Showing posts with label sky shots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sky shots. Show all posts

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Threat of Rain

I was walking through my old photos in my files when I bumped into this picture of a gloomy sky. This is an old and unshared photo in my files taken last year by Cheep during one of her visits to her friend's house in Galas if I am not mistaken.

A threat of rain it sure had brought a happy and sad thought to everyone. Happy were those who have farms for they got free water for their plants and sad were those whose houses were visited by the overflowing rain water from the river. It happened to some houses near us last year. It was sad.
With this gloom of a sky, it's like holding a very heavy rain that will pour sooner or later. With this gloom of a sky, it serves as a warning for me not to wash too much laundry and not to hang it outside if I don't like rewashing and wasting laundry soap. Lol! We are getting this kind of weather here meanwhile. What about in your area?

Friday, November 05, 2010

Looking At The Sky On Frida No. 1

I am starting all over again in posting my sky photos for the meme, Looking at the Sky on Friday (LATSOF) here in this blog. I know I've neglected this blog for so long. I had nothing to write and no idea of anything to talk about in here. So for this month, let me start by sharing a view of the sky from our terrace. This was taken early morning of a day I cannot remember. I bet this was taken last month but not sure it was Friday. This view of the sky is very refreshing, isn't it?

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