Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Little Late Anniversary Posting!

Us 14 Years ago!

Us 14 Years later!

Feb. 8th was mine and my Hubby's 14 year anniversary! Since the very first day I met this guy he's been the light of my life and has been there for me though thick and thin! There is not a day that goes by that I'm blessed with him! I love him so very much!

This is a little something I made for him for this special day. He loves to go duck hunting and his bathroom is all decorated in ducks. So thought this could be a little something to add to it...

Every year we visit the Bosque Del Apache it's a wildlife refuge about 45 mins or so from our home town. We have been visiting this place since we first met and just about every year after that for the Festival of Cranes. This last year when we went we were reading about ducks and he was telling me about the "Coots". I never heard or I don't think seen one of these ducks before but the sign was funny because it said "That's some Coot!". We thought it was so funny so we say that all the time now and laugh...guess it's something you had to be there for haha!

Saturday, January 02, 2010

DZ Doodles New Release & A New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!!

DZ Doodles is on a roll again starting this New Year off with NEW digital images YAY! I was able to play with one of the many images that will be released today! I thought I would make a digital layout with the image that I received, so you can see how digital images can be used in many different ways...not just printing and coloring and here it is!!! There are so many different ways to use digital images it's if you haven't yet tried them you need to because you will LOVE them. I colored the image using photoshop.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

DZ Doodles Color Challenge!

DZ Doodles is having a color challenge this week. We were to use the colors orange and black...join in and play with all us design team members. You can get more info here and lots of inspiration! You could be the lucky winner!!!

I also wanted to let everyone know that comes by to read my blog that I might not be around to much this week. A very close family friend did pass away yesterday her name was Sandy. She was a very special person who I have known most of my life and will be missed dearly. Please pray for her friends and family they need lots of them to get though this. Thank you so much. Hugs!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

In Loving Memory...

I'm sorry I haven't been around for the last week or two. My Uncle Eloy passed away on April 8th and we buired him on April 14th so it was a long 7-8 days. I will miss him so much he was a very caring man and had been sick for the last 15-20 years so I understand that he doesn't have to suffer any longer and he is in heaven. This is a picture of us about 5 years ago when we went to Chimayo before his kindey transplant.

A few days before he passed on I made him a little something...