Saturday, January 5, 2008

Yummy Oreo's

Last night the we had a bedtime snack of milk and Oreo's. While they are very yummy they can get quite messy too. Dallin was just so cute the way he was getting them all over his mouth. And when I pulled out the camera to take a picture of course he smiled. And well, you can see how cute that is!!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Luke - 5 months old

My little baby Luke is already 5 months old! I can't believe how fast time has gone by. He is such a happy, smiley baby. He is mellow and easy going and loves to laugh and interact with his big brothers. He is getting better at sleeping too!
What a cutie!

Happy New Year - 2008

Happy New year!!! Here is a sign that Grant made all by himself on new years day. It was so cute that I hung it up in the kitchen! He is using his best guess spelling, not to bad!

Christmas 2007

The tree just after Santa's visit!

Grant holding toys that Sally Mae got from Santa

Luke opening up his baby glo-worm

Mom looking lovely opening up a gift from Dad.

Opening up stockings

Calvin looks thrilled, or tired, I can't quite tell!!

Coming down Christmas morning

Christmas Eve 2007

Christmas Eve 2007The boys got new Spider Man jammies

We went to the William's house for Christmas Eve dinner of fondue. Then the kids acted out the Nativity while Rex read the story. They all looked so cute!

Grant even played a duet with Sarah, his piano teacher

Dallin was a wise man.