Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Day of School 2011 - 2012

This year I have three boys in all day school! I just don't know what I'm going to do with myself and only two children home during the day. We may just have to party everyday!! The boys were excited to start school this year. Grant in the 5th grade and his last year of elementary school.....where does the time go?! Calvin in the 3rd grade and Dallin in the 1st grade. I'm so thrilled that they all have excellent teachers this year and I'm excited for all the fun things this school year has awaiting for them!

My boys!

Grant is a crossing guard this year. He is so excited for the new responsibility!

Calvin, 3rd grade, Mrs. Jaffe

Dallin, 1st grade, Mrs. Rauen

Grant, 5th grade, Mrs. Springer