Showing posts with label christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christmas. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

DZ Doodles - Winter Release & Blog Hop!!!

Hello! Today I bring you a NEW DZ Doodles release & Blog Hop! If you are here from Rosalien's blog then you are headed in the right direction! If you just started then hop on over to the DZ Doodles blog >>> HERE to get all the details on today's blog hop & release! You want to join in the fun today because you will win 3 images from today's release! They are too cute to pass up so let's get started!

And here are those images that are being released today...

The card I made is with one the adorable "Christmas is Love bear"! Isn't he adorable?!?! I cut out the stocking with my cricut. I was suppose to make it a card but I cut the stocking out to big OPPS! so, I'm just going to use it as decoration in my living room...perfect! I just love it! If you love all the images as much as I do..then go on over and purchase them right now...they are up in the store >>> HERE!

here is the blog hop list just in case you get a little lost and need to find your way around!

VALERIE - you are here!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sharing Christmas Cards!

In the last month of so I have made LOTS of Christmas cards that I have yet to post here and share with you all! I hadn't had the time to do so but today I'm making the time! I hope you enjoy seeing what I have been creating and can get some inspiration! I still have more to post but I'll do that sometime this week/weekend! Hope you have a lovely weekend!

Thursday, December 09, 2010

DZ Doodles - Challenge Dec. 9th!


Sorry I'm running a little late today on posting my DZ Doodles challenge! Today we have a brand new sketch challenge and freebie up at the DZ Doodles blog >>> HERE and at PCP and SNR. Be sure to stop on by one of these sites and grab your freebie (up for a limited time only) and join us in the challenge! You could win a any free image from the store! You have till Dec. 22nd to join this challenge!

Here is the sketch that Rosalien made and my card made with the freebie!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

DZ Doodles Angel Blog Hop!!!

I'm so excited for DZ Doodles very first blog hop! Today we are releasing some beautiful angel images and having a fun blog hop contest! So if you got here from Rosalien's blog then you are headed in the right direction..if you are a little lost you can start back at the DZ Doodles blog >>> HERE! Don't forget to leave a comment at each and every blog in the list below so that you can be entered to win ONE free angel image of your choice!!! Before I give you that list I want to share my sweet Christmas angel with you.

Since this was your last stop you are all done! If you didn't leave all your comments go back and follow the list and make sure you didn't miss anyone! Good Luck and I hope you had fun and enjoyed seeing all the cards we made to share with you!


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Queen Kat Design - Dark Ink Sorority

I'm waiting for my cousin to get here so we can make some Christmas cards together so I had a few minutes to come by say hi...and post a couple of cards that I made the last two weeks for Dark Ink Sorority! Both stamps that I used are by the relented artist Che Gilson. On the first card I used the stamp called Peppermint Girl and the second card I used Birthday Loli. You can purchase them both in Queen Kat Design's store right now! Aren't they too cute!?! I hope you have a great day!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

DZ Doodles - Challenge Nov. 24th


I can't believe tomorrow is THANKSGIVING EEEEP! Yummy food and a day to thank all of our family and friends for being in our lives! What a wonderful day!!! I hope you all have a Happy Turkey day and God Bless you all!

DZ Doodles has another sketch challenge with a FREE image!!! Please visit either SNR or PCP for more details and to grab the freebie!

Here is the sketch that I made for the challenge and the card! I hope you all go on over and enter! You can win a free image from the DZ Doodles store! Good Luck!

Friday, November 12, 2010

DZ Doodles Challenge!

YAY! A new challenge is up and of course a FREE IMAGE!!! Come on over and join us in the challenge at DZ Doodles SNR or PCP. You could win a free image of your choice just for joining from the DZ Doodles store!

Here is a little inspiration for you. I made my card using the freebie image and the sketch challenge that's up. Isn't this kitty so cute! Diane has made a whole set of them and they are to cute! The store is down for a few more days but will be up and running like new VERY soon! In the meantime come on over and join this challenge! Deadline to enter is Nov. 24th!

Also don't forget about the DZ Doodles DT call going on right now...for more information CLICK HERE!

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

A New Design Team & New Releases!!!

Well this week I had some great news come to me...Vicki, owner of Queen Kat Designs asked me to be a design team member of course, I said YES! I'm so excited she has amazing stamps in her store and I'm looking forward to designing with so many!

Today Queen Kat Designs released a whole bunch of new stamps so you gotta go on over and check them out. I made a card with the new "Build a Snowglobe'' stamp set that you can go purchase right now >>> CLICK HERE!

I hope you will follow my blog because I have lots of fun stuff planned!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Little Christmas House!

Hello Hello! Things have been busy here...with the Ohio trip...(I had so much fun!) and getting ready for Christmas but I'm managing and making it through YAY!

I wanted to come on and share the little Christmas house I made for the gift exchange with my fellow scrapbook chic's! I made it a few weeks ago just hadn't got a chance to post it untill now. I think it came out so cute..I even made me a pink one that I haven't yet finished or taken pictures but I will try to soon but for get this :)

Isn't it so cute? I myself have to say so just because it is haha!

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Whimsical Wednesday News & Sassy Studio Sneaky Peek!

This week has been a CRAZY one for me...but I'm getting through it and posting a little late like the way it's been the last few weeks...after the Holidays I will have it back together...there is just SO much going on right now my head is spinning and it won't stop haha!

First of all I'm delighted to announce today that I am now a part of the Whimsical Wednesday design team!!! Jessica's little ones prepare a sketch for us each week and we make a card using any image, papers ect. to share with you all! Doesn't that sound fun? I think so! is the card that I made for today's Whimsical Wednesday and I used a VERY new digital image that is coming to a store near YOU...Sassy Studio Designs of course hehe! We all love Stocking Stuffers right? Well Sassy Studio Designs will be releasing some ADORABLE Stocking Stuffer images on Dec. 15th so stay tuned for more to come!

Don't forget to visit all the other Whimsical Wednesday design team's blog for more wonderful cards done with the sketch..if you would like to join us click on over >>> HERE!

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Sassy Thursday Challenge & Design Team Call!

This was my week to make at Sassy Studio's to make a card for the challenge along with 2 other of the Sassy DT's! We were to use a beautiful snow picture as see and join go on over to Sassy Studio's blog HERE...right now and join us in this weeks could be a winner of 2 free Sassy images of your choice!

And WAIT! Don't forget Sassy Studio Designs is having a Design Team call!!!! Who wouldn't LOVE to be on Lindsay's awesome team! Well if you would like to try out head on over to Sassy Studio's for more info. CLICK HERE it will take you straight to the post with all the info.

Monday, November 23, 2009

DZ Doodles Weekly Color Challenge!

I have been so bad about updating my blog lately unless I "have" too...I guess with holidays coming up and me trying to get ready for the crafty fair I'm getting ready for that's why I haven't really had time. So sorry!

On to the fun stuff! This weeks colors for DZ Doodles color challenge are purple, blue and white. I just LOVE these colors together! All the different colors I have been using for Christmas cards with the color challenges are just wonderful...makes me think outside of the box of pink haha! Here is the card that I made for this weeks color challenge...don't forget to go on over to DZ Doodles and join in you could win one free image of your choice from the online store!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

DZ Doodles Challenge & New Releases...

I'm a little behind in my posting here this sorry! But DZ Doodles has another color challenge for you all this week! You could win a free image of your choice so you do want to play along because on top of that there are NEW images to choose from!!! So here is this weeks challenge....

The colors are cream/tan, green, maroon/red
beautiful combo!
Here is the card I made for this challenge...

for more info. on this weeks color challenge head on over to DZ Doodles >> CLICK HERE!

I also wanted to share the card I made for the DZ Doodles newest images release! You gotta go by and check out what's new in the store! Diane has been drawing away!!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

New Images @ Sassy Studio Designs!

It's a Winter Wonderland at Sassy Studio Designs! Lindsay of course, out did herself like she always does...and has some SUPER cute images that have been released right now!!! So, click right here >>> Sassy Studio Design store to get yours right NOW for your holiday cards! BUT WAIT before you click read on for fun, games and chatting later & check out my cards that I made using 2 of the new images.

Chit chatting going on over at Paper Craft Planet today from 11AM MST - 1PM MST (my time) 10AM pst- 12PM pst so come on over and join us! There will also be a freebie for those who come join us there for some chatting!

AND now for the game! It's called "Guess the Sassy" Each of the Sassy Studio Design team members has one of their favorite Sassy images posted on their you need to visit ALL the SASSY DT's blog to collect their guesses and leave comments. You must leave a comment at EACH stop and when you are done email guesses to Jacquie at You will have until midnight PST. ALL of those, who guessed correct, will be entered into a drawing. The winner of that drawing will win 3 images, of their choice, from the NEW release!! So let's play! Here is my image and the list of DT blogs you need to visit...

Friday, November 13, 2009

Sassy Studio's New Release Coming Soon!

Today I want to send a special shout out to my WONDERFUL parents and let them know that I love them with all my heart and soul and hope they have a beautiful Anniversary day together!!!

Now on to the Sassy Release...I have a little sneaky peek to share with you today! The new Winter Wonderland release will be on Sunday, Nov. 15th you don't want to miss it...for more details on fun, games and chit chatting go to the Sassy Studio Design blog HERE for more info. You don't want to miss out on this so I hope to see you around Sunday!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sunday Fun!

This last Sunday my Angel Friend Mary Jane came over to spend sometime together. We had a great time of stamping and chit chatting and getting caught up since it had been a while since we hung out. We made a couple of cards with the new set she just bought from Stampin Up called delightful decorations..what a lovely set this is! We looked on Splitcoast Stampers to get inspration since we couldn't get started on our own haha! We got both these wonderful ideas from some ladies there...I should have wrote down their names to give them credit but I didn' sorry! are the two cards we made...

Monday, November 09, 2009

DZ Doodles Weekly Color Challenge!

This week DZ Doodles has another color challenge for you and a pretty one at that! The colors we were to use are any type of cream or light yellow, medium blue and a darker shade of blue. Loved using these colors together! Here is the card that I made...

I used one of the newest images in the store that's ready to be purchased right now! If you'd like to play along this week CLICK could be the next winner for playing!

Thursday, November 05, 2009

A Sassy Paper Piecing Challenge...

On this Sassy Thursday...Sassy Studio Designs is challenging you to use paper piecing on the image you use on your card/project you make this week.

I made this card down below to inspire you to make your own and share with us at Sassy Studio could win a free image of your choice for playing along for more details and inspiration CLICK HERE!

here is a close up showing you all the pretty glitter on the globe. I used heat and stick powder from Stampin Up...after heating it I put dazzling diamonds to it!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

A Mini Sassy Release & Blog Hop!

Hello All! I hope you all had a Happy & safe Halloween.

Today Sassy Studio Designs is having a mini release, a mini blog hop & chit chatting on Paper Craft Planet! The image I used up above in my card is just one of the few that is going to be released today! The design team has a lot more cards to share with you so be sure to visit them will also want to make sure you leave comments on EVERY DT blog you visit along the way because at the end you will find a SASSY surprise!

Here is the list that you will want to visit and leave a comment to get that surprise!

Valerie - you are here :)

Chit Chatting on Paper Craft Planet (CLICK HERE) will start at
4 pm PST (5 MST my time) - 6pm PST (7 MST). Hope to see you there!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Sneak Peek For Ya!

Sassy Studio Designs will be releasing more images on Sunday, Nov. 1st.

I have been sick in bed for the last few days but I did want to come on real fast and share with you some cards! The first one is a little sneak peek...

and the next card I made is also an image from Sassy Studio Designs that is available to purchase now in the online store. This card was made for the "Case" challenge here at Sassy can win prizes so go on to the Sassy blog to play along!

I hope to be feeling better soon and creating more by next week.