Showing posts with label morality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label morality. Show all posts

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Pat Robertson Passes

Most of what I saw and heard from Pat Robertson was from news and outrage reports, meaning if his actual words were included, they were just snippets out of context. If I recall correctly, I read one book attributed to him and some fundraising pleas, watched one political convention speech, and maybe heard him talking to radio program hosts over the years.

I'm not going to even try to defend everything he said or did. Nobody is perfect, and anyone who appears in as much media as he did, especially if any of it is unscripted, is going to say things that are erroneous or sound strange. Whatever he did wrong is now between him and the Lord.

I will say that Robertson was not wrong advocating that Christians participate in politics. Christians have every right to run for office, vote, speak up, support candidates, causes, and actions, and oppose others, including doing so based on their religious beliefs. 

Also, I have noticed outrage reports about him have often taken what he's said out of context have "interpreted" what he said without quoting him. Assuming he actually said some of the more strange things attributed to him, such as about the rumored actions of some people on the Left or who identify themselves by certain behaviors, Robertson and conservative Christians hardly have a monopoly on that. I don't know if a day goes by that I don't see some bizarre claim from the Left, or antitheists, or abortisexuals about what Republicans/conservatives/Christian are planning to do or are already doing.

It isn't some wacky fringe idea that there is Divine judgment for nations, and that a nation turning against the Lord is going to suffer some judgment as a result. This has been something believed throughout history by many cultures. That doesn't automatically make it right, but it is a Biblically sound idea, and Robertson considered the Bible to be Scripture. Sexual morality and ideals of the sort proclaimed by Robertson also haven't been fringe and certainly aren't unique to a few prominent religious broadcasters. Like it or not, if more people lived by them, there would be a lot less disease, unwanted pregnancies, and broken hearts.

The haters, predictably, are celebrating the passing of Robertson. Every time they react this way to the death of a prominent Christian preacher, Republican, or conservative, those haters are reminding many of us why they should never have power over any of us. The hate, the vitriol, the bloodthirsty behavior should remind everyone why limiting government and being prepared to defend yourself and the innocent are necessary.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Christians Should Not Abandon Political Involvement

There are a lot of people out there who wish Christians would get out of politics entirely, and most of them will say (and, sadly, some politically active Christians would agree) that Christians should not vote for a seriously flawed candidate, but should instead simply not vote, or vote for the other major candidate, a write in, or a third party candidate.

What does the Bible say about political involvement?

The Bible tells us to live for the Lord wholeheartedly and that everything we have, including our money and our bodies, is His; we have been temporarily delegated control over these thing. It also recognizes that we live among people who aren't Christians, some who are pretenders, and people hostile to Christianity. We are to live moral and virtuous lives, including caring for the poor and protecting against evil.

When the Bible was written, there was no government structure like ours, with a Constitutionally-limited secular federal government of three equal branches representing a union of secular states, all being of laws rather than men, with democratically elected representatives from an electorate of men and women regardless of ethnicity, religion, creed, education, or class. In the Bible, a benevolent dictatorship, with Jesus Christ as Lord, is presented as our ultimate destination, inhabited by the redeemed and glorified. Until Jesus appears again and we have the New Heaven and New Earth, we have to deal with each other as fallen mortals.

Our Founding Fathers were heavily influenced by the Bible and history. They knew that people are fallen, that government power had to be limited, and that a system that involves separation of powers and checks and balances was needed. 

Unfortunately, over the course of our Union's history, more and more power has shifted to the federal government, especially the federal judiciary, which has, in some cases, become activist. The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen. However, with certain limits and exceptions, each citizen still has the right to vote, the freedom to run for elected office and to support campaigns with our time, talent, and treasure.

Should Christians vote? And if so, should they only vote for people who are apparently Christians with a lifetime of outstanding, moral behavior and unassailable character?

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Is This Any Way to Treat a Loyal Customer?

I have been a Dr. Laura Schlessinger fan for decades, listening to her radio program and reading many of her books, and interacting with her program's social media. She read at least one essay I posted on my blog on her radio program, approvingly. It was in her defense from attacks directed her way. She's read letters I've written to her on her program.

Her program, which airs live on SiriusXM, is also sold as a paid subscription podcast. I subscribe to that podcast, because I want to be able to listen to every moment of the program; the implication is that the podcast is going to be the program that aired, minus the breaks.

Unfortunately, too often, it isn't.

Sometimes, an hour or all three from weeks or months ago will be uploaded instead of that day's live program. Some other times, the 48-minute long hour will have one segment repeat back-to-back, meaning we are hearing the same 12 minutes we just heard 12 minutes ago. And since the hour isn't extended, that means we are missing 12 minutes of that hour.

This is NOT when she plans to be off and they run "Best of." Or when old calls are dopped into her "live" program to give her a break or make up for a lack of callers (all talk programs are getting fewer callers). This is the person handling the podcast (which isn't her) botching the podcast. Now, we all make mistakes. But a botched podcast can be fixed. And it should be.

Dr. Laura says she reads all her e-mails (just not all on the air). I wonder if that's true, or if she only reads the ones her staff allows her to read? I know she interacts with comments on the program's official Facebook but does NOT interact with the program's Twitter account.

It became clear that Tuesday [not Monday, as I originally wrote], July 19, 2022 podcast's third hour (at least), wasn't (or, substantially wasn't) what aired on the SiriusXM program. There were several ways to know:
  • Some people catch parts of the program on SiriusXM, then later listen to the podcast, and some podcast listeners discuss the program with people who listen live. Differences become apparent. "Did you hear the call about....?" Well, no, because it wasn't included in the podcast. Something else must have been, instead.

  • Some close, avid listeners of the podcast recognize old calls from past editions of the program.

  • Dr. Laura reads an "Email of the Day" and that also gets posted on the official program website. The "Email of the Day" read during that podcast hour is NOT a recently posted Email of the Day, and her Facebook posted the Email of the Day for Tuesday (see below) and it wasn't one heard by podcast listeners. 
In addition:
  • That hour was labeled on the website as "Jasmine's 7-year-old daughter is holding back her emotions." However, there was no such call during that podcast hour.

  • Dr. Laura does a live promo for her "Marriage 101" course. That was something she was doing promos for months ago. She's currently doing live promos for her book about surviving "Shark Attacks" on land, and indeed, later in the hour there was also one of those.

  • Dr. Laura mentions that she's going to tell story after a break, then never tells the story.
The first one of those three is an indication that the wrong file got uploaded for podcast listeners. The second and third are indications that whatever was uploaded was "spliced together," at least partially from one or more previous programs. The third almost certainly isn't a matter of Dr. Laura forgetting to tell the story. Using old calls isn't the problem here, if they were used during the live program. The problem is that we podcast subscribers aren't getting the program that aired that day.

So what are paying podcast subscribers to do, if they want what aired that day instead of retreads from weeks or months ago?

Well, they can try the customer service tied to the podcast subscription. What if we think Dr. Laura needs to be aware of this recurring problem? We can write her an e-mail about it, and hope she sees it. I tried alerting her through the program's Facebook. This was posted there:

That was precisely the Email of the Day podcast listeners DID NOT get to hear her read. None of her podcast listeners (as of this writing, anyway), got to hear that.

So I was the first to comment:

For that, I was quicky banned from the program's official Facebook (and that comment removed), despite being a longtime "Top Contributor" who behaved respectfully and expressed my appreciation for the program there.

Now here's the question I have, other than "Will that hour of the podcast ever get fixed?":

Was it staff that banned me (I wonder if Dr. Laura even knows how to ban, as she is self-admittedly not that technical), and is Dr. Laura being informed of when her podcast is getting botched, or is that being deliberately kept from her? If she doesn't care, or doesn't want customers talking about it because she doesn't want to discourage people from signing up, that's one thing. If her staff is hiding important information from her, shame on them.

I'd really like to know which it is.

As things are right now, I'm considering ending my subscription, as this isn't the way customers should be treated, and if podcast subscribers aren't going to get what they paid for (especially given there are still ads included, just not the ones during breaks), they shouldn't keep paying. No, my one subscription isn't a big deal, ...but if you lose me, surely you're losing many others.

I'd be happy to do a positive update to this post. If someone needs to reach me, they can contact me through my Facebook or my Twitter.

Do the right thing, indeed.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

When Evil Brings Mass Murder to School

Most government schools in the USA turn children, teachers, and other staff into sitting ducks for evil people to commit mass murder. 

We can never eliminate murders at schools, but we can do something to reduce them.

Many other government buildings are protected by securing the grounds, limiting and screening entries, and armed guards. Yes, that's expensive, but we clearly have the money, considering how much we're already spending on government schools, and how much we're sending to other countries. It's a matter of priorities.

Legally banning guns is not the solution. Even forgetting the Second Amendment, the Fourth Amendment, and the rest of our Constitution, the USA is different from other countries. The demographics and history of this union of state is different. The geography is different. We share a long, porous border with the corrupt country of Mexico, where cartels already easily smuggle people and other contraband. Bans on firearms would further enrich those cartels and not prevent smuggling of firearms. Also, how exactly would banned firearms be confiscated from residents in the USA who previously owned them legally? It would take armed raids to do it, which would result in countless deaths, which defeats the purpose - unless you're trying to kill otherwise law-abiding citizens and law enforcement officers, which I wouldn't put past the Left and other Big Government statists. Meanwhile, more people would be radicalized and hoard firearms.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

AIDS Wasn't Reagan's Fault

[I'm bumping this up.]

It's been over 30 years since the onset of AIDS. Bob Smagula of Santa Barbara wrote in a couple of years ago to the Los Angeles Times to do the requisite swipe at President Ronald Reagan.
I remember vividly how Ronald Reagan's administration chose to ignore this plague. His followers created a poisonous atmosphere by blaming the victims. His indifference was such that he never publicly uttered the word "AIDS" until his seventh year in office.

He goes on to attack President George W. Bush, morality, and even those who doubt that the universe, despite everything we know, magically created itself and that life, despite a complete lack of evidence, magically arose from nonlife through some process yet to be discovered.

The chief complaint about these types appears to be that with the onset of HIV/AIDS in the USA, Reagan didn't drop everything and focus on something striking a tiny portion of the population, a disease that is almost entirely avoidable through some basic morality. Yes, there were people infected through tainted donated blood or through accidental or malicious needle pokes, but the vast majority of people acquired HIV through shooting up illegal drugs with a needle already used by another junkie, or through engaging in rough sex, especially receiving bleeding and/or anal sex from someone who had been having sex with someone else or shooting up illegal drugs. These Reagan-bashers wanted Reagan to take money by force from Watchtower followers and everyone else in the nation, and throw it - not at other diseases less preventable and killing more people - but HIV/AIDS, mostly because it was making it scarier for them to get high or engage in orgies.

Am I saying that people who did those things "deserved" to get AIDS and die, more than then next guy? Nope. But let's not pretend that people hadn't been warned to avoid such behavior. Be honest. How many of these people have sympathy for chain smokers who get lung cancer and want Obama to do more about lung cancer?

As far as Reagan's lack of focus on HIV/AIDS, I can see why people are so upset to this day. After all, it is right there in Article II, Section 5 of the Constitution of the United States:
The President shall respond to new diseases spread by behavior typical of junkies and homosexual males by taking money by force from everyone and spending it on treating and preventing the spread of the disease, all other issues, including diseases killing more people, be damned.
Oops. That part of the Constitution doesn't exist. Which means it wasn't Reagan's place to do anything. I suppose he could have used his bully pulpit to look into the camera and say:
It is your duty to yourselves, your family, your country, and our God that you stop buggering different people and stop sharing needles. If you're a man and refuse to stop engaging in homosexual behavior, then stick to true monogamy. Not that “monogamy” where you can still have sex with other people as long as your partner is there, or your partner is out of town, or you are out of town, or you're in a club, or in a restroom. If you're a junkie and refuse to stop shooting up, then use clean needles.

Somehow, I don't think those whining about Reagan's refusal to take unconstitutional action on this matter would have been happy with that.

Meanwhile, most people recognize that Reagan did a lot of good for the world, even if they don't like everything about his Presidency.

And here's a hint before we’re hit with the next new disease: Avoid substance abuse. Do not share needles. Save sex for marriage, marry someone who will be faithful, treat that person right, and stay faithful to them.

Also: Under GWB there was more AIDS funding than under Clinton or Obama.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Disunited Methodists

I'm not a member if a United Methodist Church, but my family does have multiple ties to the UMC denomination. UMCs vary widely from place to place. For example, my wife grew up in a UMC in California, and she doesn't recall ever hearing presentation or explanation of the core Gospel until she was attending a university and went to a Christian event with a classmate. She was a bit embarrassed that she'd grown up in a church and yet has missed the central point of Christianity: a proper relationship with Jesus Christ.

The LGBTQQAICDEFGHJKMNOPRSUVWXYZ activists within the denomination are trying to move the organization away from applying what has traditionally been understood as the Biblical teachings of there being men and women, marriage uniting a man and a woman, and reserving sex for marriage.

Remember when the activists said that marriage neutering wouldn't have any effect on churches?

There was a conference in February that address this. If you want the bottom line, skip down to my comments at the end.

Here's what Katherine Jackson reported for Reuters, as I found at Yahoo News (which really got crappy after the most recent corporate acquisition).
The United Methodist Church voted on Tuesday to uphold and strengthen its ban on same-sex marriage and LGBT clergy in a move likely to alienate large numbers of followers who had pushed for reform.

Ban. Ban is loaded language. We're not talking about secular law here. This is a supposedly Christian organization. There's no more a van on "same-sex marriage" than a ban on squared circles or kosher shrimp.

Also, as we'll see, there is no ban on LGBT clergy.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Not Marching in Lockstep

A letter from "Adele":
I am in such a discouraged funk about our culture lately. The argument about birth control versus the freedom of religion was the straw that broke this camel’s back! Any discussions about the subject I hear are always women vs. the big bad everyone else. So, here goes...Hey women’s libbers; Hey Planned Parenthood, Hey liberal media...STOP using me as your ploy!! You never asked my opinion so stop speaking for "women" and start speaking for "some women".

You don't speak for me. I am an American; I am a voter; I am a mother of 5; I am a wife and I am a doctor. I do believe the freedom of religion is more important than the birth control pill. I do believe our constitution and it's amendments, fought for by the blood of our fathers, sons and brothers is vastly more important than an employee being forced to pay for something that will allow our sisters, daughters and friends to continue to perpetuate a "safe sex equals freedom" culture: A culture that has left us with an amoral society where young women think 'shacking up' is an integral part of a relationship. A culture where dismembering a 5, 6, even 9mt old baby in a mother’s womb while alive is considered a choice and not murder.

So, all of you who are fighting for the 'cause of women', who are standing up and banging the podium women must have the freedom of choice...ask me my choice! Stop speaking for me! You have made it so when I hear the words 'women’s health' I cringe because I know I am about to be grouped into some ideal that is against every core of my being. Do not group me with your ideals; do not include me with your rhetoric. If you are so concerned about choice then stop stifling mine!

Personally, I think these groups should held accountable for slander. No where in the media do you hear the words "some women". This means I have to be looked at as agreeing simply because I am a woman. I would like a group to speak for all men and see what happens.
That is one of many great letters you can find at Good job, Adele!

[Bumped up due to current events.]

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Are You Ready For Post-Christian America?

[Note: This is something I originally posted  in July 2008. I had to retrieve it from the Wayback Machine because dumped their user blogs and didn't warn us or give us a way to download them. It is more relevant than ever.]

Christians in this country have had things relatively easy compared to most of the world through most of history. We haven’t had to meet in secret under threat of death, we haven’t had to take up arms to defend ourselves from invading armies or hordes of Muslims, barbarians, pagans, or atheists. We haven’t had politico-sectarian strife as in the British Isles. Since the time of Christ's earthly ministry, Christians have had to face the wrath of Jewish establishment authorities, oppressive pagan governments, violent pagan hordes, Islamic armies and terrorists, and atheist iron-fisted governments.  While we are right to stick up for our representation in our national, state, and municipal heritages, and our right to self-government under this Constitution, we hardly have faced the oppression that so many of our brothers and sisters have faced. In turn, we did not force everyone in the nation to adopt Christianity, and in general, while some identifying themselves as Christians have been clumsy or annoying in the behavior, people have generally enjoyed broad freedom.

That’s because this has been, in a sense, a Christian nation.

Okay, whenever someone claims that we are or were a “Christian nation”, someone else is likely to declare that most of our founding fathers were Deists and not Christians. Those who want us to shut up will often cite “low” church membership rolls in comparison to total population in the early days of our nation. But in those days, being a “member” of a church typically meant that one not only attended that church regularly, but had undergone baptism and/or confirmation into that church, regularly tithed to that church, and practiced, as far as anyone knew, the morals and doctrines of that church – violation of which would mean not being a “member” until repentance and restoration. Rolls were also likely to only include the head of the household. The pews certainly contained many more souls, and the influence of the church extended strongly beyond its walls. The naysayers will cite some actual or perceived historical injustices or evils as evidence that we’ve never been a Christian nation. These people can’t tell us why those things are wrong, only that they believe or feel them to be wrong, or at least contradictory to Biblical teaching...which they don’t believe anyway.

By referring to the U.S.A. as a “Christian nation”, I don’t mean that there were never injustices or evils or mistakes in our history – just like when I call myself a Christian, I don’t mean I’ve never done (and never do) unchristian things. Certainly slavery as practiced in America was unchristian, as were actions by anyone who denied the humanity and human rights of Africans and African-Americans.

By “Christian nation”, I mean that we are a nation of individuals who have traditionally identified ourselves as Christians or affiliated with a Christian church; a nation where Christian churches are the most prominent religious institutions dotting the landscape; where you can glance at our founding documents, the writings and speeches of the founders, legislation, court decisions, proclamations, public art, marketing, and other media through most of our history and find citations from, references to, and allusions to God, the Bible, and Jesus Christ; where churches and preachers have held significant influence in public opinion; where most people publicly used and accepted basic tenets of the Bible or lessons from Biblical texts; where the Bible was used in public instruction; where the prominent academic institutions, hospitals, and charities where expressly implementing a Christian mission; where in the halls of government or academia, or in the workplace, a person could loudly and unapologetically lead a group prayer, or appeal to Christ; where the religious aspects of holidays and celebrations were not downplayed; where crèches were common on city land around Christmas; where mottos, seals, and artwork on public buildings openly paid homage to the Christian foundations of that institution or the local or state or federal government.

The major movements and changes were accomplished with sturdy appeals to the Bible
– the exploration and colonization of the land, the American Revolution, the Emancipation, the fight against Nazi Germany and its conspirators, standing our ground through the Cold War, the fight for civil rights. Even those who currently fought to neuter marriage licensing often misappropriated “judge not” and “love your neighbor” from the Bible.

But even as most people in the country still identify themselves as Christian (or cite Jesus or the Bible as some authority), we are becoming a post-Christian nation through the tyranny of the minority and the apathy and cowardice of those who are supposed to be salt and light.

We allowed a clause in the Constitution that was meant to prevent the adoption of one denomination as the national religion to be used to slowly but surely remove our heritage and our free exercise of our religion from the public square, to divorce our governing from natural law. Perhaps out of complacency and in a botched attempt to be welcoming to the immigrant, to be fair and tolerant and “nonjudgmental” to the atheists and hedonists as well as anyone who believed differently, we allowed the aggressive secularization of our society, the degradation of our culture, and the enshrinement of license as a “right”. Maybe we went along with it because of our own materialism. In the process, we have trampled on our basic rights to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of association, and to do with our property and our labor what we will, as long as it wasn’t destructive.

We thought the family and church and its charities too constricting, personal responsibility and self-reliance too scary, raising our own children too burdensome, and now we are settling into the clutches of the nanny state, which gains more power the less moral and responsible its citizens, the less those citizens believe their rights and obligations - and those of everyone else - flow from God.

So out goes the Bible, the cross, prayer, and the Ten Commandments. Out goes discernment, sound reasoning, shame, and humility. Out go the moral constraints on sexual behavior. Out goes the expectation of marriage as a lifetime commitment uniting a man and a woman to care for each other and their children ahead of their own wants. Out goes valuing human life, in comes using human beings for our own convenience and and dispensing of other human beings when they are inconvenient.

In our churches, we’ve allowed another Jesus and another gospel.
We reward people like Oprah as they recast Jesus and his teachings in a philosophical mold that is based on Eastern religious concepts antithetical to the Bible. Their “Christianity” demands nothing of them. It does not ask that they change their behavior. Yes, most Americans say they believe in God or a unifying spirit, but many don’t believe that such a being has authority over their lives, or at least they don’t act like it. After all, if we’re confronted with our sins, we cover ourselves with moral relativism, twisting Scripture (“judge not!”), and appealing to evolution as an explanation. We want God there at the wedding, at the hospital bed, and the funeral - but not in the wallet, or the marriage, or the bedroom.

So get ready for post-Christian America, where rights are granted – and can be abridged – by the government which is not "of, by,  and for the people" but rather an elite class, and we “can’t” govern by Christian principles. Heck, Christians are being told they shouldn’t even vote by their personal convictions.

We can see how far we’ve come. Years ago, for example, our current [now former] President was ridiculed for citing Jesus Christ as his favorite philosopher. Yet Thomas Jefferson, whose “wall of separation” phrase in a letter has been misused by such people, compiled and presented a codification of Jesus’ moral teachings.

Right now, they’ve got enough people believing that tolerance means we can’t do anything with which they are uncomfortable. But we are already seeing that where they gain power, they won’t even practice the true meaning of tolerance. Those who live by their Christian principles will not only be marginalized, they will be kicked out of the classroom, fired from the job, and successfully prosecuted and sued in the courtroom. I wonder if we’ll get to the point where killing a Christian will be okay, as long as you can cite that they expressed “hate speech fightin’ words” by affirming Christian morals, making someone else feel “threatened”.

Are you ready for post-Christian America?

Related post: Are You Really a Christian?

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

A Wall Separates Both Sides

Marriage has been the basic building block of communities and society, uniting both sexes in a cooperative unit, usually producing and and raising the next generation with a parent of each of the two sexes.

Marriage is presented in the Bible as a powerful metaphor for God and His people, Christ and the Church. Literally from the first book of the Bible through to the last, marriage is depicted as uniting the sexes, while never portraying as marriage something absent of the participation of both sexes. Theologians who are followers of Christ cite marriage as one of only two or three institutions directly started by God. Even if one does not believe God created marriage, the fact is secular government in general didn't create marriage, and certainly not the government of the United States nor of the states themselves. They have merely described marriage, and put certain limitations (such as monogamy, minimum ages, low level of consanguinity) on the state licensing of marriage. The states have done so because new citizens, who do not consent to the relationships, usually result from marriage, and for the stabilization of family, inheritance, etc.

While I recognize that legislators, or the people directly, can legally vote to neuter state marriage licenses into documents that recognize nonmarriages under the name of description of "marriage", it is immoral for them to do so, as they are usurping something that our "wall of separation" should prevent. Fifteen years ago there was never anything anywhere in the world called "marriage" that lacked one of the sexes. Calling a brideless or groomless pairing a "marriage" is an abuse of the word, along the lines of government declaring that shrimp wrapped in bacon, served on a cheeseburger, is "kosher", or that ham is "vegetarian".

Any church or clergy that refuses to speak out in opposition to the neutering of state marriage licenses, citing the "separation of church and state" should be consistent. In that, I mean that they should never then, having claimed that religious marriage and state marriage are two separate things:

1) Require a state marriage license be involved in order for a marriage to be performed in the church.

2) Consider any congregants or members or staff "married" or not based on the possession, or lack thereof, of a state marriage license. It should be based  solely on whether or not there was a church-recognized religious ceremony and a church-recognized divorce. A man or woman whose legal spouse committed adultery should be free to pursue another spouse and have a marriage ceremony in the church, regardless whether or not the state says he or she is divorced in the first place.

Put up or shut up, all of you churches willing to roll over and bow down to the petulant marriage neutering advocates.

There are many good nonreligious reasons to support the bride+groom requirement in state marriage licensing, but even so, one does not surrender his right enumerated in one clause of the First Amendment - the freedom of speech - by exercising a right enumerated in another clause of the very same Amendment - the freedom of religion. Speaking up and voting for marriage on religious grounds is no less valid and legal than demanding and voting for the neutering of marriage on the basis of personal sexual attractions or federal entitlements.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Religious Right- an American Reaction, Not an Imposition

The Left loves to portray the Religious Right as some insidious, extreme, relatively new influence that foisted itself upon America, when, in fact, the Religious Right (RR) arose as a response to organized and extremist Leftist activism that sought to reshape America and Western civilization. These people in the RR organized to conserve the culture – the traditions, institutions, morals, ideals, and standards – that they saw as worth conserving.  There would be no organized Religious Right if it weren’t for things like Roe v. Wade and other landmark court decisions.

Leftist activists, atheists, parental authority subverters, abortion pushers, those who despise masculinity in men and femininity in women, and decadent hedonists had organized and were exerting influence from within and over politics, media, academia, corporate America, and even churches. Their tactics included undermining parental authority, reducing church influence in the public square, and reducing self-discipline with the ultimate goal, apparently, of transferring reliance on self, family, and church to reliance on the state, thus making it easier to spread the costs of malignant narcissistic hedonism to society at large while disarming that society's ability to reinforce traditional behavioral constraints. In practical terms, this meant bringing homosexuality out of the bedroom and into every aspect of life and denying heterosexuality as the norm or as qualitatively different from homosexuality. This meant denying the differences in the sexes. This meant immodesty in attire and behavior. This meant men and women abdicating their restraints, roles, and responsibilities. This meant removing reminders that our nation was founded by Christians. This meant ridiculing and ostracizing the devout.

The results have not been good.  Judging from what their activists are saying, radical feminists, homosexuality advocates, and atheists are still feeling uncomfortable, insecure, excluded, oppressed, and offended. So, according to them, their goals have not been realized. Meanwhile, the negative effects from the changes have touched every area of our lives.

Easy access to contraception and abortion was going to provide us with guilt-free and consequence-free sex, and make sure that no child would be born into an abusive situation or into poverty. Didn’t happen.

Shacking up was going to make sure that people only got married if they were right for each other and ready. Didn’t happen.

Instead, we had an explosion of STDs, including AIDS, and divorce. Too many people can no longer clearly see the difference between real marriage and counterfeits. We have more broken homes. Children are being abused, neglected, or primarily raised by a series of strangers and exposed to an endless line "surrogate parents" (their parents' sex partners). Newborn babies are being thrown into dumpsters even where there is easy access to abortion and where babies can be surrendered safely with no strings attached in the first 72 hours after birth. Human beings are being treated like commodities. There has been an increase in the diagnoses of emotional, social, and behavioral disorders. And, surprise – there has been increased dependence on federal government.

While the past was never perfect, the present results of Leftist activism has made many things worse. Even as people didn’t always live by their ideal morals, it was understood that sexuality was a private matter, that sex was best saved for marriage, that men and women were different and should be able to socialize as groups and raise boys to be masculine men and girls to be feminine women, that children were best raised within a marriage, and that parents should be supported in childrearing instead of undermined. The Christian aspects of our national heritage were acknowledged and respected, even though everyone knew that non-Christians and even non-theists were a part of our society, too. Commercial entertainment was sought after to inspire and reinforce good, not feed off of and push our lusts.

The thing about the Left trying to disarm the Religious Right by trying to herd evangelicals into their corner is… the result, if they were to succeed, would be ugly. Even more churches would fail to be salt and light to the world. Higher taxes and inefficient government bureaucracy would be seen as a replacement for private charity.

One of the frequent criticisms of the RR is that they are intolerant and want to control the bedrooms of other people. My experience has been that most in the RR simply want what goes on in the bedroom to stay in the bedroom and for people to accept the consequences of their private actions. While they condemn what they think is negative deviance, that is not the same thing as being intolerant.

Meanwhile, the Left wants even more control over your wallet, your closet, your workplace, your home, your lightbulbs, your shopping bags, your investments, your dinner table, your children, your car, and your speech.

If the RR were to die, the results would be very bad. Thankfully, it hasn't died. But the Left will keep dreaming.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Remembering Reverend King

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Christian Reverend who constantly appealed to Christian principles in calling for this nation to follow Christ in treating every person as a worthwhile human being, regardless of skin color. He did a lot of good for this country.

May character matter more than skin color, and racists repent.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Moral High Ground

It is immoral and counterproductive for the government to take money by force from one person or group of people and give it another unless the recipient is performing a Constitutionally assigned function or the function is otherwise a Constitutional mandate. - Personal Declaration of The Playful Walrus

Leftists want everyone to believe that people like me want poor people to die painful deaths in the streets, because people like me oppose unconstitutionally expanding federal government powers, higher income and capital gains tax rates, and paying for new programs with either increased debt or printing more money (which devalues the dollar).

Charity can't do it all, our Leftists friends say. But the fact is, this side of eternity, nobody can do it all.

Private, voluntary efforts could certainly do a lot more if the government eased up on micromanaging and let people keep more of their own earnings. With just about anything, private, voluntary efforts are more efficient than federal government. This is why the Constitution gives the federal government limited powers, and tells the federal government what it can do, not only what it can't do. Want a huge new federal program to fight "poverty", despite the spectacular failure of those that came before? Pass a Constitutional Amendment. The Constitution isn't there just to make sure you can pee all over The Bible and call it art.

Our Leftist friends what to confiscate, with guns draw if it comes to that, that for which people have worked, and give it to people who choose not to work, or to make unwise decisions about finances. That is immoral.

I want to help the needy. That is why I give to voluntary efforts. More of my Leftist friends could do the same if they worked harder and were better with what they earned. Leftist Billionaires can already give their money away, to charity or the U.S. Treasury, if they want to.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


I wonder how many members of PETA support a legally-protected "right" to rip apart innocent human beings in abortion mills? I can't take anyone seriously who cares more about injuries and quality-of-life for orcas and elephants than protecting innocent human beings who are not posing a serious threat to anyone else from being slaughtered by the thousands, legally, every day.

I have priorities.

End elective abortions, then come back to me with your pleas to let the orcas and elephants deal with natural disasters on their own, without vet care.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Heart of the Marriage Neutering Issue

David Whiting of the Orange County Register wrote a piece on neutering marriage and that prompted some letters from readers which the paper was willing to print.

Russ Neal of Huntington Beach:
Legalizing same-sex marriage means that people objecting to this transgression will be compelled to treat it as legitimate.
This is at the heart of the issue. It isn't just that someone who objects to homosexual behavior will be forced to endorse it. We will all, whether we have a moral objection to homosexual behavior or not, be forced to treat brideless and groomless pairings and marriage identically. State marriage licenses are issued on our behalf. The marriage neutering advocates don't want us to even have a word that notes there is a difference. It would be official government policy that there is not. Public schools (and many other schools, if not all) would be prevented from teaching that marriage is different from this pseudomarriage, and homosexuality advocates would be unrestrained in pushing their worldview in the schools as official curriculum. Parents would have no ability to opt their child out. Adoption agencies would not be able to give preference to placing children with a home that is inclusive of both sexes. No government agency, nothing associated with a government program or funding, would be allowed to make a distinction, unless of course it was to somehow provide a targeted advantage to same-sex couples. Soon after, no business, private employer, or private property owner would be allowed to make any distinction.

If California's constitutional amendment (Proposition 8) was allowed to stand, and California's domestic partnership and other laws were kept in place, same-sex couples would retain their treatment as spouses by the state government and everyone else, including businesses, could treat them as spouses. They're free to draw up legal paperwork, have ceremonies, change names, exchange rings, live together, share a life, and call themselves married. But the rest of us would not be forced to ignore the inherent difference between marriage and pseudomarriage.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Purposes and the Meaning of Words

Marriage is the one institution, the one voluntary association in which the Left or certain gender activists are okay with excluding women. Just try to form a legally sanctioned association while openly barring women from joining. Won’t be allowed. Unless that association is a marriage. The same lawyer who sues to force a male organization to accept women will sue to allow women to exclude men from a marriage. Why? Leftism is feelings-based, and the feelings of women and "minorities" are more important than those of white heterosexual men.

Great analogies are difficult for this topic because marriage is unique - at least, it is suppossed to be. That is part of the current issue at hand. I am convinced it is important to keep the legal definition of marriage in line with what human history universally demonstrated: marriage unites the sexes.

The issue is so polarizing now that it is difficult to convince the other side we're not bigots and do not hate people who identify as gay or lesbian or consider them less than worthy of having their rights protected. But I like to try.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Neutering Marriage Devalues and Discourages Marriage

 ...and that is bad for children and therefore bad for society.

Some marriages are arranged. Most in our country aren't. Some are about love, some are about lust, some are about money. Some are about class. Marriage is about many things, but from a societal interest, it is – and always has been - about forming a microcosm of society for the purpose of perpetuating it. It is about joining the two sexes and providing any offspring with both a mother and a father – and that has been the universal core of marriage throughout all of human history.

In other words, licensed marriage on its most basic and level is about children.

But when laws are passed (or, in California and some other states, a court decision is issued) neutering marriage licensing, so that two men or two women can legally be designated as “married”, this is a statement that marriage, as an institution, can't be about children – because it takes both a woman and a man to make a child. Some marriages may be about children, but marriage in and of itself can't be about children - if there is a right for any two people to have a licensed marriage. Court rulings neutering marriage make the statement that licensed marriage is about feelings, or benefits, or hospital access, or any number of things that have been cited by marriage neutering activists - all of which can be addressed without a marriage license.

If marriage can't be about children, a disconnect is created in the public consciousness between marriage and raising children. Even libertarian atheist Tom Leykis, who insists that there is no benefit for a man to get married - that men can get everything they want without marriage - states that marriage benefits children. Do we really want official public policy that makes it clear that marriage is not about children?

Although we are already experiencing a significant level of illegitimacy (thanks to a disconnect between sex and marriage), divorce (thanks to a disconnect between commitment and marriage), blended families rife with jealousy, insecurity, and confusion, and a disconnect between coitus and reproduction (thanks to IVF), we still have a society that expresses that it is ideal to raise children within a marriage that created or adopted them and associates marriage with children. Except in gay circles, when someone says "We got married," one of the first questions people ask is "When do you plan on having children?" Paternity is, in many places, assigned to husbands by default when their wife births a child, even if she could have conceived the child by another man. Ex-husbands often pay child support for children that where there before he ever met their mother. Child support is expected from an ex-spouse even if the other ex-spouse is financially capable of providing for the child without assistance. Even many people who cohabitate and procreate out of wedlock get married, in large part, “for the sake of their children.”

Why?  Because children do best with a both a mother and a father, even more so if they are married to each other, and it takes both a male and a female to create children. Whether by design or as a consequence of evolution, children do best in having both that male and female parental authority as a model and with whom to bond. That child will, throughout her life, interact with both males and females. Even if you believe that our existence and the way we reproduce are sheer meaningless accidents, that socialization is important to perpetuating society in the best conditions.

Most, if not all, of the people who deny this appear to be motivated not by what is best for children or society, but what is wanted by some homosexuality advocates, fornicators, and divorced people politically and socially. Someone who wants a child but doesn't have a spouse (of the opposite sex) will try to justify their actions, and those who think a marriage license will bring their relationship and themselves whatever (approval, benefits, etc.) they are seeking will likewise deny the importance of having both a mother and father (1).

If marriage is about children, then it ought to be restricted to the kind of unions that can produce children (2). If it isn't about children, then it should be about whatever else benefits society.  Marriage neutering advocates say that purpose is creating stability in "sexual" relationships.  But that is in conflict with their own insistence that sexual behavior between two consenting adults is a private matter in which the state should not be involved.

If we are going to continue down this path of neutered marriage licensing, we should expect higher illegitimacy rates and perhaps increased divorce rates and/or lower marital rates (3), because there will be less of an association between child-rearing and marriage. If marriage is not about children, then a husband should feel no guilt in leaving the mother of his child if he feels she has neglected her vows. If our statistical analyses do not make the distinction between bride-groom marriages and other unions, then we can also expect a statistical increase in "marital" domestic violence, substance abuse, infidelity, and physical and mental health issues, as these are acknowledged issues of increased frequency in the "homosexual community". That would be something else that would make licensed marriage less attractive, along with the presence of or desire for children being less of an incentive.

If we are going to continue down this path where marriage isn't about children, then we should at least be consistent and not assign default paternity to husbands, or require child support if the custodial parent earns enough to provide for a child, or require stepparents (almost always fathers) to provide child support in the event of a divorce. This can probably have applications to inheritance laws, too.

I agree that the government should not be policing the bedroom. I can understand why we have no-fault divorce laws. But the government does have an interest in licensing bride-groom marriage that it doesn't have with same-sex couples. Citizens are better off if they have been raised within a lasting marriage with both a father and a mother, and less likely to commit crime or be dependent on welfare. We must not yield this beneficial construct to be sacrificed on the altar of homosexual esteem for those who seem to neurotically need the endorsement of their relationships by others. We must not allow marriage to be devalued by denying the core universal thread that has made marriage what it is.

Marriage may be about love, but it is primarily about children, and giving them a mother and a father.

(1) Neutered marriage licensing under the guise that same-sex couples have a “right” to marry will make it impossible for adoption agencies, social workers, fertility clinics, laws, and courts to give any preference to bride+groom couples over same-sex couples in placing children (or academia or others from presenting bride+groom couples as the norm or ideal). The advocates of this “equality” cite flawed studies to support their claim that there is no difference to children if they are raised by two men, two women, or a man and a woman, as long as it is two "parents". There are two ways to demonstrate that this must be false: A) If “two parents”, regardless of sex, are better than one, then point out that surely three parents would be preferable to two, and four preferable to three, and so forth, and ask if preference should be given to the largest group parenting arrangement over “couple parenting”, and; B) The homosexual person knows there is a difference between men and women - and therefore mothers and fathers - when it comes to personal relationships. Otherwise, the homosexual personal could just as easily be attracted to someone of the opposite sex.

(2) Yes, not all bride+groom couples choose to or can create children, but they are the only kind that can without the aid of a third party, while no same-sex couples have ever been able to create children alone. Regardless, bride+groom couples still form a microcosm of society by uniting the sexes, and we do not check fertility status of marriage license applicants as that would be a violation of privacy.  Indeed, sexual orientation is not a criterion either.

(3) The countries that have neutered their marriage licensing tend to be countries where marriages don't last as long, fewer people bother to marry, and children are more likely to be born out of wedlock. Although correlation does not prove causation, it is clear that the culture of these societies don't esteem marriage or raising children within marriage as much as ours - should we be striving to be more like them when it comes to marriage licensing? Results from marriage neutering are likely to be generational, and since no country had neutered their licensing as of 15 years ago, we have yet to fully experience the social effects.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Fourteen Will Get You Twenty

Just about every young man has heard some variation of this caution against statutory rape. Having sex with a 14 year-old could land you a prison sentence of 20 years, or so the saying implies. The age of consent for sex in the USA varies by state, but I think it ranges from 18 in some states (like here in California) to 16 in some other states. In some states, parents can sign off on someone under the age of consent marrying, and statuory rape laws would no longer apply.

I have seen many Leftists, especially those who advocate the neutering of marriage, express outrage over a criminal case in Florda. Here is an Associated Press report by Kelli Kennedy.
An 18-year-old Florida cheerleader is facing felony charges that she had sexual contact with her underage, 14-year-old girlfriend, leading gay rights advocates to say the teen is being unfairly targeted for a common high school romance because she's gay.
Wrong. She's being unfairly defended because she's homosexual.
The criminal case against Kaitlyn Hunt is unusual because it involves two females, not an older male and a younger female. But advocates say older high schoolers dating their younger counterparts is an innocuous, everyday occurrence that is not prosecuted — regardless of sexual orientation — and not a crime on par with predatory sex offenses.
The law says otherwise, and we must have equal application of the law, right?
Hunt played on the basketball team with her younger girlfriend and shared the same circle of friends, said Hunt's mother, Kelley Hunt Smith. The two had a consenting relationship that began soon after Kaitlyn Hunt turned 18, and Hunt Smith said she assumed the younger girl's parents knew that.
When you're dealing with someone else's minor child, you can't assume. Oh, if only modern humans had some ability, some technologies, that would allow them communicate with each other.
Kaitlyn Hunt, who hopes to become a nurse, declined to be interviewed and is scared, her father said. However, the family has received support from all over the world, with messages coming from as far away as New Zealand, the Netherlands and Canada, Steve Hunt said. He said he reads them to her to keep her spirits up, but she feels like she has let everyone down, he said through tears.
Yeah, convicted child molestors get letters of support from all over the world, too. There was a time a parent would have been ashamed of what their child was doing in cases like this.
Prosecutors have offered a plea deal to Kaitlyn Hunt that would allow her to avoid registering as a sex offender if she pleads guilty to lesser charges of child abuse. State Attorney Bruce Colton said he would recommend two years of house arrest followed by one year probation if she takes the deal.
I wonder how many heterosexual males get that generous offer?
"One of the reasons this case has gotten people's attention is because it's being publicized as a person being persecuted because she's gay, and that has nothing to do with the case, nothing to do with the law, nothing to do with the sheriff's office filing the charges," Colton said. He said the law is designed to protect younger children from older children who might be more aggressive in starting a relationship.

"The law doesn't make any differentiation. It doesn't matter if it's two girls or two boys, or an older boy and a younger girl or an older girl and a younger boy. Whatever the combination, it doesn't matter."
Ain't equality grand?
However, gay rights advocates aren't buying that. The American Civil Liberties Union of Florida said Kaitlyn Hunt is being criminalized for behavior that "occurs every day in tens of thousands of high schools across the country, yet those other students are not facing felony convictions ... and potential lifelong branding as sex offenders."
What the ACLU is saying is that because some parents are derelict in their duty to protect their minor children, all parents should be. Because some parents let 18 year-olds do their 14 year-olds, every parent should!
Her support extends beyond the ACLU. A "Free Kate" Facebook page has generated more than 30,000 followers so far, and an online petition urging that the charges be dropped crashed at one point because it got so much traffic. It now has more than 100,000 signatures. And during a press conference Monday, dozens of supporters showed up outside of the Indian River Sheriff's Department, many wearing T-Shirts that read "Stop the Hate, Free Kate" with rainbow hearts.
All of these people  apparentlysupport statutory rape. Remeber this the next time someone experesses outrage that someone else seems to be linking homosexuality advocacy with pedophilia.
The family said Kaitlyn Hunt had been demonized by some, and they disabled her personal Facebook account to protect her from negative comments. At school in February, her 17-year-old sister spent a half-hour cleaning a mirror where someone had written a slur against women and other words including "rapist" and "disgusting," Steve Hunt said.
Is that all? That's rather tame.

Is there any reason why a Kaitlyn Hunt shouldn't be prosecuted as strongly as a Mike Hunt for having sex with a girl?

Never forget that ACLU and other groups are spending time, money, and effort trying to decriminalize an adult having sex with a 14 year-old.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Why Just Two?

Many marriage neutering advocates tell us, even though they insist that marriage isn't about children, that all that matters is that a child has two parents in the home.

Where do they get this number?

Monday, March 11, 2013

Why the Christian Focus on Homosexuality?

Royal Oaker, commenting on a post about the MSM lies about the PCUSA, wrote:

I don't see why Christians reserve so much hatred for gay people. You never see signs "God hates Divorced Persons!" or "God hates Adulterers!" like you see the perennial "God hates Phags!" There are rarely ever any articles written about how bad adulterers are, or divorced people, or women who have sex before marriage. Why are gay people always the victims of christian rage?