
Showing posts with label Holiday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holiday. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Trip to Ipoh

Hellooo...what with the wedding and all that coming up. I can't deny it, it's all about $$$$...and needless to say any holiday out of the country is totally OUT OF THE QUESTION until the wedding end of this year :( But me being me, i just cannot stay quietly in one place. The only option? Cuti cuti malaysia lor! Last weekend was a long weekend, on Friday itself I asked the bf whether he wants to do a road trip that weekend. He asked me where? I thought long and hard (no, not really) and decided IPOH!

On Friday night itself, we made our hotel reservations! This I can say is our most spontaneous trip after so many years. Pathetic isnt it :( On Saturday morning, we started our journey at 10:30am from Penang and arrived at 12:30pm. Yes, we need our sleep :P

This is where we spent the night. The French Hotel....(map location as provided)


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Room was reasonably priced (RM148 NETT), comfortably sized, location was good....only gripe, we had to share our car park with the throngs of crowd going to the pasar pagi on Sunday morning =_= and not forgetting being woken up at 6am by the pasar pagi crowd :(

Anyway, the minute we finished exploring the hotel room....we set out for lunch! Where else but to try the famous Ipoh white coffee @ Nam Heong Coffee Shop

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Twice we've been here and twice the coffee shop was pretty full during lunch time. But we were lucky enough to get a seat after a few minutes of searching. There are a few stalls there....the famous one being the egg tart / dim sum stall...I ordered the dried curry mee and of course white coffee (RM1.80 only!) while someone had the PENANG char koay teow! Yes! Driving down from Penang to Ipoh eating PENANG ckt...i was nagging at him while stealing a bite of his ckt and....boy! was it good! LOL (forgot to take a photo)

Went back to the hotel for an afternoon nap and off to the church for Sunset mass at 7pm. Was a bit reluctant to spend my holiday going to church :x but I did not regret it cos look! pretty church!

And there was a "super moon" phenomenon that night...

After mass, we went for the famous nga coi kai @ Lou Wong (beansprout chicken koay teow)

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The place was packed as was our first time there 3 years ago but still we were lucky enough to find an empty table! whee! As you can see, juicy, scrumptious chicken...big juicy beansprouts, smooth koay teow! yums!

Next morning, i was adamant in waking up early for dim sum (which proved to not be difficult since i was woken up by the pasar pagi anyway =_=)

9am and we are already out to....

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Foh San Dim Sum restaurant which really looks more like a palace than anything else. Can you imagine? One big place like that just selling dim sum?? in the mornings! and it was packed full! If finding an empty table in all the other famous Ipoh eateries were difficult, finding an empty table here is SUPER difficult.

Then again, i guess the "Lady Luck of stuffing yourself silly" with food was with me during the whole trip cos I once again spotted an empty table within few mins *proud* Though that didnt come without a slight tussle with an auntie who wanted to hijack my table while i was waiting for the bf to walk over. WTF!

As you can see in the photo above, everyone was waiting like vultures by the side of your table....counting the minutes while you are enjoying your dim sum. Ordering your dim sum from the counter is also not an easy feat! sighs...

Dim sum was mediocre though of a higher quality compared to the dim sum cafes here in Penang but also comes with a big price tag! Would I go back there again? Once in a blue moon ok lah! Just to fight with all the aunties for breakfast dim sum *sniggers*

After that, we got so tired of all the pasar pagi crowds and decided to drive back to Penang after buying all the famous Ipoh titbits. One of them is this famous kaya kok (kaya puff) from Sin Eng Heong

We were there early and managed to buy lots of these precious pastry back to Penang. At 80cents a piece, it is definitely worth every single cent! Yums! I would go back to Ipoh just for these! 

And with that, that concludes our short Ipoh food trip! :) Which definitely came at a bad time what with my pre-wedding photoshoot coming up in slightly more than a months time...nooooo!!!! Coming up Next....Cameron Highlands food trip!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

My Budget Makeup "Travel Kit" and Daiso mini Haul

Hello there! i went through a period of blogging procrastinating but I am back again! I DID try to blog, i really did. Several times, in fact :P I ran the photo editing software to edit my photos, instead i went and organize my photos, then i closed it and told myself "maybe not tonight...tonight, i'll watch big bang theory...woohoo~" and this went on for several weeks :D

Anyhoo, just got back from a short trip to KL during the Diwali long weekends last week. Would you believe our tickets for 2 from Penang-KL via Airasia is only RM38???

That's really dirt cheap for a 50 minutes flight thousands feet up in the air :D Love or hate airasia, i really don't know.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Penang Butterfly Farm

Went to the butterfly farm for the verrryy first time with the OCPG crew (lol!) last weekend. The place was really full of butterflies (what else??) that are flying freely around! Which means you can go as near as you want to the butterflies and even touch them if you want to!

It was such a pretty sight! Butterfly lovers will sure have a wonderful time there. They are so tame they will even pose for you to take photos. This is one place you don't need a macro lens or a zoom lens to take nice photos :)

See? I could even take this pretty photo with my camera phone! I have not copied out the pics from my slr yet cos my monitor kong-Ed off -_-"

At only rm10 per entrance for Mykad holders, this place is heaven for phography enthusiasts

Among the many tourist spots I've visited in Penang, I think this is the one that is not overrated and my favouritest one! :)))

Monday, May 18, 2009

Langkawi Trip (Part I)

Took opportunity of the long weekend holiday to go to Langkawi last week! :) Silly me didnt know that Firefly has direct flights from Penang to Langkawi when i booked the ferry tickets online

I had my qualms about taking the ferry ride which takes around 2 hours 45 minutes but i brushed it aside telling myself that i have survived express boat rides to Sibu before and i was fine!

But on the morning of the trip itself , we were greeted with ominous clouds and rain :(

but still! i was positive! =) and fro tickets costing rm115 per person!

upon stepping onto the ferry i felt giddy could be just my mind playing tricks on me so i tried to remain positive...but as the ride started, and the wave rocked the ferry left right left right and occasionally up and down...ughh things didnt seem to look so good anymore

the rainy weather continued and the sea water was BLACK in color...
it was so scary that i didnt dare open my eyes for most part of the journey. to make matters worst, people left,right,front and behind were vomitting =_="

that's me but i didnt vomit...i was on the verge of doing so. nothing gets you going like the sight of people vomitting! haha. during the ride itself, we agreed that our first stop upon reaching Langkawi would be the langkawi airport to book firefly tickets for our return trip! LOL

our little ride in langkawi

this was included into the hotel package...rm155 per nite...cheapo huh?

all over langkawi there's empty roads and more empty roads

look!!! buffaloes!!!

so sakai i know..but i never see real life buffaloes before!

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Managed to squeeze in a trip to Singapore to visit my little nephew on my last weekend before moving to Penang :P

Stayed in the Changi Village Hotel

i just find it very amusing to see a glass window built into the wall separatign the bathroom and the bedroom...yeah...use ur imagination! :P

lucky for us there's a blind whch you can lower down to cover the window lah...but still...

and yeah thats me!!!

yes boys n girls, pls tilt your head to the right to look at this pic more clearly

lol! my new pc does not have any photo editign software installed yet so i just have to make do with picassa n i forgot to rotate the pics...hahahaa

it was also a food trip of sorts...and bro bear brought us to the Wee Nam Kee hainanese chicken rice shop. The chicken rice was good! hands down one of the best chicken rice ive ever had so far! slurpy soft meat!

and at nite there was the ah yim fried hokkien prawn noodle

big prawns n topped with crunchy deep fried pork skin! mouth watering just thinking of it now :D

wondering who i went to Singapore with?

here...say hi to my travel companion...

(elmo is not mine!)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Off to Penang!

Bye bye im flying off to Penang for the weekend =)

Till then...see u!!!

p/s just a filler post to hide the paid post below 'x'

NOW thats better!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas 2008

Listening to Christmas songs as i type out this post...everything feels very very christmassy now that Christmas eve is tomorrow!

After all the hustle and bustle and the preparation it is finally here...this year i made it a point to take photos of all the nice Christmas deco i see :)

Every year i vow not to do the same thing ... but come this Christmas i still am doing last minute shopping...this year being very last minute as i have still not yet finished my shopping!!!

Just one more day left...i think i will squeeze in some shopping time for 2nite and 2moro

But then again...Christmas is not really about presents rite?

This Christmas, let's not forget the original meaning of Christmas...

I will not wish you happy holidays or season's greetings but a MERRY AND BLESSED CHRISTMAS TO ALL!! =)

p/s sorry baby Jesus is missing from the nativity scene 'x' bcos its not yet Christmas mah!
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