Hello folks and welcome to a whole new challenge designed to bring that bit of design power and a splash of creative spark to help motivate you to make outstanding cards and papercrafting projects. Are you ready to see what we have in store for you this month? Our fab hostess is the uber talented Bloomie Katie Sims. Let's get right to it, shall we?
HOW TO PLAY: Are you a bit of a bookworm? Does your heart yearn for a great page-turner? Let's hear from Katie how she wants us to combine our love of books with our craftsy sides!
“Although, I will miss those lazy summer days, I have to admit that I love Fall and all the wonderful things that come with the season! Cooler temperatures, shorter days, falling leaves, football games, and the giddy feeling I get with the back to school rush. Call me sentimental, but even after more years than I care to admit since I’ve been in school, I still feel the need to go shopping for pencils, pens, paper pads, books, and all of the fun little things that you do to prepare for a new school year! So how about a challenge that will inspire you to “Hit the Books”? You can use an image containing books, or how about a neat book print designer paper, or even create a book mark or book cover? Whatever you decide, just make sure your inspiration is book related! I can’t wait to see what you create!”
Great challenge, Ms. Katie. Let's take a look to see how she put this book-loving challenge to the test!
Be still my heart! Katie not only covered the front of a journal and decked it out with Power Poppy's Apples in Season digital stamp set, which she so masterfully colored, she made a sweet-as-can be bookmark using Power Poppy's clear set Farmers Market. I love the pop of red and the reminder that fall and apple cider season is upon us! With this beautiful inspiration before us, now it's your chance to turn the page and give this challenge the good ole college try!
Moving on! Every first Friday we take a look back at all those ab fab entries, throw them all in a virtual hat and draw out one lucky winner for a $50 Shopping Spree to the Power Poppy Shop! Well folks, it's that time! In August, the amazing Cindy Lawrence asked you to take a look around your home and be inspired by something inside -- a color scheme, a work of art, a design feel. And man, did you all rise to the challenge! Just click HERE to see all the entries from our Power & Spark Inspired by Home challenge!
So Random.org stirred it all up and drew....
That means our lucky winner of the Shopping Spree is....
*** ANN TUCK! ***
Ann created this beauty using Power Poppy's freebie Kindness is the Way digital stamp and imitated the feel from an art print that hangs in the corner of her dining area. You'll have to click on over HERE to see her inspiration and how she brought it to life on this lovely creation!
Ann, in order to nab the code for your shopping spree, just email us at bloom@powerpoppy.com and we will get your winning code to you soonest!
Check out the creative genius brewing at some of our favorite designers' spots on the web! Those Bloomies are at it again and you won't want to miss what they've whipped up this week!
Thanks all for stopping by! Hopefully, you'll want to "Hit the Books" and join us with this fun-filled and creative challenge! As always, after you get your fingers inky, don't forget to link up your creation below so we can all see your fabulous handiwork!
Until next time!