up...cos most of you might be scared off the minute u see this tag on my blog...muahahaah

Anyway,here goesss.... *stop yawning!!*

1) Are your parents married or divorced?

Married lor...

2) Are you a vegetarian?


3) Do you believe in Heaven?

Yes lo~~...even more so after reading Five People you meet in heaven by Mitch Albom :)

4) Have you ever come close to dying?

Almost drown once...and i thought i heard a voice while i was struggling to float............or maybe just my imaghination *shrugs*

5) What jewellery do you wear 24/7?

Hate those dangly thingies 'x' i want FREEEEEEEEEEEEEDOMMMMMM

6) Favourite time of day?

bed time?kekekeke

7) Do you eat the stems of broccoli?

yea yea... *yawn*

8) Do you wear makeup?

hmmmmm yes lor

9) Ever have plastic surgery?

You want this??? *shows fist* this is all natural ok??? mwehehehee

10) Do you colour your hair?


11) What do you wear to bed?

so kei poh...shirt n shorts can or not???

12) Have you ever done anything illegal?

Dont know lah...lazy to think!

13) Can you roll your tongue?

CANNOT!!! tongue is so painful ulcer can! drink also cannot,eat also cannot,sit also cannot!

14) Do you tweeze your eyebrows?

Got got =) I think i wanna volunteer to help Chen tweeze hers the nxt time she comes back to Kuching...MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

15) What kind of sneakers? pink dirty sneakers can do ah?

16) Do you believe in Abortions?

NOPE!!!!!!! (have to say ma 'x')

17) What is your Hair color?

Black, white, yellow, no one knows...But a child that would grow up and turn tears to laughter...

hahahaa does that ring a bell? (hint:song lyric)

18) Future child’s name?

errrrrr...long way to go..i love doing last minute job =)

19) Do you snore?

NO?i think? 'x'

20) If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?


21) Do you sleep with stuffed animals?

AFFIRMATIVE! fact, i dont have much space left for myself anymore...

22) If you won the lottery, what would you do first?

Keep quiet about it....LOL LOL

23) Gold or silver?

Gold lorrr

24) Hamburger or hot dog?

HAMBURGER!!!!! i hate it when the sausage squishes out from the hot dog bun...IRRITATING YOU KNOW?

25) If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?


26) City, beach or country?

BEACH BEACH!!!!!!!!!!! make sure theres a shopping mall nearby too!

27) What was the last thing you touched?

Hmm lets right hand was on my mouse and my left hand was scratching my which one isit???

28) Where did you eat last?

At home

29) When’s the last time you cried?

When reading five people you meet in heaven?wahaha

30) Do you read blogs?


hahhh gotcha! 'x'

31) Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?

hmmm can do...but never do it before...maybe i should buy some matching tees and FORCE someone to wear it with me on V day???

32) Ever been involved with the police?

*shoves some loose change* while saying MINUM KOPI BANG?

33) What’s your favourite shampoo conditioner and soap?

no favourites!!...

34) Do you talk in your sleep? has been quite a while since i slept with someone other than my soft I DONT KNOW?

35) Ocean or pool?

If for swimming...POOL~

38) Window seat or aisle?

ALWAYS the window seat! YAY!!!!...or else i will sulk the whole journey....WAHSEH

39) Ever met anyone famous?

Some singaporean actress? dont know her name..

40) Do you feel that you’ve had a truly successful life?

still not so bad lar...hahaah

41) Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?

Twirl twirl until the spaghetti suddenly unravels itself from your fork and splats sauce all over ur face!

42) Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey?

Dont know who the *toot* is ricki lake...OPRAH lor

43) Basketball or Football?

The last time i played shoe flew together with the ball when i kicked it ok???

And im not tall enough for basketball..SATISFIED? hmph

44) How long do your showers last?

10mins MINIMUM...muahahahaaha

45) Automatic or do you drive a stick?

AUTO..........................only~ :P

46) Cake or ice cream?


47) Are you self-conscious?

*looks at hair* *looks at nail* *looks at feet*

OH?am i self -conscious??yes lorrr....

48) Have you ever drank so much you threw up?

no la...i drink a sip face oredi become red ... how to drink until throw up

49) Have you ever given money to a beggar?

Yes lor

50) Have you been in love?

Yes lorrrrrrrrrrrr =)

51) Where do you wish you were?

At home...but im already at wishing wishing business lah!

52) Are you wearing socks?


53) Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?

never and dont want to!

54) Can you tango?


55) Last gift you received?

A shirt from someone's mom ;)

56) Last sport you played?

Mountain climbing count or not??? bcos i cant recall the last sport b4 that....wahaha

57) Things you spend a lot of money on?

Zhng myself stuffs 'x'

58) Where do you live?

KUCHING!~~ (note:we do not live on trees...hahaha)

59) Where were you born?

Same same

60) Last wedding attended?

My colleague's wedding last year

63) Most hated food(s)?

hmmmm those eewy gooey vege 'x' .. bilin is in the list...wahahaha

64) What’s your least favourite?

lady's finger :P

65) Can you sing?

Refuse to answer this lest someone forces me to sing karaoke the nxt time

66) Last person you instant messaged?


67) Last place you went on holiday?

should be KL...ooh thats a long time...

69) Current Song?


70) Tag 3 friends


WOOHOOO and that's settled...more interesting posts coming up nxt i promise! ;)

Friday, January 12, 2007

Sweet Toothbrush

Last week...i came across a very interesting little thing...

Anyone would know this is a bristle-less-toothbrush

Can you see the shape?

But its not ANY tooth brush!



And a LIGHT-UP lollipop at that...

Look at the maniac expresion on the kid who is brushing his teeth with the toothbrush lollipop

What has the world come to?!?!!

Sweet is supposedly not good for your teeth ma...but brushing your teeth is good...eating sweet and brushing your teeth just does not go together ok...

If i were a dentist...this should be considered a very DIABOLICAL piece of candy 'x'

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Eeeky Stuff

One morning...few days colleague offered me something...

It looks like a sweet huh???Pretty harmless...except for 2 fat dancing cows on the front (hope you can see it)

I thought it was some pickled dates or sth until he told me its ...DUCK LIVER... first question was ISIT SWEET?

hehehe of cos not its salty...liver can it be i was like ewww....ok but i still wanted to try i tore the wrapping open and inside....i saw this.....

ARGHHHHHHHHHH....the piece of liver is red!!! and slimy!!!!!!!!!!!!

what should i do next?pop it into my mouth or into the dustbin?mwehehehe

but the kind and gracious me made me put the eeky thing into my mouth,ppl give wan can throw into the dustbin ler? ....*chew chew*

eww..its chewy and very salty!...ok its just like eating a piece of meat off my dinner plate (trying to brainwash myself that i did not just put a piece of meat wrapped in foil and imported from china and has been inside the foil for god-knows-how-long)

Needless to say ... i immediately felt nauseous and lucky for the stock of chocolates on my desk..i survived! hehehe

Now let me show you my very pink and very dirty and very UN-used sneakers....

AHHHHHH even tho its so dirty (dirt from climbing mountain la) it still beats any smelly duck liver....RITE RITE?!?!!??!? wahahahahah

Monday, January 08, 2007

Healthy Sunday


At last the lazy ol' me who used to sleep in on sundays till 11am managed to force myself up before 8am on a SUNDAY!!!!!!! to do something healthy~~


i think this is a great way to kickstart the many many weekends of 2007 lo...hehe...

I went to Mount Singai!

Its a mountain located in the district of Bau (the town is not smelly la ok) famous mostly for the catholic pilgrimage center situated on the mountain! cool or wat?

The first time i went there was waaaaaaaaaay back when i was only few years old to do our pilgrimage there...there's a church,hostel,canteen,an amphitheatre all on the mountain!

But before you can reach these you will have to climb urghhhh...up the stairs...fuhh fuhh almost died doing it...i think i should exercise more...mwehehehe

There was this little girl of around 9/10 who practically 'ran' up the steep staircase as we were ascending ...and before we even finished our climb, she was already 'running' down :(

The mountain actually belonged to the catholic bidayuhs in the area and they were the ones who built the church and all the facilities on the mountain.And can you imagine how they managed to carry all the building materials up ??? horrible! O_O

So those who do climb the mountain for pilgrimage (or leisure la) are encouraged to help them carry those bricks needed for building contructions up.

hehehe...we r so kind n goood altho i shared my piece of brick with someone

The whole mountain is fuulllllllll of various local fruit trees!~


And being a 'city kid' my whole life sure is fascinating to be actually looking at the tree which bears all those fruits which i've been eating since little...we saw cempedak trees,durian trees,mangosteen trees and even langsat! =)


It was great to finally get outdoors to sniff the fresh air and 'enjoy' stumbling upon some eeky insects ...the sadist in me almost made me stomp on the weird looking insects...wahahah


and BEST of the best.........wobbling like a duck the whole day 2day :(

Wahlau..both my legs hurt so much was so hard for me to even climb up the stairs to my floor ...boohoohoo...

hopefully things will be better 2moro...


Thursday, January 04, 2007

New Year

Ghee..meant to post this up much much earlier...that is, on the 2nd day of new year but no thanks to the disruption in internet connection...i couldnt post the pics up!!!

Isnt this great? now we can use a brand new alibi to get us out of any fix we might get ourselves into...
lets woke up late for work ... you could just tell your boss...NEH THE TAIWAN EARTHQUAKE LOR...TOOK ME SUCH A LONG TIME TO UPDATE MY BLOG LAST NITE THAT I SLEPT SO LATE

or...hmm mebe ... if you cant finish your project on time you could also say TAIWAN EARTHQUAKE MADE IT IMPOSSIBLE TO DO RESEARCH ON THE PROJECT SO I CANT FINISH IT ON TIME

hehehehe..ok thats crappy...

lets get to the real purpose of this post...

HOW I SPENT MY NEW YEAR??hehehe...i think this is the most 'ke lian' new year i simply must blog it down...

lets see...we went to...


to eat VERY GIANT crabs!!!


thats the first time we had crab leftovers which no one wanted to touch...well i bet some people will be screaming HAIYA HOW COME U DIN TAPAO FOR ME..but its too late..mwehehe

the crabs are so big...its as big as my face!!! (quoted from someone)

after that, went home and listened to others sing sad karaoke songs...


and oh boy! its 11.30 d!!!

FORCED someone *cough* to come over to do the countdown with me cos i don wanna be alone in the first few minutes of the new year...hehehe

Watched the new year countdown live from channel 8...and jumped and whooped to myself when the clock struck 12...


Went outside to see if there's any FREE fireworks and oh boy! neighbours are just about to light up we 'leeched' on their fireworks...MUAHAHA


Then i dumped my 2006 calendar...


off with the old and on with the new babeh =)

after that, i spent my first one hour of 2007 online...chatting with the sot sotong who tried to comfort me by saying that its much nicer to usher in the new year at home minus the crowds and noise...oklo :( hee

then of cos ...its my FIRST SLEEP for the yr 2007...haha

And thats how i spent my new year! How did you spend yours? lots of noises and festivities perhaps? :P

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


So much for the sleepless nights i spent thinking of whether or not i should switch 'x'

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