Friday, September 16, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
No News
By now you have heard about the bombing and shooting in Norway. What struck me as funny (it usually does) is the usual call to avoid speculation.
..."we don't want to speculate" on whether a terror group is responsible...What I think he means is "don't jump to the conclusion that Islam had anything to do with it." Which of course makes people jump to the conclusion that it was Islam Inc. as usual. Why even bother?
Posted by M. Simon at 7/22/2011 11:01:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Islam Inc., Terrorism
Monday, February 14, 2011
Nuclear Material Found Entering The Port Of San Diego?
Over at Classical Values Frank in the comments to ARMZ Buys Wyoming Uranium Mines said that there are nuclear weapons found entering the port of San Diego. Well to say the least I was sceptical (love the Brit spelling). So I started checking for a reputable source. And it depresses me to no end to say I found one.
San Diego Channel 10 News - Interview Raises Questions Over Weapons Of Mass Effect In SD. Excerpted from the report:
In San Diego, every cargo container is driven through a radiation detector before leaving San Diego's seaport.So nothing in San Diego but maybe elsewhere. And not necessarily a bomb. It may have been a conventional explosive device surrounded by radioactive material. The purpose may not have been to spread destruction but rather to spread panic. For that purpose ordinary mined uranium or even depleted uranium would do. The general population is scared of anything radioactive even if the level of radioactivity is small.
"So, specifically, you're looking for the dirty bomb? You're looking for the nuclear device?" asked Blacher.
"Correct. Weapons of mass effect," Hallor said.
"You ever found one?" asked Blacher.
"Not at this location," Hallor said.
"But they have found them?" asked Blacher.
"Yes," said Hallor.
"You never found one in San Diego though?" Blacher asked.
"I would say at the port of San Diego we have not," Hallor said.
We have video of the interview and follow-up:
There is more video here. And information and speculation here.
If this don't get your heebies jeeben I don't know what will. I wish McCain had won the last election. We could sure use a guy with military experience at the helm in times like these.
Cross Posted at Classical Values
Posted by M. Simon at 2/14/2011 01:02:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Nuclear, Nuclear Weapons, Terrorism
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Some al-Qaeda News I Missed
News from 19 Jan 2009. It seems al-Queda may have been fooling around with the Plague.
The Black Death has reportedly killed at least 40 al-Qaeda operatives in North Africa.The question is: was this an attack on al-Queda or preparation for an attack by al-Qaeda that misfired? Or was it just bad luck for the terrorists?
The disease, which struck Europe in the Middle Ages killing more than 25 million people, has swept through a training camp for insurgents in Algeria.
The arrival of the plague was discovered when security forces found the body of a dead terrorist by a roadside, the Sun reports.
The victim belonged to the large al-Qaeda network AQLIM (al-Qaeda in the Land of the Islamic Maghreb).
A security source told the paper: "This is the deadliest weapon yet in the war against terror. Most of the terrorists do not have the basic medical supplies needed to treat the disease.
"It spreads It spreads quickly and kills within hours. This will be really worrying al-Qaeda."
Black Death comes in various forms and was one of the deadliest pandemics in human history when it struck in the 1340s killing 75 million people across North Africa, Asia and Europe.
Bubonic Plague is spread by bites from infected rat fleas. Symptoms include painful boils in the groin, neck and armpits. In Pneumonic Plague, airborn bacteria spread like flu. Without medication it can be deadly.
The new epidemic began in the cave hideouts of AQLIM in Tizi Ouzou province, 150km east of the capital Algiers, the Sun reports.
Posted by M. Simon at 11/01/2009 02:07:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: al Qaeda, Global War On Jihad, Terrorism
Thursday, November 27, 2008
A Probing Attack?
I don't know if that is intentional but, the attack in Mumbai, India looks to be having the effect of probing Obama's response to future attacks on America and elsewhere.
Nov. 27 (Bloomberg) -- President-elect Barack Obama led global condemnation of grenade and gun assaults in India’s financial hub of Mumbai, the third major terrorist attack targeting foreigners in South Asian nations this year.I was under the impression that The One thought that going after Osama and al Qaeda was enough. Evidently Reality Is Setting In.
The U.S. will work “with India and nations around the world to root out and destroy terrorist networks,” Obama’s transition team said in a statement.
And which politician on the international scene made the strongest statement?
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said the “outrageous” attacks in India would be met with a “vigorous response,”In any case I believe that Obama is going to get a lot of guff from the anti-war left. So far he seems to be ignoring it. We will see how long that lasts.
Policy wise Obama's domestic agenda - the one that requires money - is going to be held hostage to world events. If he cuts back military spending and there is an attack on the US he will be in trouble. If he fails to deploy a missile defense and there is a significant missile attack. He is in trouble.
So what domestic policy can he pursue that will actually raise money and lower economic output significantly? Why anti-CO2 measures of course. The fly in that ointment is the "lower economic output". Since he has promised to save jobs and get us out of a recession.
So is there a policy that might raise money for the government, please his supporters, and not be a hit on the economy? Yes there is.
Eric Nash can barely contain his excitement waiting to hear from Health Canada whether he can start growing marijuana for 250 patients now that the Federal Court of Appeal has struck down the government's monopoly on supplying medical marijuana.Tax revenue. Significant tax revenue and a blow to criminal gangs. A blow that will be harder to survive than a major bust. Revenue shortfalls for the gangs. What is not to like? Government gets more money - the gangs get less. If only we were as smart as the Canadians.
That would be just the start. He says there are tens of thousands more who are ailing across the country, clamouring for his organic B.C. bud.
"There is a great opportunity here for the government to collect significant tax revenue currently being lost to the street market," enthused Nash, whose company, Island Harvest, has cleared the industrial security regulatory hurdles and meets the standards set by Ottawa to grow cannabis legally.
Now I also need to mention that opium is supporting the tribes in the Pakistan/Afghanistan tribal areas. Opium may be a harder nut to crack politically - but you know - when the pain gets severe enough we will take our medicine.
Posted by M. Simon at 11/27/2008 01:46:00 PM 7 comments
Labels: al Qaeda, Islam, Marijuana, Medical Marijuana, Obama, Terrorism
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
More Dangerous Than Coulter
It appears that gays may face dangers more daunting than Ann Coulter.
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - An Iraqi national wearing wires and concealing a magnet inside his rectum triggered a security scare at Los Angeles International Airport on Tuesday but officials said he posed no apparent threat.So far no one has a clue as to the origins of his behavior. Is this some new type of homeopathic remedy for hemroids or something more sinister?
The man, identified by law enforcement officials as Fadhel al-Maliki, 35, set off an alarm during passenger screening at the airport early on Tuesday morning.
A police bomb squad was called to examine what was deemed a suspicious item found during a body cavity search of the man. Local media reports said a magnet was found in his rectum.
"He was secreting these items in a body cavity and that was a great concern because there were also some electric wires associated with that body cavity," Larry Fetters, security director for the Transportation Security Administration at the airport, told reporters.
H/T Astute Bloggers
Posted by M. Simon at 3/07/2007 05:03:00 AM 4 comments
Labels: Gay Issues, Iraq, Terrorism
Monday, February 19, 2007
Terrorists In Georgia USA?
Baron Bodissey at Gates of Vienna is reporting on aerial survelance of the Jamaat ul-Fuqra compound in Georgia. Some photo analysis is provided. The Baron is asking for help from any one who could assist in further analysis.
The Christian Action Network [CAN -ed] recently made another aerial run over a Jamaat ul-Fuqra compound, this time the one near Commerce, Georgia. Martin Mawyer, the president of CAN, has kindly made the resulting photos available to Gates of Vienna.The Baron has a lot of speculation, however he could use some help from an experienced photo interpreter.
The compound on Madinah Road actually has a Royston address, and is about halfway between Commerce and Royston, to the northeast of Atlanta.
Jamaat ul-Fuqra — the terrorist organization whose cover group is known as the Muslims of America — means “community of the impoverished” in Arabic.
Posted by M. Simon at 2/19/2007 05:45:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Terrorism
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Terrorists Say: Vote for Democrats
According to World Net Daily the jihadis are rooting for the Democrats.
"Of course Americans should vote Democrat," Jihad Jaara, a senior member of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terror group and the infamous leader of the 2002 siege of Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity, told WND.Anybody who has been watching could have figued thios out.
"This is why American Muslims will support the Democrats, because there is an atmosphere in America that encourages those who want to withdraw from Iraq. It is time that the American people support those who want to take them out of this Iraqi mud," said Jaara, speaking to WND from exile in Ireland, where he was sent as part of an internationally brokered deal that ended the church siege.
Jaara was the chief in Bethlehem of the Brigades, the declared "military wing" of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party.
Together with the Islamic Jihad terror group, the Brigades has taken responsibility for every suicide bombing inside Israel the past two years, including an attack in Tel Aviv in April that killed American teenager Daniel Wultz and nine Israelis.
Muhammad Saadi, a senior leader of Islamic Jihad in the northern West Bank town of Jenin, said the Democrats' talk of withdrawal from Iraq makes him feel "proud."
"As Arabs and Muslims we feel proud of this talk," he told WND. "Very proud from the great successes of the Iraqi resistance. This success that brought the big superpower of the world to discuss a possible withdrawal."
Abu Abdullah, a leader of Hamas' military wing in the Gaza Strip, said the policy of withdrawal "proves the strategy of the resistance is the right strategy against the occupation."
You have to wonder though if the jihadis are so smart why they didn't keep this under their turbans until after the election.
Obviously if we have to do something like Iraq again then the jihadis will hold on longer because they believe that even with a good hand Americans will fold. After all General Giap says that the Americans never lost a major battle in the war. How is it possible to lose a war while winning all the battles? Cut and run.
Update: 05 Nov '06 0919z
CNN reports that the Middle East hopes for a policy change by the US Government.
"The whole region is volatile and it cannot face more problems and challenges," Arab League official Hesham Youssef said in a recent interview.I think they will faces as many problems and challenges as they create. The volatility of the region is historical and very little to do with US policy.
Posted by M. Simon at 11/04/2006 04:09:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Cut and Run, Democrats, Iraq, Jihadis, Middle East, Palestinian, Terrorism
Friday, October 27, 2006
On Terrorism
Men who use terrorism as a means to power, rule by terror once they are in power. --Helen MacinnesH/T Forbes Magazine
Posted by M. Simon at 10/27/2006 06:37:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Governance, Political Power, Terror War, Terrorism
Friday, September 01, 2006
The Three Conjectures Revisited
Wretchard at The Belmont Club did a piece almost three years ago on the Three Conjectures. I was reminded of it by this American Thinker piece sent to me by Carol Herman. Jacques Dhervillez warns the terrorists:
Your traditional strategy, of using terrorist tactics while counting on your enemies to adhere to the rules of diplomacy and formal warfare, doesn’t seem to be working any more.That is pretty much what happens in every war. Mr. Dhervillez then goes on to give a number of examples and finishes with this:
What you have really done, by past decades of terrorism, is open a Pandora’s Box of horrors that may ultimately harm you and your people more than anyone else. This toughening of the tactics of Western powers is merely an example of Magruder’s Law that:
“Combat inevitably sinks to the lowest common denominator of the combatants. If you like to wrestle in the mud and your opponent likes to gouge out eyes, then sooner or later you will both be eye-gouging in the mud.”
Civilization is essentially a compact of non-violence, a mutual agreement that certain measures will not be used by any party under any circumstances. Pieces of paper like the Geneva conventions are merely reiterations of that agreement.
But whenever this covenant is broken by one party for a sufficiently long period, it is inevitable that their opponents, and eventually everybody else, will break it too. The end result is Magruder’s Law, which applies whenever terrorism is countered by escalation. In essence, the terrorist teaches his enemies to use his own tactics against himself.
I am particularly alarmed by the recent news that Iran has been trying to acquire cesium, for the obvious purpose of instigating some sort of radioisotope terrorist atrocity. Bear in mind that you are planning such an attack against the biggest nuclear power in the world and the only one that has actually used nuclear weapons against an enemy. The only thing that restrained us during the Cold War, aside from fear of reprisal, was a mutually agreed upon taboo. If an Islamic power violates that taboo and uses nuclear weapons against the US, what form do you think our retaliation will take? And how “proportionate” do you think it will be?Democracies are slow moving beasts, generally. Goaded into war they then become very hard to restrain.
Is that what you really want? Does the prospect of your wives and children becoming martyrs of Jihad fill you with joy? If so, then I suppose I have nothing more to say. But if you are expecting the U.S. to continue to exercise Judeo-Christian restraint and compassion in response to your attacks, then according your own accusations, you are wrong. If what you have been saying about our degeneracy is true; then we are no longer a morally restrained Judeo-Christian nation. If most of us are, as you claim, hedonistic materialists, then we are just as capable of vengeance and cruelty as you are.
I do not mean this as a threat, but as an urgent warning. I am trying to make you realize that you—and your families—are at the edge of a slope, a steep muddy slope that slides down irreversibly into an unthinkably horrible pit in which the people of Islam may ultimately perish.
This is not the first instance of such a warning. Strategy Page had a similar warning in May of 2002 to Saddam.
When A Democracy Chose Genocide -June 18, 1945 - The United States government decided on June 18, 1945, to commit genocide on Japan with poison gas if its government did not surrender after the nuclear attacks approved in the same June 18 meeting. This was discovered by military historians Norman Polmar and Thomas Allen while researching a book on the end of the war in the Pacific. Their discovery came too late for inclusion in the book, so they published it instead in the Autumn 1997 issue of Military History Quarterly.The gas was expected to kill 5 million civilians and injure another 5 million.
The author reminds us of some facts about American power and American psychology:
The relative power of America's armed forces vis a vis the rest of the world has grown to the point where genocide is unlikely to be necessary to impose our will on any possible combination of enemies lacking the ability to seriously menace the American homeland. The American people might support genocide as policy if further attacked at home, but the American government will act based on its perception of American interests, and keep that demon in the bottle, absent overwhelming public demand. Nuclear weapons use is another matter - the American government has used nuclear weapons to avert greater evils and recently indicated some willingness to do so again, albeit with non-genocidal force.He was speaking specifically to Saddam, but I think the same dynamic holds true for any enemy of America.
Our enemies considering further attacks on us should keep these history lessons in mind.
So should our erstwhile "friends".
So what are Wretchards Three Conjectures? Here is an abbreviated version:Conjecture 1: Terrorism has lowered the nuclear threshold
These obstacles to terrorist capability are the sole reason that the War on Terror has not yet crossed the nuclear threshold, the point at which enemies fight each other with weapons of mass destruction. The terrorist intent to destroy the United States, at whatever cost to themselves, has been a given since September 11. Only their capability is in doubt. This is an inversion of the Cold War situation when the capability of the Soviet Union to destroy America was given but their intent to do so, in the face of certain retaliation, was doubtful.
Conjecture 2: Attaining WMDs will destroy Islam
This fixity of malice was recognized in President Bush's West Point address in the summer of 2002, when he concluded that "deterrence -- the promise of massive retaliation against nations -- means nothing against shadowy terrorist networks with no nation or citizens to defend." The enemy was equally indifferent to inducement or threat. Neither making nice -- Jimmy Carter's withdrawal from Iran, Reagan's abandonment of Lebanon, Bush's defense of Saudi Arabia, Clinton's rescue of Albanian Muslims from Serbian genocide, the payment of billions in aid to Egypt and Pakistan -- nor the gravest of threats would alter the enemy's intent to utterly destroy and enslave America. Allah had condemned America. The Faithful only had to find the means to carry out the execution.
Because capability is the sole variable of interest in the war against terrorism, the greater the Islamic strike capability becomes, the stronger the response will be.
Conjecture 3: The War on Terror is the 'Golden Hour' -- the final chance
It is supremely ironic that the survival of the Islamic world should hinge on an American victory in the War on Terror, the last chance to prevent that terrible day in which all the decisions will have already been made for us. That effort really consists of two separate aspects: a campaign to destroy the locus of militant Islam and prevent their acquisition of WMDs; and an attempt to awaken the world to the urgency of the threat. While American arms have proven irresistible, much of Europe, as well as moderates in the Islamic world, remain blind to the danger and indeed increase it. Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad recently "told an international conference of young Muslim leaders ... (that) ... Muslims must acquire skills and technology so they can create modern weapons and strike fear into the hearts of our enemies". Fecklessness and gunpowder are a lethal combination. The terrible ifs accumulate.I'd go a little farther. The survival of Islam requires an early victory.
Already things are getting ugly. If the government won't profile passengers on airplanes the passengers themselves will do the job. There is only so much government stupidity Americans will tolerate before taking matters into their own hands. The Spirit of Flight 93 lives. Muslims in America had better get a handle on this because American citizens are armed and can be very dangerous if provoked. I hope the Council on American-Islamic Relations - CAIR - is listening. Their victimology act is wearing thin.
H/T Commenter Tom at Winds of Change for the Strategy Page article. H/T reader Paul for the WoC link.
Posted by M. Simon at 9/01/2006 11:23:00 AM 5 comments
Labels: Atomic Warfare, Global War On Jihad, Terrorism
Saturday, April 29, 2006
At War with Iran
Iran has promised to send waves of suicide bombers against Europe, America, and Israel if America goes to war with Iran.
So if we are going to war with Iran the first thing that needs to be done is preping the battlefield. You want to weaken the enemy position before attacking it. The easiest way to do that is with a spoiling attack. Such an attack is implimented against enemy formations that are massed for an attack. This disrupts the enemy while he is in the prepratory stage and as a result disorganizes or prevents anticipated attacks.
So far our spoiling attacks have been mainly focused on disrupting Iran's bank accounts and ability to disburse funds. They have been forced to work on a cash basis because their ability to use western banks to move their funds has been impeded.
I think Iran made a big mistake when it figured that America would limit itself to politics and military action, because Iran held the upper hand in the economic sphere due to its contribution to the world oil market.
And a second front in the Cash Flow Jihad is gaining as well. Law suits against terrorists. Especially terrorists supported by Iran....10 years after Vicki and Leonard Eisenfeld's son Matt, 25, a Yale graduate and rabbinical student, was murdered along with his fiancee Sara Duker in a No. 18 bus on Jerusalem's Jaffa Road, their dogged struggle against the Hamas terror group that killed him, and against the Iranian government that trained and financed those behind this and so many bombings, doesn't look quite so foolhardy anymore. There are even those who wonder whether it might help expedite regime change in Teheran.
It appears that Hamas has been funded and trained by Iran.
"We had the choice of doing nothing or doing something," says Leonard simply, sitting alongside his wife on the sofa of their home in West Hartford, Connecticut. And that was no choice at all. So they set out to create what Leonard calls "a financial deterrent to terrorism."
In a way this is a lot like Flight 93. Americans taking the initiative before government can get its act together. In fact it seems that at least one part of the executive branch is getting in the way. Here is a bit on a group of families having trouble with our State Department:They've used some of that payment for charitable contributions and to fund various scholarship programs. But the three families' efforts to obtain what may now total up to $900 million in outstanding damages has been hampered in the US, again ironically, by the State Department.
So they have taken the case to our European friends with better results:
Speaking by phone from Washington, Perles recounts that the legal team identified a US real-estate development firm with considerable assets that turned out to be wholly owned by the Iranian government. But the bid to seize its funds was stymied by a State Department contention that the company in question could not be held liable "since it was not managed on a daily basis by the government in Teheran," says Perles exasperatedly.RATHER THAN wait for the completion of the tortuous process, however, the lawyers have looked further afield of late, with remarkable success. To Europe, in fact, where Perles says the Iranian government has an estimated $50 to $80 billion in assets.
Which might explain why Iran has withdrawn 700 tons of gold and $3o bn in cash from European banks. However, that is not all that is going on in the cash flow front.
A few months back, they managed to get the Italian courts to "domesticate" the US court ruling in the case - "a procedure," says Perles, "under which the Italian court essentially adopted the judgment as its own."
Why would the Italians do that? "Because," says Perles, "they sometimes have cases of their own that need to be domesticated in the US."And there is, appallingly, no shortage of other such potential cases. "Lots of US nationals have been killed by Iranian-backed terror," he notes grimly. "Iran is the epicenter of state terror."
If the military families prevail against Iran that is going to seriously hurt Iran.
In fact, he goes on, "We have a case that's been running for three or four years on behalf of 200 families of US marines killed in the 1983 Beirut bombings. We've had 800 witnesses testify to date. Iran has already lost in the battle over its liability. And we're talking seriously big numbers" in potential damages.
In any case I think what this is about is preliminary weaking of Iran and their proxies - either to make them say uncle or to weaken them preliminary to an attack.
The situation for Hamas re: cash is dire. Even money Iran has promised - and it is only $50 million, enough for 10 or 15 days of operation - can not be delivered due to the unwillingness of banks to handle Hamas money for fear of US action.
At some point the proxies may have to attack before their resources run out - opening themselves up to defeat in detail and thus being unable to mount spoiling attacks or counter attacks when we move on Iran.
Also see: Hamas has a banking crisis and The Gold War.
Follow the Money, Iran, Cash Flow Jihad, Iran War, Palestine, Hamas, Terrorism, Israel, Iranian Economy
HT: Charles and the LGF Readers and ploome hineni
Posted by M. Simon at 4/29/2006 10:07:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: Cash Flow Jihad, Hamas, Iran, Iran War, Iraq, Israel, Terrorism, War Strategy, War Tactics
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Hamas Has a Banking Crisis
Reuters reports:JERUSALEM (Reuters) - The reluctance of banks to risk U.S. sanctions and lawsuits by dealing with a Hamas-led government has pushed the Palestinian Authority to the brink of financial collapse sooner than donors had expected, diplomats said.
That is interesting. The Islamics have pretty much shut down Western newspapers through the cartoon jihad. We have eliminated their cash flow (in places) through the money jihad. I'd put it down to lack of strategic thinking on the part of the Islamics.
The rapid onset of a banking crisis -- within days of Hamas's swearing-in on March 29 -- could further depress Palestinian incomes, fuel political unrest and speed the arrival of a humanitarian crisis with which donors are not yet prepared to cope, according to diplomats and Palestinian officials.
Western diplomats and private-sector experts said Hamas's troubles finding a bank has for now eclipsed Western aid cuts as the biggest immediate threat to the new government's viability.
See also my previous articles on jihadi money flow problems in Follow the Money and Follow the Gold.
Middle East Peace Process, Radical Islamists, Palestine, Hamas, Follow the Money, Terrorism, Israel
Posted by M. Simon at 4/11/2006 06:58:00 AM 3 comments
Labels: Cash Flow Jihad, Hamas, Israel, Palestine, Terrorism
Monday, August 22, 2005
Gaza's Rewards
I live in small town America. Rockford, Illinois to be exact. Our home town paper The Rockford Register Star is not known for its pro Israeli views. We get the usual newswire stuff about how the Israelis are oppressing the Palestinians.
Imagine my surprise then, seeing almost two pages in the Sunday editorial section praising Israel for the Gaza pullout and putting the ball in the Palestinian court. And who were the authors of the pieces? Not the usual Palistinian apologists. Nope. We got Max Boot. Yossi Klein Halevi. Aharon Kleinman.
The headline? Israel's wishful Gaza thinking. What was the gist of the piece? That the Israelis shouldn't expect the Palestinians to respond in kind and work to live in peace.
Max Boot was especially harsh on the Palestinians. He expects that Gaza will turn into another failed terrorist state.
If, following the Israeli pullout, Gaza becomes another training ground for Islamo-fascist fanatics - a successor to Afghanistan under the Taliban - the resulting terrorists will find the U.S. and Europe much easier targets than Israel, which is the world's most heavily defended state. Irony of ironies, perhaps in a few years enlightened Westerners will rue the day when Israel gave up control of Gaza.That one paragraph alone is a very big dividend for the Gaza pullout.
I thought the Gaza move was a good idea when it was first announced. I think my optimism was justified. It has changed the terms of the debate.
Posted by M. Simon at 8/22/2005 10:10:00 AM 2 comments