Friday, April 28, 2023

Finding Beauty

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From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler

I finished "From the Mixed Up Files..."...a book I hadn't read since I was in grade school! I even found a desk name tag and a note in it from when my daughter had a turn reading it.  I remembered the basic outline of the book and the fact that my absolutely best girlfriend and I loved this book so much. We wanted to hide out somewhere and solve some grand mysteries. haha

I am part way through "Dr. Doolittle", which I very little actual recall about...except the memory that I loved it as a kid, wanted to have a zillion animals too and the fact that I learned to play "If I Could Talk to the Animals" on the xylophone in 4th grade summer music class - which is also where a I met a new friend, who would go on to become one of my best friends all of the way through college. Who knew that standing side by side, playing that song who become so much more.

On this day, Wednesday, there was so much beauty in the prickly!

And on that same day and the days following...there has been much beauty in the light as well.

The rock rose below was fairly glowing, it shone so brightly in the afternoon sun.

Along with the prickly and the light, there was much beauty to be found in the very well watered, sunlit greenery!

This week I broke into my big bag of old jeans. They've been too small for a long, long while. But, many of you may agree that jeans shopping is not as easy as it was when younger! So I kept them.

Now, they all fit again. A couple of the pairs had holes in the knees, which could be left alone or mended. I plan to mend them. I pulled out my Deb fabric and threads. Some choices will be made. Since it is knees on jeans being patched, I pulled out the fabrics that seemed the most sturdy. I'm considering more stitches than needed to just hold patches in place. I'm also considering leaving the pieces as is, in their organic, came this way to me shapes. I'd like to sew the edges in Liz's oft used herringbone stitch, as I like how secure and dense the stitches are. However, I hesitate learning it in this tight space. We'll see.

Back in 2013, I posted my jeans patch and the charming comment from a toddler. I patched from the inside that time. 🙂 

NOTE~ It was interesting in that 2013 post I was whining about my computer functioning. While today, I intended to add a note here about the odd happening I noticed the other day. When checking for any new comments, not gone through correctly and landing in Spam. I found a handful of them, where I usually find none. I think they have all already been published, as they go back years. How odd. Anyway, I'll hit publish, but most likely will not go back in time to find them and post answers (if I haven't already). We can just move forward, yes? Just, please know how much I try to answer the comments that folks take the time to place here. You are important to me.

May beauty show you the way

May  all of your choices be worthwhile

May you shine


Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2023

Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2023


Marti said...

When you stitch and mend your jeans with Deb's cloths, it will be as if you are wearing rainbows on your jeans- you will simply glow!

Nancy said...

Marti~ Yes, carrying a bit of y'all & art life with me as I go. 🙂

Anonymous said...

Jeans are going to look great .. hopefully you’re not loosing to much weight. ❤️tina

Nancy said...

Tina~ I sure hope so. I feel like I have done any stitching of this type in so long! Nah, I've got weight to spare 😉

Deb G said...

They will be beautiful and much admired. :) And look at that green!

Liz A said...

good luck with the mending ... denim is tough to needle, but jeans that fit are so worth saving ... not to mention, stitching with Deb's thread is just plain fun!

Nancy said...

Deb~ I know, right?! The green was wild! I hope the jeans will be pleasing. I feel the need for something of "me" as I head back out :) xo

Liz~ Yeah, that toughness is not inviting, along with the confined space...but I'm willing to try!

Marti said...

Came back to join in this conversation about loved jeans: I have a pair, boot cut, flared at the bottom jeans, 20 yrs old, bought in 2003 when we moved to Texas and I had visions of being a boot scooting dancing cowgirl! Over the years, the cloth has faded, the hem has frayed and the cloth has gotten thin around the knees. I am not good at all at mending so I took the easy way out; bout some denim iron patches. Thing is the patches are a dark indigo and my jeans are a faded blue so I ironed them on the inside. When I take a step, you can see the rectangular outline of the patch which makes them look kinda weird but there is no way I am not wearing these jeans!

Nancy said...

Marti~ there is nothing like jeans that both fit...And make you feel good!!
Like a good friend with lots of shared history :)

Saskia said...

thank you for remindingme of Hugh Lofting's Dr.Dolittle, one of my childhood favourites was Dr.Dolittle and the Green Canary;-)
of course I still have it and I look forward to re-reading as I've forgotten most! the world is turning green, yay

Nancy said...

Saskia~ Yes, I'm enjoying reading it again! The green this year after tall of the rain, has been so wonderful.