You may have noticed that I added a current radio propagation and solar statistics chart to the sidebar.
The chart is refreshed every 3 hours, but you will need to refresh the page that has it to see the latest.
you want one for your blog or webpage you can click on the chart or the link in this sentence. When solar activity starts rising propagation on the higher frequency bands will improve. There will more skip. That is the radio waves can bounce from the ground to the ionosphere to the ground more than once without the power being reduced to undetectable levels.
If short wave radio interests you this is a good starter radio. You will need an to buy an AC adapter to reduce spending on batteries.
Sangean SG-622 AM/FM 10 Band Shortwave World Band RadioHere is a cute short wave radio kit. It will take you back to the old days of radio with modern components. It is all solid state. Because of the single tuning knob with no vernier the tuning is apt to be a bit twitchy. Good for the kids as a starter or just for fun. But the price is right. $15 plus shipping. You will need an antenna for weaker signals - but that can be just a few tens of feet of copper wire strung out where convenient. In the old days you could just clip the antenna terminal to the stop of a rotary phone. Gone are the days. Of course with a better antenna you will get better reception.
Ramsey SR3 Shortwave Receiver Learning KitIf you want to build your own outdoor antenna this book is a good place to start:
Arrl Antenna Book: The Ultimate Reference for Amateur Radio AntennasAnd for a moderately priced top end radio receiver:
Grundig Satellite 750 AM/FM-Stereo/Shortwave/Aircraft Band Radio with SSB (Single Side Band)This book has a good section on radio propagation and a number of other topics including antennas, receivers, and transmitters. A good starting point for the beginning experimenter or the budding engineer interested in radio.
The ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2009 (Arrl Handbook for Radio Communications)Ah, the romance of short wave radio.
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Classical Values