Showing posts with label R's Photos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label R's Photos. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Spring is creeping ever nearer...

I just got a nice little message from WordGirl about the mallards in her pond this morning:
The boy ducks were swimming around bobbing their heads, asking the girl ducks if they were interested. The girl ducks were swimming around, ignoring the boy ducks (so far). Spring is coming.
…and here’s a beautiful and interesting photo 
of Lady Mallard from my cousin, R.

As an aside...As I left work today I was not looking forward to dashing across the parking lot in a cold, driving rain, but instead, I stepped out into a warm, spring-like downpour and 60 degrees! It felt good, and I had to remind myself that it is still February. Unfortunately, as I type this, a cold front is barreling towards us with a chance of tornados and severe storms. Sounds like spring...