Showing posts with label new year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label new year. Show all posts

Monday, December 29, 2014


While we're still a few days away from ringing in the new year, I thought that I would start one of my new year's goals a little early. Blogging more regularly. No surprise here, I've been saying that since we got back from Hawaii at the beginning of the month. I was planning on recording the trip, Thanksgiving, Ellie's birthday, etc. Of course, that didn't happen. It will though.

Last night I wrote out how I wanted 2015 to look, in list form of course. Then I totally overwhelmed myself because there are quite a few things that I want to do! Then, today Ellie woke up with a sad little fever and has been sleeping on me literally all day. While I'm so sad that she's not feeling up to par, I'm loving the snuggles and I've been sitting on the couch since about 9 a.m. watching New Girl and Gilmore Girls or working all while cuddling my sweet girl. You should see my house right now. It's in shambles. I don't care. I will tomorrow, in a bad way probably, but not today.

Anyway, amongst the many hours I've been camped out on the couch I've been looking at pictures from the last year (bless that google + backup) and I'm so sad 90% if Ellie's year hasn't been recorded, so that stops today. I'll make up for what I can, but mostly we're starting fresh from today.

So today, how sad is this sweet feverish face? She's been given all of the chocolate and sprite a girl could wish for, and has been sleeping the day away. Also, girl loves burritos, and managed to get about half of mine down for lunch and then promptly passed out after. She will eat Mexican food anytime anywhere. It's probably because she misses her Uncle Micah.

Also, I also managed to look equally as cute...and shiny. If we're being honest, I look like this most Mondays anyway. I love Mondays, I really do.

If you know this girl at all, you know she's not a snuggler. Well, a 10 second snuggler at best. I'm filling my reserves as much as I can today.

For the sake of recording, on Saturday I officially weaned Ellie. I'm pretty sure she would have nursed until the end of time if I had let her. It's surprisingly been not as bad as I've been told, but I've done it very gradually, more for me and my weak mother heart, but I'm pleased with how well it's gone. I was planning on being done by Halloween, but as much like everything else in my life, things didn't go perfectly as planned, and also like most everything else, it has worked out for the best. I guess Ellie really isn't officially a baby anymore.

Okay, that wasn't so hard, was it? I'm putting it out in the universe that I'm going to do this twice a week, hopefully more, but at least that. It's not so hard, right? It's not.

p.s. here's my google+ year in review. Yes, there is a photo I look high in. Do not be alarmed, I am not.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Happy New Years! Sorry I've been MIA lately, we've been busy soaking up as much relaxation and family time as humanly possible. I'd say we were pretty successful. I was fortunate enough to have to last 11 days off and full advantage was taken. Last night I spent a good hour pleading my case to j.rue as to why I would make the most fantastic stay at home wife. Well, here I am today back at work, so I'm guessing you can figure out how that conversation went.
I really wanted to do some kind of new years post, but I figured I would just end up rambling like I always do (and like I am now), so I found this resolutions post over at Dinner: A Love Story and decided to be a copy cat.  
What I resolve to do in 2013: I resolve to put my heart and soul into my work, callings, relationships, and just life in general. I want to work on being present in the moment and consciously choosing to give whoever or whatever needs my attention, my best self. 
What I resolve to do less of in 2013: putting off whatever needs to get done until "tomorrow." It literally kills me how much time I've wasted because of said "tomorrow". I made a goal to get some things done (post to come) that I've literally been putting off until "tomorrow" for TWO WHOLE YEARS! How pathetic is that. I just thought it would be the most horrid slave laborish thing that I would ever have to do. Guess what? I did it. And it only took me 2 days. 2! It's crazy how much guilt an undone task can weigh on you. I feel like I've lost 10 pounds...
What I resolve to not say to my spouse: "Why have you not done...yet?" I really badly need to work on my patience. In a bad bad way. I get all bent out of shape if J.rue's clothes don't get put away in a 24 hour period or if the dishes aren't done that night. Really, if I want it done that fast and I have enough time to complain about it, I can do it myself. I'm sure acts of kindness and service never hurt a relationship. EVER.
What I resolve not to say to my children: "Please join our family soon! We're so excited to meet you."
What I resolve to eat less of: Sugar. Sugar. Sugar.
What I resolve to eat more of: Fruits and veggies. I'm pining for a juicer in a bad way.
What I resolve to learn how to cook: Quick and healthy dinners. When I come home from work and the gym, cooking is the last thing that I want to do. I'm super slow because I don't do it often enough, but WOW, I've got to get past that learning curve if we ever want to eat decent. 
What non-required reading I resolve to tackle: The Shoemaker's Wife, Anne of Green Gables, and as many books on CD as I can get my hands on. Listening to those makes my daily hour and a half commute so much more bearable.
Restaurant I want to try: The Roof, Bambara, and Ruth's Chris. Good thing I have an anniversary, Valentines Day, and birthday coming up. Food that other people prepare for you is really just the most wonderful thing.
Restaurant I want to return to: Gourmandise, Rodizio, Blue Lemon, Garcia's, Melting Pot...Really, I could go on forever. See above statement.
I resolve to finally try: being a "Yes Woman". J.rue sometimes calls me a stick in the mud and sometimes also tells me that I'm a fun sucker. So this year I am going to try reeeeaaaalllly hard to just say "yes". YES! I think it  will feel good and it probably won't kill me.
I resolve to teach my kids: I'm going to take this year to teach and prepare myself to be the best parent I can be when the time comes.
I resolve to spend less money on: Stupid things that I don't need, especially from those amazing websites like Brickyard Buffalo and Pick Your Plum. No, I do not need 17 spools of bakers twine even though they are 70% off. I'm trying to focus on simplicity in spending this year, meaning no impulse buys! Only things I need and classics that I cannot live without. Oh, and lip gloss. I need no more. We'll see how that goes. Two days in, so far, so good.
I resolve to get Zen about: Time. If you know me at all, you know that I'm wound tightly when things don't go exactly according to schedule or they're not running exactly on time. I swear my blood pressure would go down and stay down if I master this. Individually, I will still be on time, it's a sickness and I just can't help it. But if it's a group I'm going to take deep breaths and just go with the flow. I know, I'm an uptight no saying ninny.
What I resolve to accomplish professionally: Eat the frog first, meaning get the crappy projects done fast and early. I hate those lingering projects. HATE THEM! I think that will put me less on edge with students, which needs to happen because they are the reason that I'm employed, much to my chagrin at times.
What I resolve to do for me: I added this one, but think it's so important to take time for personal needs. I have three. The first is to get ready every single day; hair make-up, clothes, and shoes. I know it's not necessary for some, but I really am at my best when I'm confident in how I look. It's a game changer folks. Second, I'm going to loose the weight that I've been holding onto for 3 years. It's not a lot, but it weighs on me (ha!) and I need to do it for myself, to be healthy. How's that for the most cliche resolution ever? I'm serious though, I'm ready to be done with it and move on. So I am. And the final and most important; developing a closer relationship with my Heavenly Father. That is what I want more than anything else.

I resolve to enjoy the process and beauty of it all. Another copy cat from here.

Happy 2013 my friends! I love you.