Showing posts with label satire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label satire. Show all posts

Friday, August 31, 2012

Satire: No Outer Space Invasion Should Interfere with President Obama's Fundraising Schedule

This article is published here.

By Barry Rubin

Note: The following is my daydream of a New York Times editorial a few weeks hence, after the craziness regarding the hurricane and the Republican convention. It is intended to be over-the-top satire that might make you laugh. The point is, though, that things have become so totally bizarre that I wouldn't rule out something like this happening.  

Under any circumstances, the appearance of an alien attack fleet would seem to be a cause for alarm. Of course, we are not referring to good “aliens,” the people sneaking across our borders in the hope of getting citizenship and the ability to vote in elections—not necessarily in that order. No, we are referring to the aliens from the star system of Alpha Orionis whose space ships are even now circling our planet.

As everyone knows by now, the aliens have broadcast a threat that unless their demands are met within 24 hours they will start destroying one American state a day, killing all forms of life within its borders. There are those who have wrongly concluded, however, that the president should immediately cease his fundraising activities and that the schedule of the Democratic Convention be altered.

We view this as short sighted, mainly pushed by the far-right faction that has taken over the Republican Party. There is a big difference between an alien attack that bodes ill for the survival of all Americans and a hurricane hitting the Gulf Coast. No one would suggest that the president prefers to be partying while Americans were dying horribly. It's just that doing so is his personal duty, made perhaps less onerous by the fact that some of the specific states that might be wiped out, say Arizona or Utah for example.

Fund-raising and nominating conventions are a necessary part of the American political process. Consequently, these are legitimately the highest priority for a president compared to, say, dealing with the wrecked economy, massive unemployment, inflation, the takeover of Egypt by a genocidal-oriented totalitarian regime, and such relatively secondary problems.

Finally, we should address the potential advantages of the destruction of America by the space invaders’ advanced weapons. The U.S. debt would be wiped out overnight. Since no one would be alive to look for work the unemployment rate would be zero. And we would have achieved perfect equality. As an added bonus, the United States, a country that has done so much damage in the world, would be gone and the rest of the globe’s people would be free to pursue their development without fear of someone stealing their resources. Well, someone other than those from Alpha Orionis at least.

We do not know much about the culture or even the skin—if they have skin—or the gender—if they have gender—of the voyagers from Alpha Orionis. But we can certainly say that they are part of the universe’s rainbow of diversity. 

Who is to say that Homo Sapiens, that breed which has ravished this planet environmentally, is superior to these visitors? Perhaps they have free birth control pills and recycling, the main features of a truly advanced civilization.
In short, who are we to judge?

But one thing is clear: threats of the imminent destruction of America should not disrupt the president’s schedule or the Democratic Party convention. That would be truly silly.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

This is the Political Economy that Barack Built (A Mother Axelrod Fairy Tale)

This is satire. If you don't like satire or don't think I'm funny or that this accurately describes current reality or only want serious Middle East analysis, please do not read this.

From the Collected Fairy Tales of Mother Axelrod

This is the taxpayer
Who paid for the road that Barack built.

This is the IRS agent
That harassed the taxpayer
That paid for the road that Barack built.

This is the truck that
Ran over the IRS agent
That harassed the taxpayer
That paid for the road that Barack built.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Our Foreign Correspondent Covers the Revolution

Note the following is satire, even though it is just about precisely what actually happens:  
A man stands in a square, somewhere in the Middle East, screaming slogans: “Jihad is the only way! Down with America! Death to Israel!” An American reporter approaches.
“Excuse me, sir, but I’m an American journalist and wonder if I might ask you some questions.”
“Sharia is the only…Oh, sure, just a moment.” The man clears his throat, “Long live democracy! Up with human rights!” He turns to the reporter, “Hi, my American friend. Have a nice day! What do you think of the Red Sox’s chances? Of course, they could use more depth in the bull pen!”
“I wanted to ask you what you think of America.”
“America? Very nice place. I might like to live there some day if I’m sent on a mission. We love Americans. We just don’t like their policies. They support Israel. They support our local dictator. If only they would change their ways we could be good friends.” He reaches into his pocket, “Have a sunflower seed!”

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The President's Innovative Fundraiser

[Warning: This is satire. If you do not like satire, loathe laughing, and only want me to write serious analytical articles on the Middle East, please do not read this article.]

On the positive side, the very short article includes a remarkable (almost mystical) true Civil War story I'm sure you've never heard before.

Monday, May 21, 2012

President Obama Demands a Meeting to Discuss His Grade

By Barry Rubin

Janice Fiamengo’s brilliant article, “The Unteachables: A Generation that Cannot Learn,” fits my past experience teaching at American universities. But I realized that her account applied perfectly to…something else.
Fiamengo writes that students are upset when teachers get tough on grading, “Offended pride and sulkiness replace the careless cheer of former days.”

They don’t get it when the professor points out the shortcomings in their papers . “But my work has always been praised before! Your criticisms are exaggerated!” And they may boast: “The general idea was good, wasn’t it? I’m better at the big ideas. On the details, well…”

And then if you don’t give in they become belligerent. As Fiamengo puts it:

“Their tendency is,…not to confront the problem directly but to hit back at its perceived source.…These students experience a range of negative reactions, including anger, anxiety, and depression.”

They are incapable of learning because they are can't deal constructively with criticism orr learn from failure.

Now does this sound familiar? It sounds exactly like President Barack Obama. So I wondered. Suppose I was Obama’s professor in a class called, “Being President 1” and I gave him an “F.” If he fails to improve his grade he won’t be allowed to continue for next term. Here’s how such a meeting might play out:

Me: Barack, I’m happy to discuss the grade  on your paper, `How to Fundamentally Transform America and Make It Fair' with you but I hope you listen carefully and learn how to improve."

Obama: There must be some mistake! I’ve always gotten an A+ from the media. I was admitted to Harvard! I was editor of the law review! And in 2008 I won the presidency and then the Nobel Peace Prize! I'm the smartest man in the world! The mass media--which can't find any occasion where I was everr wrong--and millions of people can't stop raving about how wonderful I am!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Syria Hoaxes

Rubin Reports articles in full are available on PajamasMedia.

By Barry Rubin

It is a sign of these times regarding the Internet that a man from Georgia in the United States has been blogging pretending to be a young gay Syrian woman describing conditions in Damascus. The headline revealing this was: "`Syria Gay Girl in Damascus' blog a hoax by US man." It is a sign of these times regarding contemporary politics that I am waiting to see the headline: "`Syria Reformist Dictator in Damascus blog' a hoax by US Government."

Friday, April 15, 2011

Obituary: America Superpower, 67, Disappears, In Debt and Wracked With Guilt, Suicide Possible

This article was published on PajamasMedia. The text is presented here for your convenience.

By Barry Rubin

Once one of the world’s most respected and powerful forces, America Superpower has disappeared. Worried friends and relatives are engaging in a desperate search. Rumors abound, including stories that Mr. Superpower has been kidnapped; committed suicide; or merely has gone off on a prolonged vacation.

While opinions differ over the birthdate of America Superpower, many agree that he was born June 6, 1944, on taking the lead in launching the liberation of Europe. Following this event, Mr. Superpower began a spectacular rise to prominence. At the age of one, he defeated Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. At age two he began his long, ultimately successful, work of stopping the spread of Soviet imperialism and Communism.

At times, Mr. Superpower made mistakes by having some unsavory friends. Yet what always prevailed was his ability to do so much good in the world and correct previous errors.

Like many, America Superpower had a troubled youth at times. Involvement in such issues as Vietnam and Watergate made some lose faith in Mr. Superpower’s abilities. Indeed, many date the problem to that era as the beginning of the decline. Others believe that the wounds were largely self-inflicted by some of his own ungrateful children.

Nothing should obscure, however, the great accomplishments of Mr. Superpower. He defeated several major and many minor Super Villains; spread prosperity and progress; and was a role model for many.

For a while, it was hoped that the September 11 attacks would revive Mr. Superpower’s self-confidence and energy. But in recent years, Mr. Superpower has been reportedly depressed. Such medications as the Stimulus only made things worse.

Especially important, according to some observers, is the choice of a poorly qualified business manager who wished to “fundamentally transform” Mr. Superpower. He ran up debts, constantly criticized Mr. Superpower, and urged him to remain passive lest he do even more harm.

Sinking into debt, forgetting his many accomplishments, and wracked in guilt, Mr. Superpower has obviously been in serious trouble. Now, to the delight of enemies and horror of friends, Mr. Superpower has disappeared altogether.

How this mystery will end is unclear. Some think Mr. Superpower has gone forever; others claim he left behind a note promising to return in January 2013.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Syrian Dictator Bashar al-Assad Sends an Email to President Obama

By Barry Rubin

The following email was recently received by the White House:

Dear President Obama:

My name is Bashar al-Assad. Not long ago my father died and left me an entire country in his will. It is a very valuable property but I am trying to market it internationally. If you would be willing to help I can promise that you will be richly rewarded.

I really want to develop good commercial relations with the West and get rid of my troublesome ally, Iran. In addition, I want to make peace with Israel and stop supporting terrorism. I would even like to make reforms in my country so that it can be a peaceful and happy democracy.

But I need your help. Please send me a U.S. ambassador without preconditions; ignore my backing for killing your troops in Iraq; overlook my backing for Hamas and Hizballah in killing Israelis; forget about my terrorism in Lebanon, including the murder of former prime minister Rafiq Hariri; shove into the memory hole my massive daily production of anti-American propaganda; have your officials including the secretary of state say nice things about me at the precise moment that I’m shooting down demonstrators and torturing dissidents; and send me people like Senator John Kerry who will believe everything I tell them.

If you do this and one other thing, we can be great friends and I’m willing to give you a lot of policy support; break with Tehran; and be a force for peace, love, and harmony in the Middle East.

That one other thing is so minor it’s hardly worth mentioning. OK. Here it is:

Send $5 billion in small-denomination currency to PO Box 1970, Secret Police Station, Damascus, Syria. When the money is received, I will deliver all the promised gifts to you and throw in a free eye exam for you and Michelle.

Don’t hesitate as this is a limited-time offer.

Sincerely yours,

Bashar al-Assad, ophthalmologist, Internet fan, political reformer, former Londoner (Go Chelsea!), and president of Syria.

Friday, October 15, 2010

How To Kill Americans: A Guide to the Really Effective Ways

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This article appeared in PajamasMedia.  It is satire. I have included the full text here, with some improvements, for your convenience.

By Barry Rubin

The new al-Qaida magazine, called Inspire, has created quite a stir with its articles explaining various ways to kill Americans. Yet despite the presence of no less than three American citizens on the terrorist publication’s staff this is pure amateurish stuff.

For example, the magazine advises would-be terrorists to use a pick-up truck, getting it to top speed, then mowing down American pedestrians. This shows ignorance of the fact that pick-up trucks are too proletarian for elite American areas unless they are from lawn services and are carrying actual mowers. Elsewhere, any privately owned pick-up truck probably has anti-terrorist, pro-American bumper stickers so unless the terrorists engaged in such camouflage they would probably fail.

Such a strategy, then, would only succeed in killing or injuring ordinary Americans. If these clueless terrorists knew anything about the United States they would understand that elite policymakers, decisionmakers, and opinionmakers wouldn’t care about that.

Instead, an SUV with an Obama bumper sticker would probably be far more effective at luring elite Americans into a state of complacency after which they can be run over with ease.

Another al-Qaida idea is to bomb restaurants in Washington DC with the hope of dismembering a few government officials. This, too, is a questionable technique. The Obama Administration, as part of its counterterrorist policy, has pledged to hire ten new bureaucrats for each one slain by terrorists.

Moreover, with the First Lady’s food campaigns, government officials will soon only be permitted to eat at restaurants that serve carrots instead of potatoes, don’t use salt, and don’t serve soft drinks. All those restaurants will quickly go bankrupt, so that’s out, too.

Given the constant injunctions to understand what drives people to terrorism, to feel sorry for terrorists, and to engage them in dialogue, however, I have decided to give al-Qaida some help. Here, then are my top suggestions of how to kill Americans:

1. Deny them liberty. Americans thrive on high levels of freedom. For them, the ability to make decisions for themselves is akin to oxygen. Reduce this ability to make their own choices and you have deployed the equivalent of krypton against Superman.

2. Spend them into oblivion. Increasing deficits will saddle future generations with impossible debt. Government spending and unfunded pension funds, among other methods, will so demoralize Americans that they will fall over like bowling pins.

3. Increase government regulation. America has thrived on free enterprise, initiative, and entrepreneurship. It’s no accident that people speak of the economy being “strangled,” one of the most effective and popular ways of murdering people.

4. Teach kids to hate their own country. By turning grade schools, high schools, and universities into factories for producing anti-Americans, you will destroy American self-confidence, pride, and will-power, leading them to collapse from terminal depression. You don’t need suicide bombers if you can get them to commit suicide.

5. Raise taxes higher and higher. See Points two and three, above.

6. Destroy their competitive willpower. America has grown and prospered through energetic competition. By doing things like giving trophies to all players in children’s sports’ leagues even if they finish in last place, for example, you can create indifference to skill and excellence. Thus, they will die out like the dinosaurs, unable to compete with other countries.

7. Create dependency on food stamps, welfare, and unemployment insurance. This will poison them into passivity. You don’t need bombs if you can turn them into bums.

8. Divide Americans along racial, religious, ethnic, and gender lines, getting them to fight each other. You don’t have to kill them directly. Just get them to do it to each other!

9. Manipulate U.S. foreign policy into endlessly apologizing, bowing, making concessions, even refusing to identify their enemies. Get them, meanwhile, to undermine and give the cold shoulder to friends. This will lead to loss of credibility, leverage, and deterrence, making them easier targets.

10. Destroy the health care system, thus ensuring Americans die from natural causes and diseases.

11. Subvert free speech and the intellectual debate. Get them to discuss issues by name-calling rather than using logic and evidence. Restrict the possibility of expressing opinions you don’t like. Ensure that much of the mass media spends its time manipulating rather than reporting the news. Lacking accurate information and ideas that work, Americans will have the equivalent of mental breakdowns and expire.

12. Make sure they lose control over their borders so that you can send terrorists into the country as well as there being millions of people who will swamp their educational, welfare, medical, and other facilities causing them to break down. 

These are just a few simple suggestions for killing Americans in far larger numbers, at much lower risk, and considerably less spending of resources than such primitive instruments as knives, bombs, and guns.

Fortunately, no one has ever thought of combining all of these methods up until now and America has remained the world's strongest country in terms of its economy, military strength, and cultural creativity. But if anybody ever figures out this kind of strategy for weakening and defeating the United States, Americans and the whole world will be in trouble.

Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal. His latest books are The Israel-Arab Reader (seventh edition), The Long War for Freedom: The Arab Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East (Wiley), and The Truth About Syria (Palgrave-Macmillan). The website of the GLORIA Center is at and of his blog, Rubin Reports,

Monday, September 27, 2010

Earth, The Final Frontier: What Happens When UN Officials Meet the Aliens

Please be subscriber 17,487. Put your email address in the upper right-hand box of the page at

We depend on your contributions. Tax-deductible donation through PayPal or credit card: click Donate button, upper-right hand corner of this page: By check: "American Friends of IDC.” “For GLORIA Center” on memo line. Mail: American Friends of IDC, 116 East 16th St., 11th Floor, NY, NY 10003.

By Barry Rubin

News story: The UN has created a special envoy for alien life forms so if humans come into contact with extraterrestrials (ETs to Hollywood) the entire planet Earth will speak with a single voice. And who is this official? A Malaysian astrophysicist, Mazlan Othman who currently heads the UN’s Vienna-based Office for Outer Space Affairs, where one of the leading members is an Iranian government official named Ahmad Talebzadeh.  Othman worked a number of years for the Malaysian Islamist government.

This story seems not to be true--advice: NEVER believe anything in the Sunday Times--but it does cry out for satire, doesn't it? 
What happens when there are Jihad Knights instead of Jeddi Knights? Take me to your Imam?

Greetings, beings from Betelgeuse-5! I am the official Earth spokesperson, representing the entire Human Race, who will give you a briefing on life on our planet.

Earth people have different religions, that is, a set of beliefs about the Supreme Being, who we call Allah, and nations, of which there are almost 200. Let me start with religion.

Although there are many religions on Earth, there is only one true religion which is called Islam. The other religions are either deficient in worshipping many false gods or they have deviated for the true word of Allah (Peace be Upon Him) as revealed in the Holy Quran, which should govern the Earth.

There are also a number of countries, though there is one, named Israel, which is evil and criminal and should be wiped off the map. Naturally, with your advanced fusion weapons, you could literally wipe it off the map. However, we are prepared to discuss other methods with you in order to leave that land suitable for Muslims to live in.

We don’t want to say that our planet is otherwise perfect. Far from it! There is also a country named the United States that has seized hegemony of the Earth for purposes of propagating injustice. Naturally, it should be removed from that position in the name of social justice so that power can be shared equally among the Earth’s peoples. Our colleague from a city called Tehran has a detailed plan to propose to you to help achieve this goal.

I want to stress that we  believe in Multicultural Diversity, so the fact that you eat the intelligent creatures of several neighboring planets doesn't bother us in the least.

Alien: $%^&$#@^!@ %^&**!

Why, thank you for that complement, if our translation is correct!  I assume saying that I look very tasty means something very nice in your culture, which of course we fully respect!

Certainly we look forward to close cooperation between Human Beings and the Qwaki543^&*$roxiputan race of Betelgeuse-5. We respect your advanced technology including Fusion Bombs, Death Rays, and other items for which we are happy to trade our handmade carpets, oil, natural gas, and pistachios. Mr. Muhammad Khorasan of our Trade Agency is ready to discuss the details.

Any questions?

Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal. His latest books are The Israel-Arab Reader (seventh edition), The Long War for Freedom: The Arab Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East (Wiley), and The Truth About Syria (Palgrave-Macmillan). The website of the GLORIA Center is at and of his blog, Rubin Reports,

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It's Optimism Day at Rubin Reports!

By Barry Rubin

Some readers think I'm pessimistic. Not at all. The good guys will win; truth will out; democracy will triumph. It just takes a while, and a lot of struggle.

Meanwhile, ponder this:

Israelis are among the happiest people in the world, according to a new Gallup Poll.  The four Scandanavian countries are first. But, hey, they're happy if they get to see any sun at all so there's low expectations. High suicide rate weeds out the unhappy; high alcohol consumption rate makes survivors happier. Only kidding, Scandanavian readers.

They are followed by seven countries that are almost all the same level of happiness of about 62 percent happy people: Holland, Costa Rica and New Zealand, Israel, Canada, Switzerland and Australia. The United States, where only 57 percent of the population are happy, was in 14th place, tied with Australia. The United Kingdom was in 17th pace, with a score of only 54 percent.

Also Israel has a higher birth rate. When people decide to have children that's a real sign of faith in the future.  

And none of these countries have wars or are wrongly hated. That means Israelis are even happier and just get pulled down because people think they shouldn't express too much happiness.

True story: Me walking down street in Tel Aviv.

Run into friend who asks, "How are you?"

"Great!" I say.

"What?" says he. "Don't you read the newspapers?"

Other polls show year after year that Israelis are extremely optimistic. So don't worry. Read Rubin Reports, then be happy. Which reminds me that I'm happy and optimistic that I have you as readers.

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Defining the Mass Media World View: A Funny and Original Approach

By Barry Rubin

Martin Berman-Gorvine has come up with a clever, funny, and educational idea: take the New York Times and put together a dictionary of political terms using the way that it reports and analyzes the news. It's still growing but is worth a visit. And the funny thing--which also means the unfunny thing--is that his demonstration of the current dominant world view's absurdity is quite accurate.

It's called, "Secret Decoder Ring: Understanding How The New York Times Thinks About Israel," but it actually covers more issues as well.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

And Now For Something Completely Different: British Satire on Hamas and Iran

A satire on Hamas, British-style that actually makes the analytical points quite effectively. Understated, dignified, and funny.

And here's one equally funny--actually, even funnier--about Iran.

See if you can spot the one mistake on the facts.


[Yes, in the Iran one they are wrong about the Muslim Brotherhood but otherwise very factual. Much more accurate than, say, a New York Times editorial.]

Friday, May 21, 2010

Julius Obamus: Let's try to Explain the International Situation Using William Shakespeare's Methods

Please be subscriber 16,304. Just put your email address in the box on the upper right-hand corner of the page.

We depend on your contributions. To make a tax-deductible donation through PayPal or credit card, click the Donate button in the upper-right hand corner of this page. To donate via check, make it out to “American Friends of IDC,” with “for GLORIA Center” in the memo line. Mail to: American Friends of IDC, 116 East 16th Street, 11th Floor, New York, NY 10003.

What follows is a satire intended for the public's instruction on serious matters of contemporary interest.

The Tragedy of Julius Obamus

By Barry Rubin


Rome. Before the Capitol. Obama enters and walks to stage center.

Pollster: Obama! Beware the Ides of November!

Obamus: Begone, thou Teapartier!
Don’t you know that they all love me best,
since I have apologized with so much zest?
Besides, it is merely May, you fool,
And I’m here to ask all legislators to rule
sanctions against the Empire of Persia which
Is developing eight-horse chariots!

[At stage left, the conspirators stand and confer. It is amazing how many there are: Putin Russiaus, Markus Chinaus, and Metullus Syrius, Cassius Libyaus and Tiberius North Koreaus, Publius Venezuelaus and Nero Pakistanus, Caligula Brazilianus and Septo Bolivianus, among others. Then there are the many onlookers who are watching closely. Is Obamaus a mighty leader, to whom their knees must then bend or a wimp they can—indeed must!--defy to survive?]

Putin Russius: I fear our purpose is discovered.

Metullus Syrius: Be constant and fear not any at all,
For by our promises and cunning words will fall,
even the most mighty of our enemies.
They are naive and only see,
the world as they want it to be.
Rather than diplomacy as a brutal scrimmage,
they see other countries as a mirror image.
The cruelest tyrant, the men who bring terror,
they think are merely offspring of their imperial error.
Follow my example closely!
[He approaches Obama and kneels]
Most high, most mighty, and most puissant Obamus,
Metellus Syrius throws before thy seat
A humble heart.

Putin Russiaus: Oh, great Obamus [he snickers behind his hand]
Know my heart will never cease
Believing that you bringeth peace.

Publius Venezuelaus: Yes, indeed,
You who act so generous and noble
Should have a Peace Prize for your trouble.

Obamaus: [Reads off teleprompter]
I know that I have such great appeal,
but must beg you gentlemen not to kneel!
In my version of history we all are equal,
Though I cannot speak for the plot of the sequel.
True, such flattery as you offer me,
might fire the blood of ordinary men,
And make them arrogant, but, as you can see,
I am truly great, need not pretend.
Low-crooked courtesies and base spaniel-fawning.
I leave for the mass media to give me.
And now to business.
While other men might merely rage
I extend my hand and do engage.
But whenever it is slapped away,
I’ll show all that I don’t just play.
Tough sanctions I’ll pass and then enforce,
And thus for them it will be much worse
Of course too much one must not assert,
Only make sanctions that do no one hurt!

Metullus Syria [sneering]: Oh, great Obamus it is true
That deeply we do all love you.
After your Cairo speech we see
You’re the best president for rulers like me!

Markus Chinaus: I kiss thy hand, but not in flattery, Obamaus,
but in thanks. Your sanctions' proposal will not foil,
my selling to the Persians refineries for their oil!
But do declare I am in your debt
[whispered aside] And fear I might never get rid of it!

Putin Russius [falls to his knees]
Oh great Obamaus,
With the deal on the nuclear test,
You have shown you are the best.
And for the missiles you did remove,
from Poland have my feelings soothed.
Your sanctions' proposal in its latest versions,
let's me sell missiles to the Persians!

[Suddenly, all the conspirators stand up, reach under their togas and pull out pies. They throw them in Obamaus’s face. He reels and tries to steady himself. Then, last of all, Putin Russius steps up and smashes his pie right on Obama’s face and rubs it in.]

Obamaus: Et tu, Putin?
[He collapses and lies on pavement, trying to clean the pie off his face]
Mmm, rhubarb! How thoughtful of them to buy the flavor I love most!
No wonder of their love I freely boast!

Mettulus Syria [faces the audience and shakes head in disgust]
Thus, falls the man who really did not know
That one must lose if he lets weakness show.
Yes, reality's sad truth never spares,
one so naïve in international affairs.
To deter means that you must be rough,
For of all games this doubtless is most tough.
If a great power will not take the lead,
Soon on its carcass buzzards surely feed.
So we say to you, Obamaus, good-bye
Remember appeasement only wins a pie!

Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal. His latest books are The Israel-Arab Reader (seventh edition), The Long War for Freedom: The Arab Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East (Wiley), and The Truth About Syria (Palgrave-Macmillan). His new edited books include Lebanon: Liberation, Conflict and Crisis; Guide to Islamist Movements; Conflict and Insurgency in the Middle East; The West and the Middle East (four volumes); and The Muslim Brotherhood. To read and subscribe to MERIA, GLORIA articles, or to order books. To see or subscribe to his blog, Rubin Reports.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

My joke about Obama Administration Appointments

Question: What is the Obama Administration's definition of diversity in making high-level government appointments?

Answer: They sometimes also choose people who went to Yale or Princeton.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Europe! Yeah, That's The Way to Go

By Barry Rubin

Steven Hill is the director of the Political Reform Program at the New America Foundation, President Barack Obama's favorite think tank. I guess this means he's in charge of saying how America should change itself.

So it must be significant that this week he publishes a new book: Europe's Promise: Why the European Way is the Best Hope in an Insecure Age.

Hm, is this the best moment to be openly advocating that the United States become more like Europe? I mean, with Greece and all, plus lots of other problems. Also, a large portion of the "European Way" is to let the United States pay the defense bills and guard its security.

Perhaps someone should write a book entitled America's Promise: Why the American Way is the Best Hope in an Insecure Age. Then, U.S. government officials could talk about the book, the State Department could distribute it in foreign lands. People in different countries would look with longing at American success and say, "Why can't we do that here?"

European leaders would say: Hey! Less government regulation, lower government spending, and more free enterprise delivers higher productivity, more freedom, and better living standards.

Why should the "new America" look like the old Europe? Isn't one of the main reasons for this being an insecure age is precisely because of the ideas contained in the "European way"?

Some think the exact opposite way:

Barack Obama, April 3, 2009, Strasbourg, France: "In America, there's a failure to appreciate Europe's leading role in the world. Instead of celebrating your dynamic union and seeking to partner with you to meet common challenges, there have been times where America has shown arrogance and been dismissive, even derisive.”

So is now the time for America to be humble and copy a less successful model?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

It’s A Mystery! An Alternative, Satirical History

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By Barry Rubin

Although a revolutionary Islamist Jihad has been ongoing against the United States for more than a decade—involving thousands of attacks—and the Afghan Taliban announced that it was behind the Times Square attack, many observers seem to find it hard to understand what might be going on.

In tens of thousands of articles, sermons, speeches, broadcasts, Internet sites and every other known form of communication, revolutionary Islamists have declared that they want to overthrow the existing regimes in their countries (except for Iran and the Gaza Strip), transform their societies into ones governed by their interpretation of Islam, expel all Western influence, destroy Israel, and—if possible—reestablish the caliphate, take over the entire Middle East and even rule the world.

Apparently, however, some have not yet heard this message. For example:

Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg: The Times Square bomber’s motives “could be anything,” perhaps a reaction against the new health care law.

Associated Press: “motive [is a] mystery”

USA Today: “Motive…remains a mystery.”

What if such thinking had prevailed in the past? For example:

April 19, 1775: “This is the BBC. Armed militiamen in the American colonies opened fire on British forces today in the small towns of Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts. The grievances compelling the colonists are a mystery.”

April 12, 1861: “South Carolina artillery has opened fire on Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor, though their motives are a mystery. Some of the gunners may recently have had their mortgages foreclosed.”

September 1, 1939: “Germany has just invaded Poland. Some think that this is in response to recent Polish health care legislation which left parts of the German minority without proper coverage.”

September 17, 1939: "The Soviet Union has just invaded Poland. Many observers believe that the goal is to rescue that country from German occupation since Communism and Nazism could never become allies.

December 7, 1941: “The motives of those Japanese pilots remain a mystery. The attack on Pearl Harbor might have been due to an outbreak of temporary insanity, perhaps because of something in the food on the Japanese aircraft carriers where they were based.”

“American isolationists said that they were opening the attack on Pearl Harbor was a domestic operation as otherwise the United States might have to fight a war with Japan.”

September 11, 2001: “The motives of the terrorists, er, militants who hijacked planes and flew them into the World Trade Center remain a mystery. Most analysts believe this is proof that the United States did something wrong and offended them.

"A number of journalists have expressed the hope that the attackers were members of Midwestern militia groups in order to avoid triggering bigotry against foreign Muslim revolutionary Jihadists and focus it where it really belongs: against Republicans.”

“Intensive discussions are underway on how to fundamentally transform the United States in order to fix the problem so this will never happen again. If such attacks do happen again they can be attributed to Islamophobia, attempts to enforce immigration law, the housing market, mental problems, or other excuses that will be formulated as necessary.”

--Extra Credit--Guess which of the above items accurately describes what many people did say at the time.

Note: Of course, one shouldn't leap to conclusions immediately after a crime has been detected but that means not speculating in any direction. Moreover, as it became clear that the size of the attack was hard to attribute to a single person, that the man in custody was a Pakistani Muslim, that the Taliban claimed responsibility providing some credible details, etc., the truth became pretty clear. The desperate attempt to avoid admitting that this was an Islamist attack--see also Arkansas recruiter murder, Fort Hood, Detroit underpants bomber, etc., etc., etc.--arose not from a laudably responsible desire to get the facts first but rather from fear of dealing with a very real international conflict and its roots.

Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal. His latest books are The Israel-Arab Reader (seventh edition), The Long War for Freedom: The Arab Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East (Wiley), and The Truth About Syria (Palgrave-Macmillan). His new edited books include Lebanon: Liberation, Conflict and Crisis; Guide to Islamist Movements; Conflict and Insurgency in the Middle East; and The Muslim Brotherhood. To read and subscribe to MERIA, GLORIA articles, or to order books. To see or subscribe to his blog, Rubin Reports.

Monday, March 29, 2010

President Obama Follows Up on His Middle East Victory, A Satire

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By Barry Rubin

“President Obama! President Obama,” said the aide in a cheery voice as he entered the Oval Office, “we just heard that Prime Minister Netanyahu is going to stop all construction in Jerusalem and give in to all your demands!”

“That is wonderful news,” chortled the chief executive. ‘’And as you know I never waste a moment. Quick! Get me my friend Mahmoud Abbas on the phone.”

With the magical swiftness of the White House communications equipment, within moments the leader of the Palestinian Authority was on the line. Quickly, Obama explained to him what had happened, adding, “and now we can move quickly to a comprehensive peace.”

“Not so fast,” answered Abbas. “Since you got the Israelis to back down on that issue—and a great job you did, Mr. President-- surely you can now get them to agree to a return to the 1967 borders, accept all the Palestinian refugees who want to go live in Israel, and drop all the demands they have on us to do anything. Oh, and they have to agree that if we sign a peace treaty that doesn’t mean the conflict is over so we can then launch another round to get everything.”

“But you said that’s all you needed to make a peace treaty!”

“Oh, yes, Mr. President, it’s all I need. But then there are all those Fatah leaders who have the real power and they have their heart set on a Palestinian state from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean. Then there are those Hamas leaders, and you know how unreasonable they can be! Why if I settled for anything less they’d have my head! Oh, yes, that reminds me, unless Hamas agrees do keep in mind that anything I accept doesn’t apply to the Gaza Strip and Hamas. They can just go on fighting. Hope you don’t mind.”

After a bit more discussion, Abbas said, “Sorry, Mr. president but I must go now as my favorite show, `Do You Want to Marry a Suicide Bomber,` is coming on Palestinian television right now.”

The president hung up, fuming. But then he brightened up, realizing that since it wasn’t the Israelis he couldn’t possibly have been insulted. Still, he needed something to cheer him up so he telephoned Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, president of Iran.

Obama explained what had happened, and added, “So now that the Israelis aren’t building in Jerusalem will you reconsider your nuclear weapons’ program?”

“Oh yes, Mr. President,” said Ahmadinejad in a soft voice, “of course we’re going to reconsider it.” Then he screamed at the top of his lungs—if you know the comedians Gilbert Gottfried or Sam Kinison you can imagine them doing it—“We’re going to double our speed, you dummy! Since we see you’re so weak and the Zionist entity is about to fall apart!” Ahmadinejad hung up.

Once again, Obama was a bit miffed. But since it was an enemy he couldn’t stay angry for long. Instead, he dialed up Syrian President Bashar al-Asad, asking if this news would make Syria stop paying, arming, and training terrorists to kill Americans in Iraq. Asad sounded like Ahmadinejad but just a little more polite.

“Ha,” thought Obama, my concessions really are moderating him and splitting him away from Tehran. But the president was still a bit down. “I know,” he decided, “I’ll call my good buddy King Abdallah. That should cheer me up.”

“This is wonderful news, Mr. president,” said the king respectfully. “Of course we will need a bit more. If I ask the Arab League to support talks the Syrians will try to veto it but you have done a very good job. Please feel assured that the Muslim and Arab people really love you and appreciate you.”

By the time Obama was finished with that call he was in a much better mood. “I did it,” he thought, “I’m a great statesman.”

But as soon as the king hung up the phone he called his finance minister. “Quick,” shouted the king excitedly in a panicky voice. “Sell as many dollars as you can and buy Iranian war bonds!”

Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal. His latest books are The Israel-Arab Reader (seventh edition), The Long War for Freedom: The Arab Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East (Wiley), and The Truth About Syria (Palgrave-Macmillan). His new edited books include Lebanon: Liberation, Conflict and Crisis; Guide to Islamist Movements; Conflict and Insurgency in the Middle East; and The Muslim Brotherhood. To read and subscribe to MERIA, GLORIA articles, or to order books. To see or subscribe to his blog, Rubin Reports.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Great Moments in "Psychologically Disturbed" Gunmen Committing Mass Murder

[Subscribing is welcomed. Note: This is satire designed to show the ludicrous nature of the media coverage on the Ft. Hood issue. It is not designed to trivialize a terrible event but to make people understand better what happened and how the event is being dangerously distorted.] 

By Barry Rubin

When John Wilkes Booth opened fire on President Abraham Lincoln in Ford’s Theatre in April 1865, the media was puzzled. “True, the actor was outspoken in his Confederate sympathies and viewed himself as a Southerner,” said someone who knew him, “but that was no reason he might want Lincoln to be dead.” The day before he went on his shooting spree, Booth hoisted a big Confederate flag outside his hotel room. After he leaped onto the stage he shouted, "Thus ever to tyrants!" the motto of the rebel state of Virginia.

The New York Times reported that Booth was psychologically unstable and was frightened of the Civil War coming to an end and having to face a peacetime actors’ surplus. “His political views had nothing to do with the motives for this tragic act,” it said, quoting experts.

After Fritz Reichmark opened fire on fellow soldiers at Fort Dix in January 1942 the media was puzzled. “True, he used to go to German-American Bund meetings,” said one fellow soldier, “but he only wore the swastika armband in his off-hours.” Reichmark would regale other soldiers with diatribes against the Jews, Winston Churchill, and Communists. The day before he went on his shooting spree, Reichmark gave out copies of Mein Kampf to neighbors. Soldiers who survived reported he was shouting "Heil Hitler!" while firing at them.

The New York Times reported that Reichmark was psychologically unstable and was frightened of being shipped out to North Africa because he was a coward, though this doesn’t explain his making a suicide attack when his job wouldn’t have required him to go into combat. “His German ancestry and political views had nothing to do with the motives for this tragic act,” it said, quoting experts. The newspaper urged that the main lesson coming out of this event was to fight more firmly against Germanophobia.

When Padraic O’Brian bombed a restaurant in London with massive loss of life, the media was puzzled. “True, he used to go to IRA rallies,” said a cousin, “and he would rant for hours about how the British invaders should be wiped out” but the media reported that this had nothing to do with this attack which was caused by his psychological problems. As he fired at pursuing police, O'Brian yelled: "Up the republic!"

The Guardian reported: “His Irish identity and political views had nothing to do with the motives for this tragic act.” The newspaper urged that the main lesson coming out of this event was the need to fight more firmly to ensure that Northern Ireland was handed over to the Irish Republic and that Israel be wiped off the map.

When a group of 19 terrorists flew two planes into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon and the fourth crashed on the way to the White House, the media was puzzled. “True, they wrote letters to Usama bin Ladin and expressed radical views but their act of violence must have been connected to their extreme poverty back in Saudi Arabia,” one expert was quoted as saying. When informed the young men all came from well-off families, he responded, “Oh.”

The New York Times reported that they were all psychologically unstable and had difficult times in forming stable relationships with women. “The fact that they were Arabs and Muslims or their political views had nothing to do with the motives for this tragic act,” it explained. The newspaper urged that the main lesson coming out of the attack was the need to fight against Islamophobia and Arabophobia as well as for the United States to make more concessions in the Middle East and to impeach President George W. Bush.

The point of the above exercise is to make the following points:

--Individuals who commit terrorist acts often have psychological problems but the thing that justified, organized, and ensured that violence would be committed were political ideas.

--Whenever an individual who belongs to any group commits a crime, it is possible that some will stigmatize the entire group. Most Americans or Westerners today, however, will not do so. The most important issue is to identify why the terrorist act happened and what to look for (including which type of individuals) to prevent future attacks.

--When there is clear evidence that danger signs were ignored because people were afraid of being stigmatized for doing their job of protecting their fellows, that is a dangerous mistake that must be corrected.

--Someone who is "afraid" of being sent into a war zone is not likely to handle that cowardice by standing up with a gun in a suicide attack and shooting people until he falls to the ground with about four bullet wounds.
--The media can often be stupid but when it censors reporting for political or social engineering reasons, freedom is jeopardized. The correct phrase is: The public's right to know. It is not: The public has to be guided into drawing the proper conclusions by slanting and limiting information even if the conclusions being pressed on them are lies and nonsense.

Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal. His latest books are The Israel-Arab Reader (seventh edition), The Long War for Freedom: The Arab Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East (Wiley), and The Truth About Syria (Palgrave-Macmillan). To read and subscribe to MERIA, GLORIA articles, or to order books. To see or subscribe to his blog, Rubin Reports.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

How Herman Melville Explains Contemporary U.S. Foreign Policy to Us

[Please subscribe. Sometimes the only way to deal with contemporary international affairs is through satire.]

Moby Moderate

By Barry Rubin

And so the captain ordered the entire ship’s company was assembled. Suddenly, Ahab cried out to them, “What do ye do when ye see a Middle East conflict, men?"

"We negotiate!" was the rejoinder from a score of the sailors.

"Good!" cried the captain, "And what do ye next, men?"

“We offer unilateral concessions!”

"And what tune is it ye sing as ye give them, men?"

"The Peace Process Chanty!"

More and more strangely and fiercely glad and approving, grew the countenance of the captain at every shout; while the mariners themselves began to get excited, especially the Conflicts’ Management Officer.

Ahab pulled out a huge Spanish gold coin from his vest with his good hand and took a heavy hammer in his hook hand. Pivoting on his wooden leg, the captain held up the broad bright coin to the sun.

"Look ye! d'ye see this Spanish ounce of gold? Do you see it, Starbuck?” Starbuck nodded. He was wildly popular among the crew because he made the best coffee you’ve ever had.

Ahab nailed the gold coin to the mast, exclaiming, “Whosoever of ye raises me a Moderate Islamist with a wrinkled brow and a promise not to get nuclear weapons or seize state power and create a radical, anti-American, aggressive regime shall have this gold ounce, my boys!

"Huzza! huzza!" cried the seamen.

“But captain!” cried out Stubb, one of the other mates, “there is no such thing as a Moderate Islamist!”

The harpooners, Tashtego, Daggoo, and Queequeg, who had looked on with even more intense interest and surprise than the rest, could no longer remain silent.

"Captain Ahab," said Tashtego, "that whale you thought was the Moderate Islamist must be the one we spotted near the coast of far Iran but he turned on us and stove in the port side of the ship.”

“Yes,” chimed in Daggoo, “you thought you saw him near Turkey but he turned on us and knocked in the starboard side of the ship.”

“Aye,” added Queequeg, “and off of Gaza, did not this whale you mistook for the Moderate Islamist not take off your left leg?”

"Who told thee that?" cried Ahab. "Aye, my hearties; it was the search for the Moderate Islamist that brought me to this dead stump I stand on now.”

“Oh,” cried Starbuck, “and off of Lebanon you thought you saw him but instead he chomped off your right arm!”

“Well, sure,” said Ahab angrily. “But that’s nothing much to worry about. I’m sure it’ll work this time.” Turning to the crew, he shouted: “What say ye, men, will ye find for me the Moderate Islamist!”

“Aye, aye!" shouted the harpooneers and seamen.

"God keep me!—keep us all!" murmured Starbuck, lowly. But in his joy Ahab did not hear his foreboding invocation.

Adapted from Moby Dick by Herman Melville.

Barry Rubin is director of the Global Research in International Affairs (GLORIA) Center and editor of the Middle East Review of International Affairs (MERIA) Journal. His latest books are The Israel-Arab Reader (seventh edition), The Long War for Freedom: The Arab Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East (Wiley), and The Truth About Syria (Palgrave-Macmillan). To read and subscribe to MERIA, GLORIA articles, or to order books. To see or subscribe to his blog, Rubin Reports.