
Showing posts with label Advertorial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advertorial. Show all posts

Monday, September 27, 2010

DiGi iPhone 4 Me

Yeah! After my frantic attempts to get my friends in US and Singapore to help me get my very own iPhone 4 (which has obviously failed), iPhone 4 can be bought directly from Malaysia now! Imagine my excitement when i found out that the Digi's iPhone pre-registration has ended. Would you believe i refreshed the Digi's iPhone webpage almost every minute after 6pm on the 23rd of September to see whether the price plan has been updated?? For those of you who are in my Facebook, you would know my anticipation for the Digi's iPhone plans :D When it was finally updated, i wasn't disappointed.

Some of you might have known, i bought my iPhone 3GS from the other operator (that-shall-not-be-named) last year and few months later when i found out that Digi is starting to sell iPhones too and at a soooo much more attractive price...i almost banged my head on the wall! What's more, when i'm complaining about my limited data plan from the other operator, the boyfriend (who is using Digi) never missed any opportunity to mock me in my choice of telco operators whenever he has the chance. And he always quotes the Digi slogan..."Digi-always the smarter choice!" Duh...

Since my "bond of suffering" (my 1 year contract for my 3GS) is almost over, i just couldn't wait to get out of this abusive relationship :D My contract ends on 10/10/10 (nice date huh?;)) and i've been telling everyone...i am gonna port over to Digi on 11th of October itself! I can't wait!

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