Showing posts with label organizers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label organizers. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

FINALLY posted....Another one of Jeff's AMAZING CREATIONS!

Ok, so if you all keep up with my blog...then you remember a few months back when I posted about the AWESOME ribbon holder Mr. Jeff made for me. And if your just recently started reading my blog or came across it this is it...

After receiving it in the mail and falling in love with this ribbon holder over and over again...I thought ok what else do I need for my craft room? My ink holder was getting a little full so I thought OH MY to have an ink holder to match with my ribbon holder and have them up on the wall side by side WOW! So I got a hold of Jeff told him what I wanted and he made it!!! Everything I asked for it was perfect...I fell in love all over again! EEEEP! I was really blessed to have met this creative man when I went on a family vacation back in Sept. and to pick up my ink holder from THE man! I really wish I would have gotten a picture with him. is the ink holder he made to match my ribbon holder...

It has 100 slots for the ink pads, a shelf for my ink refills (which I don't have a lot of yet), and an extra little shelf for whatever else I want.

and the two are finally on the wall side by side. Aren't they amazing?

So if you would like Jeff to make you one of these awesome creations here is the link to his site. he also has other sizes of ink holders on his blog so go by and check his work out!

Thanks Jeff you ROCK!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Jeff's Creation's ROCK!

A few months ago I was surfing blog land and came across this blog called Crafty Storage that posts different peoples craft rooms and their great organizing ideas. That's when I came across this post and then I read on and seen that he does it for a business and that's when I new I had to have one! So I visited his blog here and emailed Jeff. We chit chatted back and forth and I thought ok..what do I really want to store my ribbon in and told Jeff what it was I was thinking and WALA he came up with this AMAZING ribbon holder for me! It was just like I had was PERFECT!!!

I got up my ribbon holder on the wall finally after a month or two (I just LOVE this thing) then there was an empty space next to it on the wall and I thought ok..what is it I need there??? I thought OHHHH I can have Jeff make me an ink holder to match. I did need a bigger ink holder since I'm out growing the little 72 ink holder that I have now haha! So I emailed Jeff right away and we talked about it and he said he could do it! Isn't this guy just AWESOME??? And the coolest thing is I get to pick it up from him in Las Vegas in a couple weekends and I get to meet him! How awesome is that? I will be posting my ink holder VERY soon.

Thank you Jeff you ROCK!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

My Unmounted Stamp System

I finally got through enough of my stamps to take pictures and share with you all how I store my unmounted stamps.

I got these GREAT containers from Walmart for $2.88 they are 12qt sterilite. Before I was using photo boxes but found some containers that I can close rather than the photo boxes that stay open with the size of boards I'm using.

The storage boards that I'm mounting my stamps on are from Sunday International The boards are 5 1/2 x 7 inches. They don't carry the boards yet of that size on the site but, you can email Gary Barbee at and he can get that size for you. They are 50 cents each. The stamp sets that I have fit PERFECT with enough room for the whole set and not having to split them up like I was before in CD cases.

I'm sorting all of my stamps by company. I have lots of stamp sets from The Angel Co., Stampin Up and Pink Cat Studio. All of those 3 will have their own containers. Then the individual stamps I'll put into their own. I'm making labels for each board with the number it is in the container along with the name of the stamp set.

I'm also making a binder and indexing with the same label and stamping the sets on a sheet of paper and that goes into a clear sheet protector and into the binder. This is how I will know what I have from each company and all my stamps will be in ONE spot instead of unmounted here and blocks there. I forget what I have and this binder will be so much easier to look through and find what I need rather then a pile of stamps. I still have a long ways to go but a little at a time I will get there. I'm so determined to be done with them. It's gonna be an awesome system so far I love it!

If you have any questions feel free to ask away! And make sure you tell Gary I sent ya to him :o) He's a VERY cool guy! Thanks so much!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

My stamping storage system

A while back I was checking out splitcoast stampers site and came across the thread that were talking about "How do you store your rubber stamps?". Right now I store my unmounted stamps in CD cases. It really drives me crazy that some of the sets don't fit into one CD case. So coming across this thread really intrested me to read on. I don't remember who the lady was that posted pics on how she stores hers but I LOVE it! So today I worked on storing mine the same way. I love it because the sets that I have actually fit on one side of the paper.

updated 3/5/08 - THANK You to the women that posted here on my comments about this! Sure enough! transparency film that is made with acetate will eat away your ez mount so make sure this is NOT how you store your stamps that are mounted to ez mount! I have contacted Sunday International about this and talked to Gary he is SO very nice! He asked me what size of the storage panels (that will be safe to store my stamps on and that they sell on their website) will I be needing and he also let me know that they will be carrying this size so that I and others can use this AWESOME system still to store stamps. I am SO very excited because this saves SO much space! I will be posting more about this boards REAL soon!

cut a piece of white card stock 5 1/2 x 7
cut a piece of transparency film at 5 1/2 x 7
used a glue stick (dries clear) onto one side of the card stock
stamped or put the stickers of the images on the card stock side
clinged my stamps to the transparent side

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Pink Cat Studio Challenge...

Every other week us DT members at Pink Cat Studio have a challenge. It was my turn to give the challenge this last week and I challenged the girls to do an Easter card with the newest Pink Cat Studio Lily stamps with FLOWERS...since I love them so much! Here is the card that I created for the challenge.

I also have to tell you a little story that made me smile BIG today. Late last night I was up looking and reading emails and catching up on Splitcoast stampers site. I love looking at the threads to get the ideas them Ladies have on storing some of their supplies. I came across a thread that was talking about storing handmade cards and got a link to these awesome looking card sleeves that hold up to 200 cards in a binder. I thought this was really cool because I can share my cards with others so easy and they will keep my cards safe. So of course I ordered them and you should too haha! Here is the link So back to what made me smile. I went on paying my order with paypal and the really nice owner of Crop Stop emailed me saying that my paypal won't clear for about 5 days if I wanted to wait...of course I don't! I want them NOW haha! So I emailed her back saying to call me and she did this afternoon and she is the one of the NICEST ladies I have met! We laughed and chit chatted a while. You all have to check out her store and watch her tutorials on all the diff ways you can use all the diff dies in your die cutting machines. She also has a myspace page so go on and add her

Saturday, February 09, 2008

We are ONE day closer....

for the release on Pink Cat Studio's NEW "Lily" stamps!!! I am so excited to post the two new sets that will be avalible to purchase tomorrow!

I made a card using ONLY one of many of my favorite stamps from the Lily stamp sets. This stamp comes from the "Lily and Tweet" set. Sorry for my crooked warm winter wish sentiment...It didn't look that crooked till I posted it haha! OH MY it looks really bad the more I look at it. EEEEK!

Today was a good day. Fluffy woke up kind of sore and not feeling to good from yesterdays vet visit. She is eating and drinking lots of water so thats a positive sign.

I went out and ran a few errands today. Before I left the house I called around to the Mike's stores to see if any of the two stores had the Making Memories - Desktop Carousel. Valerie (Taffy) told me about these awesome carousels and I just knew I needed one. The Mike's closer to me didn't have any in stock. I called the other and they did so I had them hold one for me just in case we had a chance to stop by. Well being that I have the bestest man in the world in my life he said we can go there to pick it up!!! I was so excited!!! have you all seen this thing its awesome! Here is a picture of one that I found online. I have got a few things in it so far but I am sure in no time it will be full!