Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Snowmen and Sledding

Santa brought Ellie and snowman kit for Christmas and her dang parents got sick that same day, during one of our biggest snow storms, and she's been begging to build one every since. J.rue has been begging to go sledding since...well forever.

Lucky for both of them, it dumped snow yesterday, and both of their wildest dreams came true. I think J.rue shoveled and snow-blowed 3 times yesterday. It was a good snow day. After most of the snow had been cleared, we bundled up the kids (not a task for the faint of heart) and met in the front yard. Fitz is the best, he'll just find a nice cozy spot in the snow, take a seat and try to eat the snow. It's particularly hard for him because his mittens don't even have thumb holes, rude. He is the most laid-back kid and I kiss his face daily for it.

J.rue got to work creating the snowman's bum while Ellie and I worked on his torso. Fitz continued to eat his snow. We stacked him up and Ellie strategically placed every eye, button, and scarf on him until he was deemed "the best snowman ever!". Ellie wanted to name him puppy but I convinced her Ralphie was a tad bit more fitting.

Soon after we headed in for lunch and naps. J.rue was dead set on going sledding so around 4:45 we headed up to the elementary school. We forged down an unplowed driveway stuck. Let the record show that this was no doing of mine. So we spent the next 30ish minutes trying to get ourselves out. By the time we escaped the snows slushy grasp we had about 20 minutes of daylight left. Did that stop j.rue? Never! We pulled to the side of the road, unloaded the kids and J.rue made us quite the sledding path. Ellie went down a few times on her own and she caught some major air, which she didn't find fun. At all. She kept saying, "I don't like going fast. Fast isn't fun. Slow is fun. Fast is boring." She was trying to be tough because right after her aerodynamics she burst into tears.

After a quick 20 minutes, Fitz and Ellie were done. Jeremy made a few more runs, we loaded up, and headed home. While it didn't go exactly as planned, we loved spending the time playing together. J.rue really is the best at making any situation a good one.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Last night j.rue and I spend the evening watching our most beloved Cougar Town with the TWIN-laws (haha, get it?) Well, and actually J.rue was working, but he was at least in the same room. With his headphones on. Nose glued to the computer. But he was there, and that's better than most times.  After 3 rousing episodes of CT, some sinful rice krispies, and some New Girl, we decided it was time to make the trek home. It was 10:30 and way past my work week bed time. We walked out the door and I could feel tears quickly fill my eyes. It had snowed. Tons. In 3 hours. Also, we had no ice melter salt and the post-person had not been very happy with the ugly state of our sidewalks that he. He'd left a note. Not a proud moment.

We got into the car and slowly slid along to Wal-mart and got the last bag of ice melt that they had. So if you're looking for a positive, there you have it. Last bag. Oh, and back to me getting all bleary eyed, my morning commute since Monday was what it was all about. It's been painstakingly slow and slippery and slushy, and I know I live in Utah, but my friends, that wears on a person, and not in a pretty way. This storm has been relentless and it hurts a little. Each storm for the past 3 days has had it's own personality, bringing something new to the table.

By the time we got home from Wal-mart it was 11, and we decided that since it was past our bedtime anyway, why get up early to shovel? Let's do it now! So, j.rue got the shovel and I followed with the bucket with ice melt. I wanted to make it safe so that our post person will keep delivering the boxes that I so look forward too (I have some goooood stuff coming!).

After the walks were shoveled, de-iced, and deemed worthy of any mail-person's feet we took a moment to stop and admire our work. After a moment I decided that it was high time that I make a snow angel. It was lightly snowing, covering up what we had just removed of course. I was laying in the snow in my jeans and I decided that this winter and I could be friends like all the winter's past, even though this one was a little more rough around the edges. Golly, because really he sure can be dapper, especially at 11:30 at night.

And now we're okay. Spring can wait a tad bit longer.

Monday, January 14, 2013


Okay, I know that if you live on the Wasatch Front you were probably right in the thick of things with me, but I just gotta write about it. So, for your early disclaimer: skip if you're tired of hearing about the damn snow storm. I know I kinda am.

Thursday afternoon brought on the most vicious snow storm that I've seen in a few years. Maybe there has been worse, but at least in the past 2 years that I've been working at the U there has been no such commute that could even hold a candle to this one. My commute home took me three hours, from 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. pretty much on the dot. At least things we're tied up nice and neat -- none of this 4:08 - 7:03 business. I like my numbers nice and rounded.

As I drove down the slowly declining hill that is South Temple I had vivid flashbacks of 5 years ago, almost to the day, when I totaled my car, rammed into a paraplegic (who was also in a car), who then hit a lady with expired plates and a suspended licence - all on that South Temple hill. But I think that shall be a story for another day.

The drive to the freeway took a little more time, but once I got on the freeway I was cruisin' along at a consistent 5 mph...the whole way home. I kid you not and swear up and down and up again that while my tires graced the freeway no faster speeds were had.

Luckily, I had some books on CD just waiting to be listened to. During those three hours I managed to get through 4.5 disks of this story. I recommend it by the way. About 2 hours into it and not yet even to Centerville I did one of those big yawn stretches and lo and behold, instead of a yawn came out a yell. A frustrated my bum hurts I'm hungry and I may die yell. It felt good. Highly recommended as well.

After that I decided to take some very dramatic photos of how I was really feeling, because don't tell me that a little bit of drama, kept to ones self, doesn't make things a little bit better. Please also take note that at this time I was stuck on a bridge, a mere mile from Kaysville's main street, not moving an inch - FOR 13 MINUTES. So I felt completely sure that no one was put at risk during this photo shoot. 

Luckily, J.rue got off around the same time I did and we were also on and off the phone trying to figure out the fastest way home. I chose the freeway (obv.) while he chose the back roads. He beat me home by 2 minutes. While I was sitting on that bridge for 14 minutes I did get the genius idea to order a pizza. It was there not a mere seconds after we got home. 

So, pajamas were promptly put on, candles were lit and the pizza was split right down the middle - that's a rule of Ruesch Manor -- and we hunkered down for the evening. 

A movie couldn't be agreed upon so I took the electric blanker downstairs and caught up on all the new and delicious TV that I'd missed out on that week...

And j.rue claimed the bedroom with the space heater and watched bucket loads of sports. Don't worry, goodnight kisses were still exchanged.

I had Friday off and luckily j.rue's boss said he could work from home to avoid inevitable death by snowstorm. Bless her. J.rue decided that working off his dinky laptop screen was unacceptable, so the TV was moved from the bedroom to the dining room table for the day...actually the weekend. And actually it's still there. We're going to have to fix that.

As for today? I've had better Mondays. I'm hoping today isn't a sign of what this week is to be like.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


A couple of weeks ago Kaysville got dumped on, and there's not many things I love more than a good snow day on a Saturday morning, especially with the fur children. Cooper promptly woke me up at 6:30 to go out and play. How could I resist?

Of course, J.rue was dragged out of bed, not super thrilled, but he came. I hoped that he would join the snow festivities, but he chose to enjoy from the confines for a warm Ruesch Manor.

As much as we love the snow, the fur kids have a tiny problem with snowballs. These are snowballs for the faint of heart, no. These are hard packed dense suckers that do not come off with a flick of a wrist. There are baths involved to remove them every time. Coop and Maggie kind of hate it.

Look at the size of those suckers!

Lastly, I'll leave you with a stupid video of me, but a cute one of Coop. Please keep in mind, it's about 7 at this point. Coop could make snow tunnels and chase snowballs all the live long day if I let him.

We love snow!

Monday, November 12, 2012


Well, I don't know about yours, but our weekend was pretty much perfect. In a lazy weekend sense. Friday my boss so graciously let me leave early because there was a storm a brewin'. I made it home with enough time to walk the dogs, throw snowballs to Cooper, and watch 2.5 episodes of Grey's Anatomy before J.Rue got home. I don't know why he thinks my job is harder than mine. Plus, I have to worry about his dumb slippery car getting him home safely to me. It's hard being me. Once he did finally get home, we promptly cozied up downstairs, ate a large stuffed crust pizza and kicked off our Christmas movie watching season with Christmas Vacation. A must, if you ask me. More on my essential Christmas movies on a later date.

Saturday brought knee-high snow, more snowball throwing, snow tires for j.rue (thank the heavens above!), a crazy costco run, shopping with two of my favorite gals, a haircut for Maggie, a chili cook-off, and more shopping with the same ladies. It's one of those where you do a lot, but don't get a lot done. I kind of love those.

I know you're begging to know, so I'll share my beauty secrets with you. To get my look make sure to wake up reaaally early and play with your puppies in the snow for an hour or so, shovel the driveway, spill wax on your favorite sweater, kiss your husband, clean off two cars, put your hair up in a bun, and don't forget to not put on any make up and definitely don't fill in your eye brows AT ALL.

I really just put up this picture so you can actually see Maggie's face. The poor gal is usually much more fluffy and matted. Thank goodness for good groomers. Also, notice the pink -- it's an adorable bow that she got off in about 1.4 seconds once we got home. In the snow. With some mud. Good thing she keeps my feet warm at night.

And, just because this post is full of adorable family members, we couldn't leave her out. The littlest shopping buddy. Oh, I took lots of awesome pictures on Saturday. I won't promise to put them up, because I probably won't, but if I do, how excited will you be? Low expectations people.

Happy Monday! I have a feeling this week is going to be a good one!

Friday, November 9, 2012


If you're an insta-addict like me, I think you'll appreciate this.

Want to know how to put your instagram feed on the sidebar of your blog? here to find out! It's super easy and just not very hard, so you should!

Also, it's Friday! YAY! I am so ready to kiss this week goodbye. It's just been one of those long ones. You know the kind that you keep thinking it's Thursday when its only Tuesday. Yeah, those are not heart healthy.

Lastly, I'd like to leave you a pointless picture of the shirt I found at Target. Last night I was literally dreaming up outfit ideas for this shirt. At the rate I'm going I'll be wearing it every day until January 16, 2013. Yes. I love it that much. It's gold.

See ya on the flip side!

Thursday, October 25, 2012


I'm not the biggest fan of people putting their every life ailment up on facebook or twitter for everyone to enjoy, but I am caving on my own personal writing space to say that I don't love snowy commutes. I love snowy everything else, but anything involving snow and cars, just no. This mornings commute was a slow one with angry snowflakes coming at my wind shied with a fury that rivals almost none. However, the drivers were considerate and everyone gave good space, so I can't complain too much. Though, my knuckles may still be white because I'm just high strung like that.

But now, oh, but now I'm sitting in a warm office with a dreamy white paradise right outside my window. I may even play a little secret Christmas music. Very secretly. Maybe just one song. Walking in a Winter Wonderland, anyone? I know, hate me if you must.

Moving on...I've noticed lately that I'm greatly lacking in self-discipline. I'm kind of an all or nothing gal by default, and that doesn't always work for me. I also love lists and outlines. So, I'm sure you can understand my excitement when I came by this 'weekly wellness challenge' (originally found here).

Now, I have an outline/list of a new thing to practice self-discipline on each week, and then build upon. I believe the gals that started this lovely challenge are on week 5, but I started on week 1. Anyone want to join? I'll report after every week, you know, to have someone to answer to. See? Look at all of the self-discipline going on.

So, this week: water. I have a red solo cup in hand at I type (one handed). I love that they started off with an easy one. Thank goodness.

Have a safe and beautiful snowy day!