Showing posts with label Tennessee Warbler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tennessee Warbler. Show all posts

Thursday, October 1, 2009

A very pretty Magnolia Warbler on the Little Miami Trail

I saw a lovely Magnolia Warbler on the Little Miami Trail today. He was busy gleaning insects and foraging with a Tennesse Warbler.

With most neotropical migrants I prefer the
striking alternate breeding plumage of spring, but
with the Magnolia Warbler, I like his more subdued
nonbreeding basic plumage so much more. I love
his little gray head and the white eye ring. In this
photo you can even see his fall gray chest band.

...oh look, the little Magnolia Warbler is giving me the old
hide-behind-the-branch-till-she-takes-the-camera-off-me routine.
The neotropical migrants in my area are very good at this!

...just for you, Dave!

Although not the best quality, I like this photo
because it shows the white basal half of his tail,
which is a nice field mark to look for.

...and an even better view of those unique tail feathers!

The Tennessee Warbler was just as good at hiding as the Magnolia is a glimpse of him.

This spring I saw a lot of Tennessee Warblers on
the Little Miami Trail...I was glad to see one this fall.