Showing posts with label Peony Muse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peony Muse. Show all posts


The Blossom Challenge: Sponge Bath!

Hi Power Poppy fans!  It’s Christine bringing you another fun "The Blossom Challenge” for the month.  I’m feeling especially Springy this month, and ready for all the fun colour that’s soon to come.  So, this month’s Challenge has the theme “Sponge Bath”, and its all about using your sponging tools to bring smooth inky colour to your designs.  

I’ve got two cards to show you today that showcase different ways to sponge ink.  

First off is this beauty from Power Poppy called Spring Border One.  I adore this image and its sweet border style of blooms.  All the flowers are coloured with Copics, and I stamped the large tulip twice so I could add it to the left of the arrangement to balance out my how the flowers appear in front of the arched die cut windows.  

For my sponging technique I used a simple background technique, using Tumbled Glass Distress Oxide Ink on the card base, splattering it with water, and then splattering again with white ink.  Such an easy way to add a background to a scene.  It’s one of my favourite properties of Oxide ink, when you see how great it reacts to water.  

Perfect for a little note for a friend.  

Next I’ve used another gorgeous Spring image from Power Poppy called Daffodil Bouquet.  

For this design I utilized a stencil to create a backdrop for this amazing bouquet of daffodils and muscari (grape hyacinth).  Once my bouquet was coloured with Copics, I used some pale pink cardstock and a diamond stencil with soft shades of peachy pink (Tattered Rose, Victorian Velvet, Picked Raspberry and Seedless Preserves).  Using coloured cardstock and stencilling over top gives you a base colour that you don’t have to add with ink.  

I also lightly sponged the embossing of the die cut frame which allows it to tie in to the colour and accents the embossing slightly.  The sentiment is from Power Poppy’s Peony Muse polymer set. 

Those bright pops of colour really shine!  

Now WHO was our winner last month? picked Camille (Short on Ideas)with her beautiful Black-Eyed Susans reimagined by the sea!  Camille, contact Marcy at  

Now we’re extending the Challenge to you!  It’s Sponge Bath time!  Use your sponges or blending tools to add inky colour to any part of your design.  You could simply distress the edges of your paper with ink, blend multi-colour or ombre backgrounds, or use stencils to create a background or layer to your design.  All you need to do is use at least one Power Poppy image to be included in the challenge.  

Link your entries below, you can play as many times as you like!  Challenge closes April 15 at 11 pm MTN. 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Inspire Me Monday ~ Colouring on Coloured Paper

Happy Monday to you all!  I’m Allison Cope and I’m your hostess today for Inspire Me Monday.

Today I’m going to be heat embossing on coloured cardstock and then colouring in my images using Polychromos Pencils.  This technique is very easy and takes a relatively short time to colour.  I decided to use the beautiful “Peony Muse” stamp set for my images and then the “My English Rose” stamp set for my sentiment.

 Come and join me at my crafty desk today for a fun and easy tutorial.

Here’s a quick peek of the final card again…

I hope you’ve enjoyed this simply tutorial today and give a try sometime soon.  Happy creating!

~ Ally ~


Are you feeling the (good) vibes?

Hello Power Poppy Peeps! It is.... FRIDAY! And, you all know what that means, right? Come on... of course you do! Not only will we have some eye candy to share from some of the Bloomies, we have a hit list of fun things to click on and check out designed to bring nothing but GOOD VIBES! 

This week we have some extra surprises hidden in this list, so make sure you are reading in between the lines! ;-)

Your Good Vibes 5 Hit List! 

1. Giving a little Power Poppy Love We absolutely sigh when we see Power Poppy fans bring Marcella's illustrations to life and Corinne Jones did just that this week -- several times over! You really need to click HERE to take a little trip to her blog to see exactly what I mean. She has a half dozen cards including this one above using Power Poppy's Trumpet Vine Visitor that are eye-poppingly vibrant and dripping with her coloring talents! 

2. Mixed Media Marvel What do you get when you combine a digital stamp, a stencil, some modeling paste and some mixed media inks? Heidi Jakobs gives us the answer with this showstopper using Power Poppy's Olive & Oak digital stamp set. Click HERE to check out her step-by-step tutorial and.... prepare to be amazed! 

3. I've got a secret! Have you been following the fun over at Passionate Paper Creations and Friend's Facebook page this week? Well, Power Poppy is a sponsor and not only does Ms. Rhea cue up a fun video showing how to transform a spring peony into a autumnal delight, if you become a member of this talented and upbeat group, there just might be a sweet surprise that you could cash in on at the Power Poppy Shop. (Yes, that was your hint!)

4. Delight on Dark I love it when people stretch their creative comfort zones to try new things. "Aussie Annie" knocked our socks off giving texture paste and powders a try to take part in our Creative Confetti Design in the Dark Challenge. Click HERE to check out her experiments using Power Poppy's Azaleas stamp set! 

5. Large & In Charge! Last Saturday the Instant Gardeners hand picked a brand new digi from the Power Poppy Shop and I mean to tell you, there are so many different takes on our brand new set Bountiful Bouquet that you might just want to take a trip back in time -- or just click HERE -- to see all the fabulous ways these designers used this stunning fall-themed bouquet! 

Now these next few tidbits could easily be number 6 and number 7 on the good vibes list but that would push us over the edge! So, oblige me as I share! ;-)

If you love a good bargain, check this out...

That's right - 15% off STOREWIDE ends this Monday! Okay, who doesn't want  need a little more Power Poppy goodness in their lives? And, to think you can get some of the images on your wish list for a little less? Like I said, sale ends Sunday so, hit the Power Poppy Shop before then and use the code WONDER15! 

And don't forget about this page-turner of a challenge!

Hit the Books with Ms. Katie Sims and earn a chance at a $50 Shopping Spree at the Power Poppy Shop! All you have to do is create a book-inspired creation. The options, my friend, are endless! Just click HERE to read all about our latest Power & Spark Challenge! 

Need a little inspiration to help jump start your creative weekend? Well, this Bloomie duo is happy to share! Just hop on over to see... 

Thanks for stopping by my sweet peeps to see what fun we had in store! We have much more coming your way as we kick off next week, so as they say, "Don't be a stranger!"

Until then, enjoy your weekend!

Power & Spark with a bit of Drama!

Hello sweet stamping friends! Are you ready for a brand-spankin' new Power & Spark Challenge to kick off an entire month of creativity? Well, lucky for you, we are ready to usher one in!  I have to say this month lends itself to being a little BOLD, a little DARING and a lot DRAMATIC! Christine Okken is stepping in to offer up this month's challenge so, without further ado, here's what she's got on tap!

HOW TO PLAY: Our "Black and White with a Pop of Color" Challenge is pretty self-explanatory and super simple from a creative standpoint -- make your card or creation mostly black and white but then surprise us all with that pop of color! Want to hear what Ms. Christine has to say? Well, here she is..... 

"I love the drama of black and white, and I’ve been seeing a lot of this gorgeous colour combination lately (maybe it’s been because I’m in mourning over Chip & JoJo's Fixer Upper show being done (she loves her black and white). Lately, I’ve noticed black and white with splashes of dramatic colour mixed in. So, this month I’m challenging you to go Black and White in your cardmaking, with just a splash of another colour highlighted in your design. You can use grayscale to add definition to your black and white elements, but make sure some part of your design has a splash of one colour - any color!” ~Christine

And, as we love to do when we unveil a new challenge, we let the hostess share how she's bringing this challenge to life! Check out Christine's creation using Power Poppy's Peony Muse stamp set. Oh my! I absolutely love those shades of grey and the literal splashes of pink. Christine has such a way with color -- even at its most basic-- black and white -- level! 

  • Use Power Poppy stamps if you have them. If not, it is a great way to win some!
  • Link your creation below using our Linky (please use the exact URL from your post instead of a generic blog address.)
  • Please mention Power Poppy in YOUR blog or gallery post with a link back to THIS challenge!
  • The winner will receive a $50 SHOPPING SPREE TO THE POWER POPPY SHOP!
  • Enter as many cards as you’d like, as long as they fit the theme of the challenge!
  • Deadline to enter is May 31 @ 8:00 PM EST. At that point, we’ll draw the winner randomly and make the announcement right here on the first Friday in June. 


So, drum roll please, time now to draw that winning name from our April Power & Spark "Vitamin ME" Challenge! Did you get a chance to scroll through and read some of the amazing ways our Power Poppy Peeps take a little time for themselves, supercharge and get that extra dose of Vitamin ME? If not, man, there are some great ideas! I almost thought about copying some of them down, creating a calendar and forcing myself to follow in their footsteps and use some of their ways to unwind! I highly recommend reading THIS post to get some ideas for yourself! 

So, after putting all the names in a hat and drawing one lucky winner, we drew.....


And, just in case you wanted to know how Darcy got in that extra dose of Vitamin ME, here's what this fine lady had to say! 

Congrats Darcy! Thanks so much for sharing! We're so excited that you won a $50 Shopping Spree to the Power Poppy Shop! Just email us at in order to get your code to shop the day away! Guess what? More Vitamin ME coming your way! 

Before we go, we have one way to get in a little extra "me" time -- how about visiting these fine ladies below, taking in their inspiration and using it to spark that creativity next time you hit your stamping space! 

Be sure to stop by and say "hi" and see what they whipped up for you this week! 

Thanks for spending just a little bit of your day with us! Enjoy your weekend and.... we'll see you back here real soon!

Until next time!


Exciting Announcement and Inspire Me Monday with Kathy Racoosin

Hello! Hello! How is everyone today? Did you all have a good weekend? My name is Kathy Racoosin and we have a big announcement today. More on that at the bottom of the post :)

Today I am inking up the oh so beautiful "Peony Muse" stamp set to create a bouquet. Watch my card unfold in this short video below.

I love the way that you can layer colors easily with Tombow watercolor markers & if you have dry paper between the layers it's even easier in my book. (If you have Zig markers they work beautiful too). I pack some watercolor markers in my carry on and usually do a little watercoloring on the plane. Love that you don't need much water for either.

Since my card panel is one layer I decided to pop one word of the sentiment with some foam tape.

If you are curious what paper I like to use ... I only use the bright white Tim Holtz's watercolor paper and I like that it's pre-cut to save me time.

The blooms were stamped in some antique linen distress ink.

Don't forget the video if you still have questions about the card. Thanks so much for your visit today and now ......

Drumroll please ....... I will pass you over to the most amazing artist, Illustrator, and beautiful woman!!

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Hello, my awesome friends, it’s Marcella back here with you — and can you believe what a sweetheart and talent that Kathy Racoosin is? Thank you for sharing that a luminous Peony card tutorial today, Kathy! It’s not just the card that’s incredible, I just love to listen to Kathy’s voice describing how she works. She’s a total doll and so filled with generosity. Wouldn’t you like to color with her for a day, IN PERSON can you imagine? Well ..... LOOK WHAT’S COMING UP in March:
YESSSSS!! KATHY IS COMING TO ST. LOUIS — and I'm going to be spending the day coloring and hanging with her, and we would love to have YOU come too!

Daily Marker Coloring Challenge Road Trip
Visits St. Louis
Saturday, March 24, 2018

To register, CLICK HERE.

There is limited space available for the event — it’s really going to be a memorable meet-up, I'm fairly certain!! Imagine not only getting to color with the incredible Kathy, but I'm going to be there, too!! Kathy + Marcella = WILDLY FUN!! We’ll be talking plants, paint brushes, and paper stock all day long. PLUS you can meet other like-minded ladies (and gents?) that up til now, you may have only talked to on Instagram or Splitcoast. Let’s DO THIS, PEEPS!

A Power Poppy pop-up shop will be set up on-site, where you can snag the very latest clear stamp designs — we’ll have a fresh Spring release of clear stamps to show off.

We have a fee of $35 to register, and this includes your lunch! The fee will be used to support a local charity called Urban Harvest STL. The Road Trip isn’t a class, it’s more like a happy, upbeat day spent in the company of delightful folks. NOW, who wouldn’t want in on that?? We’re making memories, people!!

For more information on what to bring (and what not to bring) — be sure to read Kathy’s post here. You’ll pack your own supplies, show up with your pretty self, and we will have a BLAST in a sun-lit room that will be filled to the ceiling with laughter and good vibes. I cannot wait!!

Big hugs and hope to see you on Saturday, March 24 in St. Louis...

Inspire Me Monday: Using Coordinating Dies

Howdy all!  Happy New Year to everyone out there around the world!  I'm Allison Cope your hostess for today's Inspire Me Monday!

If you know me, you know I LOVE making cards that are interactive in some way. So this week I thought I'd pull out some of Power Poppy coordinating dies and have some fun creating with them.

If you didn't already know, we have a few clear stamps sets with their own matching dies.  Those sets include:

So grab something warm and wet to sip away at and meet me in my scraproom!  Today I'm going to use the Peony Muse stamp set and matching dies.

I hope you too love using your coordinating dies to make your cards unique and fun!

Here's a quick look at the card I shared today...

Thanks for joining me today!  I hope you enjoyed this video.

I'd love to know what you'd like to learn in future tutorials so leave me a comment telling what you would like to know more about!


Allison Cope ~

Stamps: Power Poppy (Peony Muse)
Cardstock: Recollections (#110 White)
Dies: Power Poppy (Peony Muse Coordinating Dies)
Inks: Memento (Tuxedo Black), Versafine, (Black Onyx), Copic Markers
Stencil: Stamp of Approval  (Mod Squared Stencil).


Berry-licious Hues to Use

Yee-haw!! Is it Tuesday already? It is! It is! With this special day of the week comes a brand new trio of color cues for you to use when you hit your craft space for your next creative endeavor! So, let's get to it, shall we?

This week's Hues to Use are a breath of fresh air -- pink hydrangea, russet Coleus, wild red raspberries, and gorgeous foliage to back it all up! Check out this delicious dose of color peeps!

It's as easy as 1-2-3! Yep, just that easy! All you need to do is incorporate all THREE of these colors into your card or creation. Once you're done, just link up your project below so that we can all see and then "Oooooo!" and "Ahhhh!" over it! You never know -- that card just might land you a spot as a guest designer for an upcoming Hues to Use Challenge! What fun, right?

And guess what's even better than this delish trio of colors? We have a Guest Designer to help show these hues off! Say hello to this lovely lady, will you?

I have a card-making crush on Lee Ann Barrett's style. She is an amazing card designer and we are sooooooooo honored that she agreed to host this little ole post here on the Power Poppy Blog! So, let's let Lee Ann introduce herself and get to her gorgeous creations for the week!

"Hello! I'm Lee Ann. I live in St Louis. I have one adult son and a rescue greyhound. I am thrilled to be guesting for Power Poppy; Marcella's images are some of my favorites because I love nature and I love to color; currently Copics are my go to medium. Besides crafting, I love to travel-especially to the mountains. I also love interior decorating, which is why my house is a continual work in progress! Recently, I have started training for a 5K- the big day, my first race- is this weekend. Wish me luck!
On to my card for this week's Hues to Use! I actually have two to share with you all....

This first creation uses Power Poppy's Peony Muse stamp set. I stamped the large peony in the corner of the card front, then masked it off and stamped the smaller peony above it. I masked that off as well and stamped the leaves, then masked the leaves as well and stamped the third and final peony. 

Lastly, I added the berries, masking off the peonies before stamping them. All of the images are colored up with Copic markers. I heat embossed the sentiment in white embossing powder on vellum and then adhered to the card front by folding the left side of the vellum layer underneath card front. Using dots of Tombow Mono liquid glue behind the embossed sentiment, I adhered the right side of the vellum layer down to the front of my card. I also added some sequins for an extra pop of sparkle. 

Here's a close up...

For my second card, I picked up Power Poppy's Cozy Cupfuls.  

Using the MISTI, I masked off the teacup and then stamped the Christmas tree on watercolor paper with Mowed Lawn Distress Ink. Using a paintbrush, I brushed on small amounts of water to move the color around. Once dry, I stamped the tree again in Mowed Lawn, to redefine the branches. Once dry, I used a micron fine black pen and outlined the ornaments. Next, I masked off the tree and stamped the cup using Tuxedo Black Memento Ink. The ornaments and cup were colored with Copic markers. Once all was colored, I added Crystal Effects to the large ornament in the saucer. While that was drying, I layered, patterned papers, a doily and sentiment strip on the card base. The image panel is popped up on dimensional tape. 

Here's a close up...

Lee Ann, these cards are truly beautiful, both of them! What a fun display  -- showing two very different cards using the exact same color schemes!

Now peeps, it's your turn to take this week's Hues to Use and see what fun cards you can whip up using this fun-filled color recipe! Once you do, don't forget to link up your creation below. It's a never-ending linky, meaning you can enter your creation at any time! And as we always say, your creation could spark an invitation for YOU to be a guest designer for one of our upcoming Hues to Use blog posts! We put you in the spotlight and you get a fun new digital image to create with. So, as I always say, Get those fingers inky and play along with us!

Thanks for stopping by! We can't wait to see what you create!


Inspire Me Monday: Coloring with Copics & Pencils

Hello and Happy Monday to you all!  I'm Allison Cope your hostess for today's Inspire Me Monday.

Today I was inspired to color and share the process of making a card with only one layer.  I know sometimes people find making a single layer card challenging so that's what I've made today.

Grab a cup of something warm and join me in my craftroom...

For my card I used the stunning "Peony Muse" stamp set.  I chose to leave off a sentiment because I'm not 100% sure of what I'm going to use it for.  Leaving off the greeting allows it to become anything from a sympathy card to a birthday to even just a happy hello type card!  

Here's a close up of my card for you today...

Here is a list of the Copics and Prismacolor Pencils used:
  • Leaves:  BV34, YG17, YG13, YG01, BV32, Dark Green, Apple Green
  • Pink Peony:  R56, RV34, R21, BV34, RV00, Y11, Mulberry, Violet, Yellowed Orange
  • Peach Peony:  RV000, V000, R00, BV32, Spanish Orange
  • Lavender Peony:  BV23, BV31, V000, V01, Spanish Orange, Violet
  • Berries:  RV00, Y11, Spanish Orange, Light Umber, Tuscan Red

Thanks for joining me today!  I hope you enjoyed my video.  If there is any particular image you would like to see used in a future tutorial, please leave me a comment below.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadians today!  Happy Turkey Day!

~ Ally ~

stamps: Power Poppy (Peony Muse)
ink:  Memento (Desert Sand), Copic Markers, Prismacolor Pencils
cardstock:  Recollections (110# White)
corner rounder:  EK Success


October Power & Spark: Mini & Mighty

Hello Power Peeps! I can't honestly believe that we are back here in this color-infused, creative space again ready to issue another Power & Spark Challenge! Where did the month go folks? Well, today the fabulous Stacy Morgan is our hostess with the mostess and this month, she's challenging us to...  THINK SMALL! ;-)

HOW TO PLAY: This challenge is all about cardmaking in a smaller scale! Instead of getting into the particulars, let's hear what Stacy had to say as she ushers in this pint-sized challenge!
“This month is all about mini greetings! All you need to do is create a mini note or card, something that is less than 4" and not your standard card. Let's see what you can do when you create "Mini & Mighty!" 

And, just to show us how big and bold you can go on a mini creation, check out what Stacy did with Power Poppy's brand new digital stamp, Autumn's Opulence!

Check out the fun shape Stacy used to create this small & mighty card! Love the fun layers and I just know that this card you can fit in the palm of your hard would make jaws drop with that combo of vibrant colors! If you'd like the specific deets on how Stacy created this beauty, be sure to stay tuned for our Bloomie link list later in this post!

Now, guess what? It's your turn to use that creative genius of yours to join us in this month's Mini & Mighty Challenge! Why should you play? Well, other than the intense fun, if you are our lucky winner in our random drawing, you'll win a....



  • Use Power Poppy stamps if you have them. If not, it is a great way to win some! 
  • Link your creation below using our Linky (please use the exact URL from your post instead of a generic blog address.)
  • Please mention Power Poppy in YOUR blog or gallery post with a link back to THIS challenge!
  • The winner will receive a $50 SHOPPING SPREE TO THE POWER POPPY SHOP! 
  • Enter as many cards as you’d like, as long as they fit the theme of the challenge!
  • Deadline to enter is October 31st @ 8:00 PM EST. At that point, we’ll draw the winner randomly and make the announcement right here on the first Friday in November.

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So, drum roll please, time now to draw that winning name from our September Power & Spark Cozy Krafty Coloring Challenge! If you didn't traipse through the link list to check out all the entries. WOW! You need to-- just click HERE to see for yourself! There was some intense talent this past month!

After put all of the names in the virtual hat, the number drawn was...

That means our lucky winner is....


Just take a gander at Susan's krafty and sparkly creation! Check out the beautiful debossing Susan added to her card and how she used it as a way to add a little bit of sparkle around Power Poppy's Rose and Chamomile Digital stamp! Susan used Prismacolor pencils to bring this beauty to life and then accented with distress inks around the edges. Breathe it all in, will you?

CONGRATS SUSAN! You've won a $50 Shopping Spree! Contact us at and we'll send you your shopping code!

With all of that color bursting forth today, time now to turn things over to some of the most talented card designers in all of blog land!

Stop by, say “hi” and see what these fine ladies have been up to this week! I know they'd love the visit!

And, be sure to stop back by on Monday when one Bloomie Ally Cope joins us to host Inspire Me Monday! If you need/want a little sneaky peek of what she's doing. Be prepared to be WOWED!

Ally told me she shot a video to show you all how she combines Prismacolor Pencils and Copic Markers for stunning results. So, be sure to tune back in, I know I will! 

Until then, live life in full bloom... 

Good Vibe 5 - Twilight Edition

Hey cats and kittens! We’re coming out with today’s good vibes at the end of the day, ready to kick out the jams for the weekend with some zesty colors and exciting news. Hope you find a few bits of beauty to inspire your creative endeavors this weekend. Let’s do this!


How’s this for blast of summery sunshine, eh? I was scrolling like the iPhone addict I am, when I was stopped in my tracks seeing this tumbling cascade of yellow peonies by Lee Ann Barrett (@whippetgirl_ on Instagram). Check out her blog to see it in more detail, and be sure to follow Lee Ann on Instagram for more of her supremely clever creations. Stamp used: Peony Muse.

Peony Muse stamp set shown above only $14.99 - Save $3 for a limited time!


Oh my friends, just when you think she’s thought of it all, Ally Cope is back with an Inspire Me Monday to totally knock you on the floor. (But you land on cushions of creativity, so it’s all good.) Do not miss Ally’s post this week, where she delves into some seriously cool explorations of card making yin and yang. Three examples to get you into a whole new mindset!


Have you taken a few minutes to enter our August Mix & Match Challenge, where YOU could win a $50 gift code to Power Poppy just for entering a card that follows our theme? This lovely card by Kathy A. using our FREE digital download “I Can Do All Things”, paired with a pretty leaf stamp by Stampendous is totally getting me in the autumnal mood. Such gorgeous coloring and with a pretty palette that’s all about fall.


There is something REALLLLLLLLY exciting coming down the pike, and I wonder if you’ve heard the rumblings coming from Kathy Racoosin’s corner of the world. Did you see THIS POST? Kathy is taking her Coloring Challenge ON THE ROAD. And she’s coming to hang out with ME in St. Louis, Missouri! Do you want to come color with us? Watch Kathy’s blog and stay tuned to our newsletter - coming in 2018 so you can reserve your spot. Today, Tibbs and I went scouting locations, and we happened to find the most PERFECT space ever... you guys are gonna flip!


Hop on the Succulent Steamtrain!! FOR THREE DAYS ONLY: Pick up Sassy Succulents in clear for $11.99. AND our holiday succulent-themed digital stamp download, Wreath: Succulents & Baubles is only $1.99. Special pricing ends on Sunday at midnight, so zip over and save up to $6.

There you have it folks! But before you go, let’s review one more exciting update to the Power Poppy Blog this week, with a glowingly gorgeous end-of-summer card by the Bloom Brigade’s Julie Koerber in Hues to Use! We’d love to see what you can come up based on this palette... drawn from fun photos in my Instagram feed. (Yes, this creepy owl was on a bus advertisement next to my car at a stoplight, and it about startled me half to death.)

Now it’s time for the all-star line up, the Bloomies are back...

Check out these splendid cards by our talented designers:

Hope you looooove seeing this pretty cards by the Bloomies, and have picked up a few ideas of your own to take into the weekend. See you on Monday, when Kathy Racoosin will be here with another of her inspiring posts to help us think differently about stamping and coloring. Yeehaw! Take care, all!
