Showing posts with label President. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President. Show all posts

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The White House Underground According To Ulsterman

It has been a while since I did an Ulsterman update so here is an interesting tit bit.

Q: Can you repeat what you told me before – how Richard Daley stepping down and Bill Daley coming to the White House, and then Rahm Emanuel becoming Chicago’s Mayer. How all of that relates back directly to Valerie Jarrett and Barack Obama. You connected those dots better than anyone else I’ve heard from, but you didn’t want to publish it before. Can we share that now? What you said regarding that?

A: I won’t allow you to publish it. I WANT you to publish it. And I want to qualify that by explaining to you that I am running without fear now. I am not alone here. This has become much bigger than me, or the group of us that were working prior to the Midterms We are in every good hands now, and this thing has a real possibility of seeing the kind of outcome I thought impossible just a few months ago. And don’t get hung up on people believing or not believing what we are discussing here. That is not the point of this. As I told you some time ago, the real motivation of this operation is letting those know who are watching that we are also watching, and that no amount of effort on their part is going to fully prevent the truth from getting out there. And I am being absolutely honest with you when I say that at no other time since we began this have I been so confident in our eventual success.

Now getting back to your question about Richard Daley stepping down, Rahm stepping in, and Bill Daley’s entrance into the Obama administration, it is foolish for anyone to not think all of that is no connected to something far greater than simply political repositioning. You have already reported on the Jarrett-Richard Daley connection, so no need for me to get you up to speed on that. What you might not know is that Richard Daley had something of a falling out with Jarrett, and by default, the Obama’s prior to Obama becoming a U.S. Senator. Now when it comes to Chicago politics, the Daley machine owns all of it. Everything. This includes information – every kind of information, on anyone of political importance in and around Chicago. When Obama went “national” as a Senator, Jarrett’s influence went national right along with it, right. By then she was the primary guide for Barack Obama’s political career. Every decision went to her, through her, and ultimately had to be approved by her. Obama did nothing without her approval. This has largely continued to this day in the White House, though as I just indicated, Bill Daley is fighting to alter that arrangement. So what happens when the great keeper of Chicago secrets, Richard Daley, announces he is stepping down? A huge power vacuum that sent the Obama White House into panic mode. Daley had a working agreement with Obama and Jarrett to keep a lid on the “unsavory” details related to each of them. Details stemming from years working among the most powerful and corrupt forces in Chicago politics, including Daley himself. And while many dislike the man that is Richard Daley, none will dispute that when a deal is made, he holds to it. And he has held to his deal with Jarrett and Obama. Almost every avenue investigated against those two has been effectively shut down in Chicago. With Daley’s departure as mayor, that will no longer be so easily accomplished, and the figure now in control of that apparatus is none other than disgruntled former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.
Truth? Fantasy? Who knows? But interest in palace intrigue has been very long standing. As long as there have been palaces. So I'm passing along the gossip.

Cross Posted at Classical Values

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Palin In Wisconsin 16 April 2011

Is this a campaign speech or what?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Dan Mitchell says the Obama plan for automatic tax increases when Congress overspends is a bad idea. At that rate the government will own us all before long. He has a counter proposal. There are more in the comments. I have one myself.

There is a better way: decimation.

If Congress and the President over spend put their names in an (electronic) hat and hang 10% of them. Live – Pay Per View. It might even raise significant revenue. At least it would pay for the hanging. Pay Go!
There is nothing like imminent demise to focus the mind.

H/T Instapundit

Cross Posted at Classical Values

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Clinging To Hope

Nate Silver over at Five-thirty-eight is clinging to hope. His latest headline reads:

Incumbents Polling Below 50 Percent Often Win Re-Election, Despite Conventional Wisdom

So I wrote him a little something to cheer him up.


You sound like me in 2008. Every tiny spark of hope magnified into a lightning flash. Look at what is happening in AZ. A no name, no money, rocket scientist is statistically tied (latest numbers show her two points ahead) with a 4 term incumbent.

Morale keeps going up on the R side. Races that were not even on the radar become first competitive and then fugedaboutit. The fire wall is not holding. Money is not working. A word from Sarah Palin and the money starts flowing. And her endorsement is GOLD. Politically and in terms of cash. She is going to have between 20 and 50 allies in the next Congress.

In fact Palin has been our shadow President ever since she stopped being Governor. The Democrat campaign to drive her from the Governorship of Alaska has epic failed. Oh. It worked all right. It just didn't have the intended consequences. She is stronger than ever. It is an old Jedi trick I'm told.

I believe, based on the zeitgeist, that a 100 seat change is within the reach of the Rs. If you are a Democrat you have to consider that the mood of the country is murderous. If you are an old school R the mood is horrible. If you are with the rebels it is looking very good.

Yeah. I'm with the Rebel Alliance. You're welcome.

Cross Posted at Classical Values

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

His Allies Are Deserting Him

A promo for an article on the Gulf oil spill at Rolling Stone is entitled:

The Spill, The Scandal and the President: How Obama let BP get away with murder.
No wonder my friend Eric at Classical Values thinks the Resident would like to be doing something else besides being President. Like parties, golfing, and photo ops.

Only two and a half more years to go. The question is not "will he survive". The question is "will we"?

Cross Posted at Classical Values

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I was reading a review of a recent US Grant biography, U. S. Grant: American Hero, American Myth,that had this interesting description of Grant

During his presidency, to be sure, the Democratic press condemned Grant as at once feeble, conniving, and imperious—attacks similar to those that the Democrats had made on Lincoln.
Or George Bush for that matter.

Grant also got undeserved bad press in BHL Hart's classic Strategywhile Sherman got praise. Forgetting that Grant gave Sherman orders and that Grant's job was to pin Lee so Sherman would be free to maneuver. i.e. the classic "hold them by the nose while you kick them in the pants" as recounted in General George Patton's autobiography War As I Knew It.

Cross Posted at Classical Values

Saturday, November 07, 2009

White House Bob

You all remember Baghdad Bob? Otherwise known as Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf. He has a competitor.

Robert Gibbs. So how about White House Bob? After all his first name is Robert.

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Most Fraud, Waste, And Abuse

The doctor in the video is talking about Medicare when he says it has the most fraud, waste, and abuse. So the question is: how is the current plan for National Health Care going to fix that? As far as I can tell it isn't even addressed.

The other question is under-reimbursement of doctors? The Congress seems to have paid off doctors to get their support.
..."House Democrats want to give doctors a $245 billion sweetener that helps ensure their critical support for a health care overhaul bill," The Associated Press reports in a separate story. "Next up: Trying to explain how they could do it without breaking President Barack Obama's promise that health legislation won't increase the federal deficit. ... Democrats and the Obama administration argue that the $245 billion included for doctors — the approximate 10-year cost of adjusting Medicare reimbursement rates so physicians don't face big annual pay cuts — does not have to be counted in the overall cost of the health care bill. Their only-in-Washington reasoning is that they already decided to exempt it from congressional 'pay-as-you-go' rules that require new programs to be paid for. In other words, it doesn't have to be paid for because they decided it doesn't have to be paid for."

"Old policy or new, no one disputes that the 'doc fix' does in fact add to the deficit. And the administration's position carried no weight with the CBO when it released its analysis of the House Democrats' bill.
Smoke, mirrors, and lies. From our President and Congress? I'm shocked.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It Is All About Being Green

It looks like GE is going to make a fortune when energy restrictions hit America. And they are working very hard with their government (they paid for it) to get what they want.

One last point, MSNBC is owned by General Electric. GE is already making money off the issue with their Carbon Credit Master Card (link from “Treehugger”, no less).

Here’s CNN’s story on the new credit card. Interesting note: In the fourth quarter of 2008 as GE/NBC stock fell 30 percent, GE spent $4.26 million on lobbying — that’s $46,304 each day, including weekends, Thanksgiving and Christmas. In 2008, the company spent a grand total of $18.66 million on lobbying.” Reviewing their lobbying filings, GE’s specific lobbying issues included the “Climate Stewardship Act,” “Electric Utility Cap and Trade Act,” “Global Warming Reduction Act,” “Federal Government Greenhouse Gas Registry Act,” “Low Carbon Economy Act,” and “Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act.” Do you think this “big business” is just concerned about the environment?

Well, check out this column from the Politico, which says: “Several of the companies would gain a commercial advantage after a cap and trade was established. General Electric has an “ecoimagination” line of green appliances and equipment. Robert Stavins, a professor of business and government at Harvard University, said a cap and trade program would be fantastic for GE and other companies that sell products that consume power. He said that if energy costs go up as a result of the regulation — something he believes is likely — a wide array of products from appliances to power plants would become prematurely obsolete and need to be replaced with greener models.” That would mean big money for GE (parent company of NBC and MSNBC). Take a moment and read my previous post on polar ice…check out the graphs and charts…they speak for themselves.
I especially like the misnamed "Climate Security Act". It should be the GE Security Act.

But you know. It was never about the trees. It was always about the Benjamins. There is green and then there is $Green. If you would like to contact your Congress Critter about this may I suggest:

House of Representatives
The Senate
The President

It never hurts to let them know you are keeping an eye on them. And while you are at it - it might not hurt to keep an eye on the enviros. This will help: Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Ruin Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them.

Cross Posted at Classical Values

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Contact Your Congress Critter

It is election season again. The time when the Congress Critters are most responsive to citizens. As most of you know by now Dr. Bussard's latest Fusion Power experiment, WB-7 First Plasma, is so far showing encouraging results.

It is time to get Congress and the President thinking about this so that if final results are positive (I expect they will be) Congress will be ready to belly up to the bar and make a power producing reactor happen as fast as possible. Now you can contact them by e-mail, fax, letter, or phone. Phone is best for the initial contact because it insures a human response. Tell them if they get with the program we can have a working fusion reactor in as little as three years. To do that they are going to have to Manhattanize the project. A full up scientific and industrial effort.

Here is contact info for the government:

House of Representatives

The Senate

The President

Light up their tails.

Cross Posted at Classical Values