Showing posts with label amusement parks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amusement parks. Show all posts

Monday, July 16, 2012

Eco-Friendly Urinals and Some Reminders

I believe I haven't posted these photos here yet. So today, I would like to take this opportunity to share these photos on memes and to my blogger friends and beloved readers who still take time, even though I seldom update this blog as of late, to visit this humble blog of mine. This would be the right time to sprinkle this blog with some shades of nature.

Taken several months ago are these pictures during that sacrifice climb my sisters and I did to the peak of Mt. Linabo. Yes I know, it was quite months long ago...just months ago. And remembering that exhausting yet worth-it climb brings back a lot of fun memories. On our way up, during the first few steps to the concrete stairs, my eyes were filled with few of the refreshing views of nature with entertaining vivid colors here and there. Below are few that caught my eyes.  

Eco-friendly Male and Female Urinals. Blue is for the males while the white is for the females.Pretty useful aren't they. There were numbers of these urinals scattered along the sides of the concrete stairs. I bet there were a pair of these in every stations of the cross and then a few up to the peak.  I am not sure all climbers have used this Eco-friendly urinals for urinating anywhere and on the walls is very popular here in the Philippines but one thing was sure, these urinals were useful to us during our climb.

These pretty reminders to all climbers for a safety climb but all these rules did not apply to some climbers though for I saw a few were smoking, littering and playing loud and distracting music on their phone and iPod as we were on our way up and down. Still though, this post with safety reminders made into a beautiful decoration in every station. Drinking liquors sure is one thing that a climber should avoid or she/he will end up having a quick flight down the concrete stairs...head first.

MellowYellowMondayBadge Smiling Sally

Friday, April 06, 2012

The Climb to Linabo Peak

Yesterday, my friend Pabz and my sister Cheem asked me to go with them to climb up to Mt. Linabo Park or popularly known as Linabo Peak in Dipolog City. In order to reach the peak (or I don’t know if one could ever reach it) of Mt. Linabo, you first have to go through the 3003 steps. Climbing up the 3003 Steps in Mt. Linabo has been a practice of the locals here during the Holy week. Why, because it is where the procession after the holy mass is done for the 3003 steps cover the 14 Stations of the Cross. 

Here's Cheem at the 1st Station of the Cross. Did she ever reached the peak? We'll see.

Warning: Please use the Concrete Steps in climbing up/down to avoid accidents.

Climbing up and up the steps. Stopping for a drink. I wonder how many steps she had already climbed in this picture.

Stopping to rest and to eat their baon mamon from Red Ribbon.

Stopping for some camera shots. Can you tell they were tired by their look? I am sure they were and they were just faking their smiles. Haha!

Wow! 14th Station huh? Congrats sis. 

Have they ever reached the peak though? Well, they did and the photos will be posted next time. I am envious looking at their photos and I feel like climbing up there right now. Hmp? Maybe. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Fire Play

This is not the sensual or censored fire play. This is a fire play that is done in front a general crowd where children can as well watch and enjoy (with parents' guidance) the dances and moves of fires done by those who know or have talent with working with fire. I first seen fire exhibition like this in Boracay and second was in Dapitan City inside the Fantasy Land where this picture above was taken. It was amusing!

I am sharing this to:

Monday, June 27, 2011

Hop On The Train

Here are another set of photos taken at Fantasy Land:

I hope you are not yet tired of me talking about Fantasy Land in Dapitan. I just wanted to share photos I took while there as well as the beauty and the enjoyment the place can offer. Among the many photos I've taken are these photos of train ride that tours guests around the Fantasy Land to show all the rides and the scenery. I was not able to ask how much was the fee for a ride though.
Smiling SallyMellowYellowMondayBadge