
Showing posts with label Cookies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cookies. Show all posts

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Gingerbread Man

I bought a gingerbread man cookie cutter last Saturday and so i proceeded on to practise baking some gingerbread. I have some plans for Christmas season :)

Just out of the oven...

Aiya...i think the cookie cutter abit not cun la...u see my gingerbread man doesn look rite :(

I decorated them with sprinkles ...

And another batch with sprinkles and choco chips as buttons :P

Actually i dont really like ginger bread but baking just for the sake of using my cookie cutter 'x' I wont bake another batch of ginger bread the nxt round...i think i will try some peanut butter cookies or something with my gingerbread man cookie cutter

I used this recipe from Agnes Chang's I Can Bake cookbook...i took a pic of the recipe with my handphone in the bookstore 'x'

But i really mean to buy the book....only not now....hahaha....honest!

and just in case you r interested .... my gingerbread man did not get up and run away when i baked them....hahaha "You can't catch me,I'm the gingerbread man"
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