While small businesses, including restaurants, were locked down by government force, Democratic California Governor Gavin Newsom partied with a group at an expensive restaurant. The California Democrats have decreed gasoline-powered automobiles won't be sold in California in a little over a decade from now, while the state's power infrastructure can't handle current demand for electricity. In the county of Los Angeles, freeways can't handle existing traffic, but the "road fund" is regularly spent on buses, rail, and non-transportation projects and programs.
What the Leftist Democrats are doing in California - which they'd love to take national - might not make sense to someone who has common sense, who doesn't seek to control others. But what the power-hungry social engineering central planners are doing makes sense when you realize what they want, and they've publicly said so and/or demonstrated, is to:
What the Leftist Democrats are doing in California - which they'd love to take national - might not make sense to someone who has common sense, who doesn't seek to control others. But what the power-hungry social engineering central planners are doing makes sense when you realize what they want, and they've publicly said so and/or demonstrated, is to:
- Install most of our children into government-controlled institutions from six weeks of age into their twenties.
- Get those children dependent on government for most of their meals, served at or distributed by the schools.
- Move most of us into large apartment buildings, especially ones with commercial space on the first level or three.
- Ensure those apartment units will have water and power controlled and limited by remote, and waste (like the trash you throw away) controlled, limited, and analyzed.
- Force us out of automobiles we control into government-run mass transit.
- Discourage entrepreneurship and small businesses so that we're all working for government or large businesses, which can be more easily controlled by government, or dependent on government redistribution of money.
- Get most of us dependent on the state for health care.
- Disarm private citizens when it comes to defending themselves, their family, or their property.
They hate liberty for anyone other than their own little clique.
Resist Leftism. Defeat Leftism. Defend Liberty.