Showing posts with label world famous artists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label world famous artists. Show all posts

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Famous Artists With Their Milestones

Oil paintings have been around since the fifth century and they originated in India, China and some parts of Afghanistan as well. However, they did not become popular till the 15th century when European artists started using oils as a medium for paintings. Perhaps the most famous oil painting known to man is the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. The type of oil used depends on availability and most common forms include linseed oil, sunflower oil, walnut oil and poppy seed oil. It also depends on the type of medium and consistency desired. In some cases painters are known to use more than one type of oil in their paintings as well. Oil paintings for sale usually go through auction houses and places such as Christies, and Sotheby’s are world renowned auction houses which deal with such paintings.

Famous Oils

Some of the most renowned oil paintings include the following:

Bust of an old man with helmet, Rembrandt

The toilet of Venus, Francois Boucher

Portrait of Dr. Gatchet, Vincent van Gogh

Le Moulin de la Galette, Pierre- Auguste Renoir

La donna Velata, Raphael

The raising of the cross, Peter Paul Rubens

During the fifteen century, oil painting techniques made the journey from the east towards Europe. It could have possibly started during the Early Netherlandish period and by the time the Renaissance came around; oils had taken over as the primary option. In more recent times, water colors have taken over from oils as this type dries out quicker. However, oils remain an important medium for artists throughout the world.

Reproductions of famous paintings

Paintings are incredibly expensive and most people cannot afford to buy originals. In fact, many of the original works by Monet, Raphael, da Vinci, Picasso and other renowned painters sell for hundreds of millions. Billionaires and art aficionados are the only people who can afford these paintings and most of them are sold on the underground. The few that pass through the auction houses are lesser known works of these great artists. However, those who like paintings but cannot afford them need not despair and you can go in for replicas of these. Two types of replicas are available these days; one is print replica and the other is hand painted replica.

Some companies are offering hand painted oils which are exact replications of the originals. Only an expert with an eye for detail will be able to make out the difference between the two. In fact, no one will be able to figure out that you have purchased a replica even after you hang it at home. Remember that these paintings are available at a much cheaper rate than the original and this is the second best option that you have. Works of the most renowned artists are being replicated and you may save upto 80 percent of the gallery prices if you buy online. Moreover, the replications are made by up and coming artists who have immense talent and you will definitely be able to resell them at a later date if you wish to.

Paintings for sale include categories such as still life, abstract, scenery, landscape, and nudes, religious, mother and child, Madonna, man and woman, street scenes, sports, women, waterfront scenes, horses, café dining, children, angels, animals and many more. Irrespective of what your fancy is you will be able to find a perfect replica for it.