Sunday, August 14, 2011

Fire Play

This is not the sensual or censored fire play. This is a fire play that is done in front a general crowd where children can as well watch and enjoy (with parents' guidance) the dances and moves of fires done by those who know or have talent with working with fire. I first seen fire exhibition like this in Boracay and second was in Dapitan City inside the Fantasy Land where this picture above was taken. It was amusing!

I am sharing this to:


anne said...

they are so talented swaying that fire on the air. Awesome

My entry is here My Daily Mumbles

genny said...

ganda...sounds fun...i hope minsan makapanood ng ganito rin.:-)

Chubskulit Rose said...

hahaha sasabihin ko na sana masama magplay ng fire lol. I have seen one in school. Thanks for joining sis.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Shoot, not sure if my comment went through wahhhh.. thanks for joining sis.

Edsie said...

So far, I've only witnessed fire dance in Boracay. And they were really good!

Visiting from a colorful weekend! Hope you could visit my entry!
Flower Arrangement from Dangwa

Lainy said...

Hola Chie! Missed you and your blogs. I wonder if you got hold of the postcard I've sent in June?

Anyways, that's a nice capture through the night. Must be a real good camera ;-)


Shengkay said...

once pa lang ako nakakita ng poi dance sis..
galing nila no?

Visiting from Colorful Weekend Sis. Have a nice day..
MY Colorful Weekend

Shengkay said...

Visiting from Color Connection Sis. goodnight..hehehe..
MY Color Connection
You might want to join my

May said...

Fire power! This is great, Chie! Thanks for sharing this on Colorful Weekend! I hope you come back again to share more of your colorful exploits! :)