Date de création : 01.12.2017
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270 articles
>> Toutes les rubriques <<
· Notre Islam (20)
· Ils ont choisi l'Islam (40)
· DIVERS (40)
· La prière en islam (3)
· Notre Foi en Dieu (35)
· Allah notre Créateur (9)
· Notre Saint Coran (7)
· Le comportement du musulman (13)
· Notre vie en ce bas monde (12)
· Le retour vers Dieu (7)
bel article mon frère, jazak allah kheiran incha allah...
Par Ahmed, le 08.10.2018
· How to Pray in Islam - How to Make Salaat !
· The secrets, Benefits and Virtues of Friday - (Jumm'ah) !
· Our countdown !
· Imam Muslim (AH 202–261) !
· Why Islam?
· Death is not a taboo subject !
· Allah sees us!
· The Great Imposture!
· The truth is in the holy Koran !
· We are all Muslims !
· The good character in islam !
· The price of loving for the sake of Allah
Allah allah amour article background bienfaits blog center centerblog choix cislam comportement
the doorman and the heaven’s officials are angels. each angel that allah created has a well-defined role. thus, he created angels to take responsibility...
Ibn qayyim al-jawziyya (may allah have mercy on him) relates that god created certain paradises, which he planted their orchard. he preferred them to the other ...
Ssay: "travel in the land and see how allâh originated creation and then allâh will bring forth (resurrect) the creation of the hereafter (i.e. resurrection aft...
is the devil important in our lives? read in the conscience of the believer and the conscience of the serpent is the devil important in our lives? read ...
Islam is a great religion, a religion of love, peace, forgiveness and great tolerance. islam is a gift of god, it is a great mercy that god has willed for all h...
the call to god is one of the best deeds and the noblest worship, and it has been praised in the qur'an and the sunnah, among which: the call to god is the ...
if we want god to forgive us, we as humans, who sin disproportionately night and day, we need to know how to seize this opportunity and a great favo...
A lot of muslims do not know the importance and merits of invocation although allah the almighty ordered us in the noble quran to invoke and pray to him, allah ...
all praise is due to allah. may his prayers and blessings be upon his last messenger and on all those who follow the path of righteousness until the last day....
the man in general and whatever his fortune, his piety and strong faith in god in this world, he is poor, helpless and needy great. the true wealth of man...
"every soul will taste death." but it is only on the day of resurrection that you will receive your full recompense. whoever is therefore kept away from the fir...
there are many benefits of converting to islam. some of them are: one forms a personal and direct relationship with god by worshipping him alone, without t...
dear brothers in god, this world is not for us; it belongs to others, ours lies elsewhere, a world that none of us could imagine beauty or eternal happine...
the man was a teacher. he taught the law of moses. he was impressed to see jesus answering the questions of hypocrites and heretics with wisdom: "one ...
life, no matter how long it is, is not eternal.every man on this planet is destined to die one day or another, leaving behind his loved ones and everythin...
one of the most important things muslims must know and pay attention to is the issue of shirk (associating partners with allah in worship), its seriousnes...
A lot of muslims do not know the importance and merits of invocation although allah the almighty ordered us in the noble quran to invoke and pray to him, allah ...
marriage, as prescribed by allaah, is the lawful union of a man and woman based on mutual consent. ideally, the purpose of marriage is to foster a state of ...
let us all enjoy this time, which is likely to be lost at any time of the day, at any moment. let us make the most of this time while there is still tim...
the messenger of allah (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said, "when the dead person is buried two black-blue angels come to him, one called al-munkar and th...
the longest day...! this day in reality, it is not this military event that put an end to the second world war, with the history of the landing in norma...
the man in general and whatever his fortune, his piety and strong faith in god in this world, he is poor, helpless and needy great. the true wealth of m...
mportance of invocation a lot of muslims do not know the importance and merits of invocation although allah the almighty ordered us in the noble quran...
we are all muslims whether we like it or not, but not exactly in the sense that allah and his prophets recommend it to us! otherwise we would not be...
chrétiens, juifs ou athées, que l'on sache une seule et unique chose, que l'islam n'est pas donné à tout le monde. l'islam cette grande miséricorde div...
summary: islam burst upon the global scene in the ‘7th century and transformed a nomadic people into prime movers of a world civilization. prophet muhamme...
let’s talk frankly. almost never do non-muslims study islam until they have first exhausted the religions of their exposure. only after they have grow...
from the moment man opens his eyes to this world a great order surrounds him. he needs oxygen to survive; it is interesting that the atmosphere of the pl...
objection 1. it would seem thatdespair does not arise from sloth. because differentcauses do not give rise to one same effect. nowdespair of the fut...
dawoud abdur-rahman darroux islam is the only non christian faith which believes in jesus christ {peace be upon him}. due to the miraculous nature o...
our lord (swt) has made every man have his own destiny, happy orunhappy. a decided divine decision is written in a book with allaheven before this man comes i...
the day that we all fear and fear could happen suddenly and unexpectedly, without even giving ourselves the trouble to advise us, it could surprise us at h...
the benefits of the siwak in islam (2) and those who cease to mock their brothers when they rub the teeth with a siwak and which involve saying: "but that you...
many articles on this web explain how easy it is to convert to islam. there are also articles and videos that discuss the obstacles that can prevent one f...
the man was a teacher. he taught the law of moses. he was impressed to see jesus answering the questions of hypocrites and heretics with wisdom: "one of...
my clock on the wall fills the entire paper in my vie.elle faithfully tells me what time it is, and records for me, my years, my months, my days, my hou...
if we want god to forgive us, we as humans, who sin disproportionately night and day, we need to know how to seize this opportunity and a great favour th...
our dear parents are no longer with us, they are now in a universe where they are no longer entitled to any job, no matter how small, do not forget them, let u...
our dear parents are no longer with us, they are now in a universe where they are no longer entitled to any job, no matter how small, do not forget them, let u...
A lot of muslims do not know the importance and merits of invocation although allah the almighty ordered us in the noble quran to invoke and pray to him, allah ...
death in the eyes of islam is not considered a taboo, a topic that we avoid talking about, and a subject that we fear to raise and discuss in our...
walking, raise your head neither too high nor too low, greet and smile to the people you meet in the street, whether muslim or not, it does not concern ...
according to the holy quran, and while one dayprophet mohamed (sala allah alayhi wa salam) convinced some of the most eminent of the tribe of koreich, ...
if we want god to forgive us, we as humans, who sin disproportionately night and day, we need to know how to seize this opportunity and a great favour ...
our lord (swt) has made every man have his own destiny, happy or unhappy. a decided divine decision is written in a book with allah even before ...
prophet muhammad was brought up in god's sight and care. his father 'abd allah died before he was born, which meant that he had to put all his trust in...
the importance of the prayer in islam cannot be understated. prayer is the first pillar of islam that the prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) m...
our lord (swt) has made every man have his own destiny, happy or unhappy. a decided divine decision is written in a book with allah even before this ...
islam is a religion of peace islam comes from the arabic word salama, salima and aslama. salama- peace and harmoni salima – original or authenti...
a lot of muslims do not know the importance and merits of invocation although allah the almighty ordered us in the noble quran to invoke and p...
the longest day...! this day in reality, it is not this military event that put an end to the second world war, with the history of the landing in...
the man was a teacher. he taught the law of moses. he was impressed to see jesus answering the questions of hypocrites and h...
solutions for 21st century parents bring up children in the 21st century is no easier, nor is it any harder, than bringing up children in any cen...
when a person dies, he moves from this world to another realm, and his soul does not come back to his family and they do not feel anything of him. sim...
the people of paradise will remember the life of this world ! there is evidence in the qur’aan that the people of paradise will remember the life of t...
let’s talk frankly. almost never do non-muslims study islam until they have first exhausted the religions of their exposure. only after they have ...
there are many benefits of converting to islam. some of them are: one forms a personal and direct relationship with god by worshipping ...
the muslim observes his prayers to show devotion and obedience to allah, because prayer is one of the greatest forms of worship that allah likes his ...
in the name of allah, most merciful, the bestower of mercy all praise is due to allah, lord of all creation, and may the peace and blessings of ...
our dear parents are no longer with us, they are now in a universe where they are no longer entitled to any job, no matter how small, do not forget them, let...
islam with its universal concept of brotherhood rejects all artificial and man-made marks of distinction.when listening to the radio, reading news...
the day that we all fear and fear could happen suddenly and unexpectedly, without even giving ourselves the trouble to advise us, it could surprise u...
a companion once asked god's messenger to talk about himself. the messenger remarked: "i am the one for whose coming abraham prayed and of whom je...
every period of human history characterized by associating partners with god, whether by worshipping idols, deifying individuals, or attributing cre...
prophet muhammad was brought up in god's sight and care. his father 'abd allah died before he was born, which meant that he had to put all his tru...
islam is a great religion, a religion of love, peace, forgiveness and great tolerance. islam is a gift of god, it is a great mercy that god wanted for ...
at the time we live in, many of our sisters have unfortunately neglected the hijab because of several factors. however, before the 19th century in mu...
initially, the meccan unbelievers said muhammad is the author of the quran. god responded to them: first, god challenged them to produce ten ...
the day that we all fear and fear could happen suddenly and unexpectedly, without even giving ourselves the trouble to advise us, it could su...
if we want god to forgive us, we as humans, who sin disproportionately night and day, we need to know how to seize this opportunity and a great favo...
a former section is like a childhood friend that can not forget because it reminds us of our past, and allows us to thank allah for having guide...
allah, the exalted, has opened a door for repentance that he will never close until the sun rises from the west because he loves to have mercy upon ...
the day that we all fear and fear could happen suddenly and unexpectedly, without even giving ourselves the trouble to advise us, it could surprise u...
our lord (swt) has made every man have his own destiny, happy or unhappy. a decided divine decision is written in a book with allah even befo...
thescience of humanity teaches us that the lunatic in this world is a man devoid of reason, common sense, irresponsible in his actions...
our lord (swt) has made every man have his own destiny, happy or unhappy. a decided divine decision is written in a book with allah even before thi...
after the era of the companions it was through the efforts of such companions as the four caliphs, ibn 'abbas, ibn mas'ood, zayd bin thabit, abu moos...
by his infinite grace and vast mercy, we are promised that some believers will go to heaven without judgment or punishment. our scholars report tha...
the day that we all fear and fear could happen suddenly and unexpectedly, without even giving ourselves the trouble to advise us, it could surprise us at...
muhammad preached to the people to trust in allah. his whole life was a sublime example of the precept. in the loneliness of makkah, in the midst...
by his infinite grace and vast mercy, we are promised that some believers will go to heaven without judgment or punishment. our scholars report that ...
by his infinite grace and vast mercy, we are promised that some believers will go to heaven without judgment or punishment. our scholars report that t...
the science of humanity teaches us that the lunatic in this world is a man devoid of reason, common sense, irresponsible in his actions, his th...
the longest day...! this day in reality, it is not this military event that put an end to the second world war, with the history of the landing in norman...
our lord (swt) has made every man have his own destiny, happy or unhappy. a decided divine decision is written in a book with allah even before this...
the day that we all fear and fear could happen suddenly and unexpectedly, without even giving ourselves the trouble to advise us, it could sur...
our dear parents are no longer with us, they are now in a universe where they are no longer entitled to any job, no matter how small, do not forget...
repentance is our way of spiritual salvation, it is the hand of the lord who by his great generosity reaches out to his creatures to save them fro...
beloved prophet muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of god be upon him, was born in mecca, saudi arabia circa 570 c.e. he is an example for all o...
a former section is like a childhood friend that can not forget because it reminds us of our past, and allows us to thank allah for having guided us...
it converts back to islam, it is not converted. we accept it or not, this is the great truth! we all and as far as we are on this planet born muslim is...
our scholars say that when the believer sincerely expresses the expression of the oneness of allah, saying "la illah illa allah (there is no god but god), a...
while walking, raise your head neither very high nor too low, greet and smile gently at the people you meet in the street, whether they are muslims or...
according to a hadith the prophet mohammed (sala allah alayhi wa salam, addressing abu dhar (may allah be pleased with them all) said: "the arab pro...
it is true that the first learning center for a child is the mother’s lap. the mannerisms of the parents are reflected in the children. the story ...
we are about to complete a strange but extraordinary year 2020. a year which has seen a number of unprecedented events. a trying year for all of hum...
our dear parents are no longer with us, they are now in a universe where they are no longer entitled to any job, no matter how small, do not forget the...
the conversion of christians to islam is not the result of luck, nor the result of any success of life based on the intellectual abilities of...
muslim volunteer research for the translation of articles once or twice a month from french to english for the propagation of our beautiful islam.not se...
one in every five persons on this earth firmly believes that the prophet muhammad (pbuh) is the last messenger of god. he was a muslim and there are...
some believe that real life here on earth is nothing more than enjoying your sterile pleasures and satisfying your passions, while ignoring that all o...
in a material world dominated by science and reason, where everything is done to plunge people into recklessness, even muslims, no offense, last life, ...
the last life has become something very strange in the eyes of men. although the religions before islam placed great emphasis on this crucial period ...
what is the preserved fruit of the elect of god, who do their duty to harvest closeness to god and enthusiastically follow the example of the correc...
the majority of sincerely believing christians have unfortunately been deceived, indoctrinated, influenced and misled in their beliefs throughout th...
a former section is like a childhood friend that can not forget because it reminds us of our past, and allows us to thank allah for having ...
how many are the blessings of god to his creatures! and how much at the same time, it behooves them to thank him for having granted them so man...
the longest day...! this day in reality, it is not this military event that put an end to the second world war, with the history of the landing in norma...
repentance is a mercy of allah, it is a grace, it is a lifeline, it is a great boon to unconscious people, not yet informed people of what awaits us after de...
beyond our five senses, there is a sixth, omitted by those who hope neither in god nor in the last day. this sense is concentrated in the main human org...
by his infinite grace and vast mercy we are promised that some believers will go to paradise without judgment or punishment. our scholars report that the ...
our lord (swt) has made every man have his own destiny, happy or unhappy. a decided divine decision is written in a book with allah even before this man come...
it converts back to islam, it is not converted. we accept it or not, this is the great truth! we all and as far as we are on this planet born muslim is ...
dear brothers and sisters, if you think about the negative results of many of our deeds, you would find that rashness and lack of deliberation are the main ...
marriage, as prescribed by allaah, is the lawful union of a man and woman based on mutual consent. ideally, the purpose of marriage is to foster a sta...
above all, we must not forget one thing, that man once before the lord, he will have to answer for all his actions, no matter how small the weight of an...
much more important than studies, work and hobbies, it is your spiritual journey that needs organization. your eternity depends on him, yet it is on him t...
god says in the qur'an: "we had proposed to the heavens, the earth and the mountains the responsibility (to bear the burdens of doing good and avoiding ...
the qur'an and the prophetic tradition are full of descriptions of the delights or mistreatments that await humans in the last life, depending on whethe...
faith is at the heart what food is to the body, so it is not surprising that the one who does not have it is constantly in trouble and perdition. we were...
a lot of muslims do not know the importance and merits of invocation although allah the almighty ordered us in the noble quran to invoke and pray to h...
nothing relieves the heart and makes one happy more than thinking well of others. it protects one from the harm of worrisome thoughts that disturb his p...
by dr. ‘abdul kareem bakkaar the greatness of a person, my sons and daughters, lies in the greatness of what he believes in, what he is willing to sacri...
our dear parents ! these respectful and noble people who actually represent our whole life in this world. these spawners who are at the origin of all...
some of our scholars report that three angels, including harout and marout, once complained to god about the bad behavior of men and their perver...
islam is a universal religion is allah's mercy for all mankind. there is no other religions in this world outside islam! there is no need to look elsewhere!...
on orders from president roosevelt, the americans developed an atomic bomb which they exploded in 1945 over the japanese city of hiroshima! the number o...
a lot of muslims do not know the importance and merits of invocation although allah the almighty ordered us in the noble quran to invoke and pray to him...
our lord (swt) has made every man have his own destiny, happy orunhappy. a decided divine decision is written in a book with allaheven before this man comes i...
remembrance of god is the essence of islam. the whole reason the islamic religion exists is to bring human beings back to a remembrance of god. the very...
linguistically bid'ah (innovation) means 'a newly invented matter'. the sharee'ah definition of bid'ah is: "a newly invented way [beliefs or action]...
solutions for 21st century parents bring up children in the 21st century is no easier, nor is it any harder, than bringing up children in any centur...
islam today is a global religion. it is no longer confined to muslim majority countries such as egypt, saudi arabia or indonesia. small but significant co...
smile...! a smile is an art, a gift and a favour that god gives to whomever he wants. the smile is a great expression of love and peace. a smile does not ...
fasting is not unique to the muslims. it has been practiced for centuries in connection with religious ceremonies by christians, jews, confucianists, hin...
the arabic word ‘islam’ means ‘submission’, and is derived from a word meaning ‘peace’. as such, the religion of islam teaches that in order to ...
death in the eyes of islam is not considered a taboo, a topic that we avoid talking about, and a subject that we fear to raise and discuss in our ...
the science of humanity teaches us that the lunatic in this world is a man devoid of reason, common sense, irresponsible in his actions, his thoughts, in h...
we are all muslims whether we like it or not, but not exactly in the sense that allah and his prophets recommend it to us! otherwise we would not be today s...
i want to embrace islam, only i do not know if i'm ahead or behind? a very difficult question facing many people these days, they are non-practicing muslim...
وفــاة الــرســــولمن كتاب الرحيق المختومقصة تذرف لها العيون ي أوائل صفر سنة 11 هـ خرج النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إلى أحد، فصلي على الشهداء كالمودع للأح...
sheikh al islam ibn taymiya said: "certainly the arabic language is part of religion, and its knowledge is an obligation, because the understanding of th...
when someone converts to islam, god forgives all of his previous sins and evil deeds. a man called amr came to the prophet muhammad, may the mer...
ajouter cette vidéo à mon blog chrétiens, juifs ou athées, que l'on sache une seule et unique chose, que l'islam n'est pas donné à tout le monde. l'islam...
according to the holy quran, and while one day the prophet mohamed (sala allah alayhi wa salam) convinced some of the most eminent of the tribe of korei...
he is very clear and very explicit and it lets no doubt on the duty of every muslim carry the veil. certain schools allow the woman to discover the face (...
the prophet muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity." [tirmidhi, hadith 589] narrated ...
our lord (swt) has made every man have his own destiny, happy or unhappy. a decided divine decision is written in a book with allah even before this man c...
(today we know the whole truth, only we are no longer entitled to the work, however you do not know the whole truth today, but you are still e...
mohamed, muhammad or mohammed (saaws) is the last of the prophets and the messenger of god to humanity with the last of the monotheistic...
those who swallow down usury cannot arise except as one whom shaitan has prostrated by (his) touch does rise. that is because they say, trading is only ...
truly those who believe, and do deeds of righteousness, and perform as-salat (prayer), and give zakat they will have their reward with their lord. ...
they ask you concerning alcoholic drink and gambling. say: "in them is a great sin, and (some) benefit for men, but the sin of them is greater than their ...
they ask you concerning alcoholic drink and gambling. say: "in them is a great sin, and (some) benefit for men, but the sin of them is greater than...
death comes as the end for man believing in one god, in his prophet and the day of judgment. death in the fund is not a term for our existence here on ear...
"o god! there is no comfort, but the comfort of the hereafter." ("allahumma la aisha illa aishul aakhirah.") reporter: hadhrat anas bin malik, sourc...
the word "muslim" literally means a person who submits to the will of god, regardless of their background. converting to islam is a very easy process...
initially, the meccan unbelievers said muhammad is the author of the quran. god responded to them: first, god challenged them to produce ten chapters l...
indeed, within the last half century, islam, the religion brought by the prophet muhammad (pbuh), has become the second largest religion in most european co...
death in the eyes of islam is not considered a taboo, a topic that we avoid talking about, and a subject that we fear to raise and discuss in our dail...
narrated abu huraira: allah's apostle said, "by him in whose hands my soul is, son of mary (jesus) will shortly descend amongst you people (muslims) as a ...
ajouter cette vidéo à mon blog the longest day...! this day in reality, it is not this military event that put an end to the second world war, with the hist...
i want to embrace islam, only i do not know if i'm ahead or behind? a very difficult question facing many people these days, they are non-practicing mus...
the life of this world is fleeting and is often focused on materialism – it is so easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of it all – but how does that affect o...
how to prayer in islam? the muslim observes his prayers to show devotion and obedience to allah, because prayer is one of the greatest forms of worship th...
repentance is a mercy of allah, it is a grace, it is a lifeline, it is a great boon to unconscious people, not yet informed people of what awaits us afte...
in the name of allah most gracious most mercifulassalaamu alaykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuhuabu abdullah muhammad ibn majah (r.a) - [209 - 273 a.h.] ima...
the story of the birth of isa (a.s.) as told in the qur’an demonstrates again the power of allah who can make happen whatever he wills. just as ibrahim (...
if you do a good deed should not rejoice to have done, but we must thank allah for having inspired the opportunity to do it and we implore allah to grant...
ajouter cette vidéo à mon blog converting to islam is easy. this article explains how to convert and become a muslim in a simple way. in addition to that,...
the heart is like a fort and satan the advancing enemy, who is intent on infiltrating and occupying it. hence, only by guarding the gates, entrances and...
the man died, and salman stayed in amuria. one day, “some merchants from the tribe of kalb[1] passed by me,” salman said, “i told them, ‘take me to arabia ...
ajouter cette vidéo à mon blog ...
many benefits could be mentioned, for example: 1- reciting the holy quran entitles you to be among the remembers, the obedient, the humble ones, the d...
a hadith which the prophet (peace be upon him) taught us and which the muslim must read in all his daily prayers «o allah! indeed, we ask you of all good ...
the giving of sincere advice enjoys a sublime and exalted position in islam, and how could this not be so? the prophet considered the giving of sincere...
magic is a reality and not mere illusion; some people consider tricks of the hand or deceptions of the eye to be magic, but magic is much more than that; ...
one of the stories in the quran, is the story of haroot and maroot. allah says what means: “and they [i.e., the children of israel] followed [instead] what...
"o muslims! allah ta'ala has made this day(friday) a day of 'eid'. so have a bath on this day, whoever has perfume should apply it, and use the miswaak."...
the man in general and whatever his fortune, his piety and strong faith in god in this world, he is poor, helpless and needy great. the true wealth of man co...
besides many other reasons which are responsible for the spread of islam, it is the exemplary life-style and unceasing efforts of individual muslims to tran...
as humans we are ordered not to commit sins, but sometimes we slip and fall. what shall we do when that happens? are we condemned because we sinned even jus...
until the third decade of the 7th century ad iran was one of the two greatest empires of the world. when in 629 ad (7th ah) prophet muhammad (s.a.w.w) s...
when muhammad was entrusted by the almighty allah with the task of guiding people, idolatry was predominant in the arabian peninsula. in the beginning the on...
ajouter cette vidéo à mon blog islam is a universal religion is allah's mercy for all mankind. there is no other religions in this world outside islam! t...
unlike other religions, islam is not named after its founder or the community of its birth. islam is an attributive title that signifies obedience to god, t...
it was narrated from abu hurayrah (may allaah be pleased with him) that the messenger of allaah (peace and blessings of allaah be upon him) said: “"fasting ...
The benefits of fatiha !...
A heart emptied of the koran ! ...
the prophet peace and blessings be upon him) said that whoever reads a letter from the qur'an, god gives him a good deed, and the good deed is multiplied by ...
many articles on this web explain how easy it is to convert to islam. there are also articles and videos that discuss the obstacles that can prevent one...
the longest day...! this day in reality, it is not this military event that put an end to the second world war, with the history of the landing in normandy...
The forgiveness of sins !...
Ils diront : " ils étaient trois et le quatrième était leur chien ". et ils diront en conjecturant sur leur mystère qu'ils étaient cinq, le sixième étant leur c...
khadijamine.centerblog.netselon abû dardâ (qu'allah soit satisfait de lui), le prophète ﷺ a dit : " celui qui apprend 10 versets du début de la sourate de la caverne sera préservé...
khadijamine.centerblog.netcheikh al-islam ibn taymiyya (qu'allah lui fasse miséricorde) a dit : " le plaisir qui reste après la mort et qui est bénéfique le jour de la résurrection,...
khadijamine.centerblog.nettrump à un projet économique, et ce projet inclut l’établissement d’un axe commercial reliant l’inde au golfe, et depuis le golfe par voie terrestre jusqu’à ...
khadijamine.centerblog.netcelui qui agit est exposé à trois maux dans ses actes : les considérer et être émerveillé par eux, rechercher quelque chose en contrepartie et s'en sentir sat...
khadijamine.centerblog.neton pourrait poser la question : " qu'est-ce qui a poussé les adorateurs des tombes à succomber à cette tentation, sachant que leurs occupants sont des morts q...
khadijamine.centerblog.netquand allah exauce l'invocation de quelqu'un, cela ne signifie pasnécessairement qu'il soit satisfait de lui, qu'il l'aime ou qu'il agrée sonacte. en effet, i...
khadijamine.centerblog.netil est permis au jeûneur durant son jeûne d’utiliser le siwak, de même que la brosse à dents et le dentifrice, cependant il doit veiller à éviter que quelque...
khadijamine.centerblog.netjâbir abd allah (qu'allah soit satisfait de lui) rapporte que le prophète ﷺ a dit : " le coran est un intercesseur dont les paroles sont acceptées et un déf...
khadijamine.centerblog.netcheikh al-islam ibn taymiyya (qu'allah lui fasse miséricorde) a dit : " l'islam, c'est la soumission à allah, son obéissance et son adoration ". (majmû' al-...
khadijamine.centerblog.netallah ﷻ dit : " que n'as tu dit, en entrant dans ton jardin : " telle est la volonté d'allah ! il n'y a de puissance qu'en allah ". (coran 18:39) le pro...
khadijamine.centerblog.netLorsque luqmân dit à son fils tout en l'exhortant : " ô mon fils, ne donne pas d'associé à allah, car l'association à allah est vraiment une injustice énorme "....
khadijamine.centerblog.netallah’s mercy includes the readers of his book, who carry out his orders and those who listen to the qur'an. allah says: “true believers are those who...
lejourlepluslong.centerblog.netallah le très haut enjoint à ses serviteurs de lui vouer un culte exclusif sans rien lui associer. le verbe qadâ (décréter) est employé ici au sens de command...
khadijamine.centerblog.netQuestion : qu’est-ce que la sagesse ? comment le musulman peut-il l’obtenir ? réponse : la sagesse, c’est se comporter en conformité avec la vérité, et l’...
khadijamine.centerblog.netAllah ﷻ dit : " c’est lui qui vous a soumis la terre, parcourrez donc ses étendues et mangez de ce qu’il vous attribue. et vers lui se fera le retour ". (cora...
khadijamine.centerblog.netcheikh al-fawzân (qu'allah le protège) a dit : " le fait d'ordonner le convenable et d'interdire le blâmable fait donc partie des impératifs religieux et il...
khadijamine.centerblog.netil n’échappe à personne que l’égypte traverse une crise violente et dévastatrice, comme elle n’en a peut-être jamais connu à notre époque. nous sommes assi...
khadijamine.centerblog.netla mort dans le fonds n'est pas une fin en soi, au contraire, c'est une renaissance, une délivrance, c'est la fin d'une étape et le début d'une autre ...
lejourlepluslong.centerblog.netDis leur : " venez que je vous énumère ce qu'allah vous a interdit : c'est de lui associer quoi que ce soit, de ne pas traiter vos père et mère avec dureté, de ...
khadijamine.centerblog.netel profeta, sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, solía reafirmar la prioridad otorgada al trato cortés hacia los parientes en toda oportunidad. cuando fue revelada l...
mesbeauxjours1952.centerblog.netnuestros queridos padres! estas personas respetuosas y nobles que en realidad representan toda nuestra vida en este mundo. esos progenitores que son la fu...
lejourlepluslong.centerblog.netCheikh al-islam ibn taymiyya (qu'allah lui fasse miséricorde) a dit : le début de la religion et sa fin, son apparence et son intérieur, c'est la proclamation...
khadijamine.centerblog.neton se reconvertit à l'islam, on ne se convertit pas. qu'on l'accepte ou pas, c'est la grande vérité ! on est tous et autant que nous sommes sur cette planète ...
mesbeauxjours1952.centerblog.netla reconversion des chrétiens à l'islam n'est pas le fruit du hasard, ni le résultat d'un quelconque succès de la vie basé sur les capacités intellectuel...
lejourlepluslong.centerblog.netAllah le très haut fait dire aux croyants dans son livre : dis : " discutez-vous avec nous au sujet de allah, alors qu'il est notre seigneur et le vôtre ? a n...
khadijamine.centerblog.netabd allah ibn amr (qu'allah soit satisfait de lui) rapporte que le messager d’allah ﷺ a dit : " celui qui se tait est sauvé ".(rapporté par at-tirmidhî dans...
khadijamine.centerblog.netmohammed le prophète envoyé à l'humanité toute entière.! quelques faits saillants de la vie du plus grand prophète de tous les temps, mohammad, le sceau d..." s'ils étaient sortis avec vous, ils n'auraient fait qu'accroître votre trouble et jeter la dissension dans vos rangs, cherchant à créer la discorde entre vous...
khadijamine.centerblog.netabû sa'îd al-khudrî (qu'allah soit satisfait de lui) rapporte : " le messager d'allah ﷺ demandait la protection d'allah contre les djinns et le mauvais œil ...
khadijamine.centerblog.netquel est le jugement concernant celui qui a mangé en pensant que la nuit demeure et que l’aube n’est pas encore apparue ? ...
khadijamine.centerblog.netbaptisé et éduqué dans l’église catholique, je trouvais une certaine paix intérieure dans cette foi chrétienne. mais cette paix était incomplète car plusi...
lejourlepluslong.centerblog.netAu nom d’allah, le tout miséricordieux, le très miséricordieux la louange est à allah, nous le louons, implorons son secours, lui demandons le pardon et reven...
khadijamine.centerblog.netabu hurayra reports that the messenger of allah (‘alayhi salat wa salam) said, “beg god for the request of paradise and take refuge with him against hell....
noussommestousmusulmans.centerblog.netUtayy ibn damra a dit : ubay ibn ka'b insulta sans aucun égard un homme qui se vantait chez lui de sa généalogie (ou de sa tribu) comme on le faisait à l'époq...
khadijamine.centerblog.netahmad ibn muhammad ibn abî sa'dân ash-shâfi'î (qu'allah lui fasse miséricorde) a dit : " celui qui prend place dans une assemblée pour débattre par insouci...
khadijamine.centerblog.netil persiste à nommer croyants bien qu'ils se combattent et parfois s'entretuent. or, bien que le meurtre d'un croyant qui n'est pas justifié par le droit ou u...
khadijamine.centerblog.netla distinction entre l'islam et foie absolue premier point : islam et foi absolue sont parfois évoqués ensemble dans les textes religieux et d'autres fois sé...
khadijamine.centerblog.netNotre seigneur (swt) a fait que chaque homme ait sa propre destinée, heureuse ou malheureuse. un arrêt divin décidé est inscrit dans un livre auprès d’allah...
mesbeauxjours1952.centerblog.netcheikh al-islam ibn taymiyya (qu'allah lui fasse miséricorde) a dit : " les imams de l'innovation sont plus nuisible à la communauté que les gens des péché...
khadijamine.centerblog.netle messager d’allah (salla llahou alayhi wa salam) a dit: allah a créé la terre un samedi ; et de la terre, il a créé les montagnes un dimanche. il a créé l...
lejourlepluslong.centerblog.netallah ﷻ a dit aussi : " et ce jour là, vous aurez à rendre compte de vos présents délices ". (coran 102:8) muhammad ibn jarîr al-tabarî a dit : allah ﷻ ve...
khadijamine.centerblog.netce qui est le plus nuisible au serviteur est la négligence, le renoncement à l'auto-jugement, la persistance dans l'erreur, le fait de prendre les choses à la...
khadijamine.centerblog.netAbu hurayra rapporte que l’envoyé d’allah (‘alayhi salat wa salam) a dit : « implorez dieu pour la demande du paradis et réfugiez-vous auprès de lui contre l’en...
mesbeauxjours1952.centerblog.netallah a prescrit le jeûne en raison des vertus qu'il recèle tel que le fait qu’il purifie l’âme, la nettoie, l'assainit des viles impuretés et des comporteme...
khadijamine.centerblog.netuthman ibn affân (qu’allah soit satisfait de lui) a demandé qu’on lui apporte de l’eau, puis il a fait les ablutions et a rigolé. alors il a dit à ses compagn...
khadijamine.centerblog.netle coran guérit de la maladie de la concupiscence de par ce qu'il comporte comme sagesses et exhortations qui inspirent le désir [d'embrasser la voie d'allah]...
khadijamine.centerblog.netallah ﷻ a dit : " ô gens ! ce qui vous est venu de votre seigneur, c'est une exhortation, une guérison de ce qui est dans les poitrines ". (coran 10:57) "...
khadijamine.centerblog.netanas ibn mâlik (qu’allah soit satisfait de lui) rapporte que le prophète ﷺ a dit : " jibrîl est venu à moi alors qu’il avait dans sa main un miroir blanc su...
khadijamine.centerblog.netIbn mas'ûd (qu'allah soit satisfait de lui) rapporte que le prophète ﷺ a dit : " le sirât sera érigé au dessus de l'enfer, il est fin comme la lame d'une épée...
khadijamine.centerblog.netcheikh al-islam ibn taymiyya (qu'allah lui fasse miséricorde) a dit : « l'avis de la majorité des premiers musulmans (salafs) est que la personne qui renie ..." ils ne t'apporteront aucune parabole, sans que nous ne t'apportions la vérité avec la meilleure interprétation. ceux qui seront traînés sur leurs visages vers...
khadijamine.centerblog.netThe longest day...! this day in reality, it is not this military event that put an end to the second world war, with the history of the landing in normandy of t...
mesbeauxjours1952.centerblog.netnous sommes tous des musulmans qu'on le veuille ou non, mais pas exactement au sens qu’allah et ses prophètes nous le recommandent, autrement on ne serait...
mesbeauxjours1952.centerblog.netl'imam ahmad shâkir (qu'allah lui fasse miséricorde) a dit : " l'animosité des français envers les musulmans et leur fanatisme acharné à œuvrer pour l'éradi...
khadijamine.centerblog.netabû hurayra (qu'allah soit satisfait de lui) rapporte que le prophète ﷺ dit : le premier à être interpellé le jour de la résurrection sera adam. au vu de s..." or, ceux qu'ils invoquent recherchent eux-mêmes à l'envi le moyen de se rapprocher le plus de leur seigneur, espérant sa miséricorde et redoutant son châtimen...
khadijamine.centerblog.netl’islam accorde un intérêt particulièrement considérable à la notion du temps. le coran et certains hadiths du prophète (sala allah aleihi wa salam) affirme...
mesbeauxjours1952.centerblog.netcheikh al-islam ibn taymiyya (qu'allah lui fasse miséricorde) a dit : " il n’appartient à aucune personne de désespérer mais il lui faut, plutôt, espérer en...
khadijamine.centerblog.netCheikh al-islam ibn taymiyya (qu'allah lui fasse miséricorde) a dit : " la jalousie consiste à détester les bienfaits d'allah accordés à quelqu'un d'autre ! " (..." ce jour là, nous scellerons leurs bouches, tandis que leurs mains nous parleront et que leurs jambes témoigneront de ce qu'ils avaient accompli. si nous vou..." vous qui croyez ! ne suivez pas les pas du diable. quiconque suit les pas du diable, sachez que celui-ci ordonne la turpitude et le blâmable. et n'eussent été...
khadijamine.centerblog.netLe cheikh abd ar-rahman as-sa'dî (qu'allah lui fasse miséricorde) a dit : " étonnant est le croyant qui voit les gens du faux faire des efforts et éprouver de ...
khadijamine.centerblog.netl'imam hamâd al-ansârî (qu'allah lui fasse miséricorde) a dit : " les négateurs des attributs divins sont au nombre de 4 : les mu'tazilites les asharites l...
khadijamine.centerblog.netCheikh al-islam ibn taymiyya (qu'allah lui fasse miséricorde) a dit :" il y a une question à propos de la prosternation dans la prière du fajr le vendredi : est...
khadijamine.centerblog.netla dernière chose réalisée par le messager de dieu (sala allah alayhi wa salam) dans la propagation de son appel à dieu, était d’équiper toute une armée...
khadijamine.centerblog.netj'aime le prophète ( صلى الله عليه وسلم ) plus que ma mère, mon père, ma femme, mes enfants et l'humanité entière. mohammed est la lumière de mes yeux, ...
mesbeauxjours1952.centerblog.netaïcha (qu’allah soit satisfait d'elle) rapporte que le prophète ﷺ a dit : " certes la douceur n’est pas présente dans une chose sans qu’elle ne la rende plu...
khadijamine.centerblog.netle cheikh abd ar-rahman as-sa'dî (qu'allah lui fasse miséricorde) dit dans l'explication des versets : le très haut dit à son messager ﷺ pour le consoler ...
khadijamine.centerblog.netnégliger de demander des comptes à son âme, être en accord avec elle et suivre ses passions sont la cause de la perdition du cœur. ahmad et d'autres rapporten...
khadijamine.centerblog.netmâlik ibn dînâr a dit : " q'allah fasse miséricorde à un serviteur qui dit à son âme : " n'as-tu pas tel défaut ? n'as-tu pas tel autre défaut ? ". puis il la...
khadijamine.centerblog.netL'auto-jugement est de deux types l'auto-jugement avant l'acte : il consiste en ce que le serviteur marque un moment d'arrêt à la naissance de sa volonté d'...
khadijamine.centerblog.netCheikh al-islam ibn taymiyya (qu'allah lui fasse miséricorde) a dit : " la raison précise pour raccourcir les prières est le voyage, et il n'est pas permis d...
khadijamine.centerblog.netcheikh al-islam ibn taymiyya (qu'allah lui fasse miséricorde) a dit : " il nous a été parvenu de certains pieux prédécesseurs que les cœurs sont les récipie...
khadijamine.centerblog.netle mois de ramadan 1446 h débutera le samedi 1er mars 2025 le mois de cha’ban compte parmi les mois les plus profitables pour le musulman. en effet, ses méri...
khadijamine.centerblog.netle qâdî abî ya'lâ muhammad ibn al-husayn ibn muhammad ibn al-farrâ al-hanbalî (qu'allah lui fasse miséricorde) a dit : " sache qu'il n'est pas autorisé de..." je ne suis pas adorateur de ce que adorez et vous n'êtes pas adorateurs de ce que j'adore. a vous votre religion, et à moi la mienne ! " (sourate kâfirûne ver...
khadijamine.centerblog.netLe football féminin est contraire à l'islam ! « le football féminin est contraire à l’islam », a affirmé un directeur d'école coranique au bangladesh et « il es...
linfovitry.centerblog.netabî saîd al-khudri (qu'allah soit satisfait de lui) rapporte que le prophète ﷺ a dit : " il sera dit au lecteur du coran lorsqu'il rentrera au paradis : li...
khadijamine.centerblog.netabû sa'îd al-khudrî (qu'allah soit satisfait de lui) rapporte que le messager d'allah ﷺ a dit : " n'écrivez rien de moi ! et quiconque a écrit de moi autre ...
khadijamine.centerblog.netallah donne ici un exemple au croyant. celui-ci était mort, autrement dit égaré, puis allah le ressuscita. c'est à dire, le ramena à la vie en faisant revivre...
khadijamine.centerblog.netd’après wahb ibn munabbih qui rapporte : mâlik ibn dînâr (qu’allah lui fasse miséricorde) demanda à un homme plus savant que lui : " combien dois-je constr...
khadijamine.centerblog.netl'érudit ibn al-qayyim (qu'allah lui fasse miséricorde) a dit : " il faut le faire petit à petit en écoutant de plus en plus le coran, par des voix qui pl...
khadijamine.centerblog.netAnas ibn mâlik (qu'allah soit satisfait de lui) a dit : " je n'ai vu personne de plus miséricordieux envers les familles que le prophète ﷺ (*) ".(sahîh muslim...
khadijamine.centerblog.netle prophète ﷺ avait un serviteur qui s'appelait anjasha, il avait une belle voix et le prophète ﷺ lui dit : "doucement, ô anjasha, ne brise pas la cristalleri...
khadijamine.centerblog.netL'imam abû amr ibn nujayd a entendu abû uthmân al-hîrî dire un jour sur la chaire : " je dois mille dinars et ma poitrine est serrée ". abû amr alla le trouve...
khadijamine.centerblog.netles trois fondements que tu te dois absolument de connaître. ...
khadijamine.centerblog.netcette connaissance est la clé de ta compréhension de ta religion....
khadijamine.centerblog.netles phases de ressourcement spirituel de jour sont au nombre de 7 et celles de la nuit au nombre de 6. mentionnons pour chacune d'elles sa vertu, sa fonction ..." les hommes ont autorité sur les femmes, en raison des qualités par lesquelles allah vous a élevés les uns au-dessus des autres et en raison des dépenses qu'il...
khadijamine.centerblog.netsache, qu'allah m'a guidé ainsi que toi aux meilleurs comportements et parmi les plus grandes bienséances : lorsque tu rencontres un musulman, passe lui l...
khadijamine.centerblog.netcheikh al-islam ibn taymiyya (qu'allah lui fasse miséricorde) a dit : " pour cette raison, de nombreux gouverneurs et savants ont accordé une grande importa..." parmi les signes distinctifs des gens de la sunna, il y a leur amour pour les imams de la sunna, ses savants, ses partisans et ses alliés, ainsi que leur ha... ibn mas'ûd a dit : " l'enfer est voilé par les passions et le paradis par les contraintes de la religion. celui qui va au-delà du voile tombera dans ce qu'i...
khadijamine.centerblog.netcertains musulmans pèchent tous les jours volontairement ou parfois même sans s’en rendre compte, et le seul et unique remède qui pourrait nous guérir ...
mesbeauxjours1952.centerblog.neta toi, mon père, je présente ici l’un des fruits de ce que tu as semé, un bouquet assemblé dans les jardins de ton amour. ...
khadijamine.centerblog.netsache que lorsqu'on réalise la connaissance d'allah ﷻ, qu'on reconnaît sa promesse et qu'on connaît la brièveté de l'existence, il est obligatoire d'abandonne...
khadijamine.centerblog.netle salaf mu'âwiya ibn qurra (qu'allah lui fasse miséricorde) a dit : "abû ad-dardâ avait un chameau qu'il nommait damûn. lorsqu'il le prêtait, il disait :...