Showing posts with label Neon Bird. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Neon Bird. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Electronic Bird Art - ElectroBirds!

...when you have fun with the Glowing Edges filter in Photoshop, our favorite feathered friends take on a new, hip, hot, and electrified image! I can dig it, baby...

Chestnut-sided Warbler made hip with glowing edges.

American Goldfinch--Vegas style!

A juvenile American Bald Eagle leaps to his nest. Truly, though, it's electrifying seeing him even without the glowing edges!

A Red-shouldered Hawk is beautiful in neon...

...the same Red-shouldered Hawk on his return flight is just as striking.

Even a Brown Pelican becomes cool when he's powered on...

...but a sweet little Sanderling seems a little out of place in his hipster garb!