Happy 5th Birthday Calvin!!
Today Calvin turned 5!! He has been excited all week and this morning when I said Happy Birthday to him he was in disbelief. He said, "Really, it's today, I have been waiting so long for today!". After we got Grant off to school we headed to breakfast at the Saw Mill Cafe in Mill Creek. Calvin got his favorite breakfast, a hard boiled egg, hash browns, toast and bacon, with OJ too. We then headed to Central Market to pick up some candy for the birthday party tomorrow. After Grant got home from school we went to Toys R Us and I let the boys each pick out a toy for their birthdays. They received a $3 gift card in the mail to Toy R Us and they are a member of the birthday club so when they go there on their b-day they give them a balloon, a b-day crown, candy and while they shop they say Happy Birthday to them over the loud speaker. It's really cute. After that we went to dinner at Blue C Sushi per Calvin's b-day request. They even provided him with a b-day cream puff with a candle on top and we sang him Happy Birthday. He loves that place. Nanny gave him a couple presents while we were there, an airplane transformer and a action figure. When we came home then he opened up gifts from the family, a new soccer ball and the game Cars for the Wii. All and all I think he had a fun day. Tomorrow we will continue the birthday fun when we have Grant and Calvin's pirate birthday party with friends. It should be a blast!