Sunday, January 6, 2008


Grant turned 7 today!! Yeah!! I can't believe that I have a 7 year old, am I old enough? ;) Today Nanny and Papa came over for dinner, chicken teriyaki that Grant picked out. Nanny made the cake, chocolate with chocolate frosting and Oreo's, yummy! We played on the Wii together, bowling, golf and tennis. And just enjoyed eachothers company. Grant was excited when it was time for presents, he got a new game for the Wii, a basketball, a coconut :) from Nanny and Papa, and a telescope & microscope set from Nanny and Pappy and Sally too. Yesterday we celebrated Grant's birthday with Papa Franker and Grandma at Alfy's, Grant's choice. They gave him a Nerf ball gun that he has already had lots of fun with. We are so lucky to live around our grandparents, we love them.
Grant is such a great boy. He is a wonderful example to his younger brother, very loving and patient. We love him so much and are so blessed to have him in our home. Love you Grant!!!Grant's cake

Papa and Grant with his new telescope

The coconut

Hanging out with his brothers!