Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

Monday 4 January 2010

Blogging from Davao


Yes, It's been awhile since I blogged here and I know some of you knew the reason why. I have stayed here in Philippines for 31 days and I loving it even I miss my husband. When I arrived at Manila international airport, I had a mix emotion feelings, happy, sad, and excited to meet my family again after more than 2 years.


It was funny moment at Davao Airport because my mom and dad jumped out from the garden just to hug and kiss me ( they didn't walked in the right place to met me, they are not really miss me a lot haha ) I can see to their eyes and faces how happy they are to see me again, and of course I am happy to see them again too specially my mom :). My sisters and brothers were there too, to met me, so all in all it was a good start to see my family.


As usual I am treated as a princess at home, specially for my mom, my mom does evertyhing for me, preparing my food, coffee and doing my laundry. I like the way my mom treated me since I miss my mom, so I made her does what she wanted to do to me haha. I met the whole family during christmas ( it was our family reunion ) and I can say it was one of my memorable day in my life. I also met my old friends and we hang out together, and they said that I am still the SHY they knew,and I was happy for that and I told them that there are nothing to change about me, I am still the SHY they knew before.


Even though I met my family, no single minutes that I don't think of my loving husband. It is nice to see my second family but of course my husband, is always be my husband. When I started to cry I always tried to think what my husband told me " Just enjoy your day and make it memorable with your family, and soon we will see each other again " it mades me smile when I remembered those words of my husband. I knew this time we both miss each other, and soon we will see each other again and we try our best to have a new additional in our family :).


To all my blogger friends, I hope you understand why it took me so long to update my blog since I am on my vacation I tried not to stay in the net just to update my blog, all I do is to make the best day while I am with my family here in Philippines. I promise when I get back to blog world, I pay all my credit to you guys! This time I can't able to update my blog so much because like I said I tried to enjoy my stay here, but I make sure I will write all things that happen while I was in my vacation.

Greetings from Davao City Philippines :)....

Sunday 15 February 2009

Visit to my Practice Place

When I am starting my practicum, me and my hubby will going to visit my practicum place before I started because at least I will know the place and what kind of transportation I will use. So today we went to my practice place which it is another City. I was a little bit irritated with the teacher who give me the place because it is long way from the place where I lived and also I hate to ride a bus because of throwing up. So when we ride the bus I am almost got dizzy and feeling to throw up but good to know because I tried to control it and I did- and good to knew because I never throw up inside in the bus that will be so disgusting. I already took a medicine but I thought the medicine didn´t work.

When we got to the place where I´m going to do my practicum, I was feeling so bad because of riding a bus. My husband tried to find idea so that I will forgot my bad feelings so he asked where´s the camera and took a picture of me and my hubby- so here´s some picture we took earlier. But sad to say I will not going to do my practicum in this place because of my problem riding a bus, so tomorrow I will call the school and tell my problem so that they can find new place foe me to do my practicum.

Happy Valentine Day!

Happy heart to everybody!! Me and my husband celebrated the Valentine Day through a good dinner. My husband bought me chocolate and a ballpen with my name on net, I don´t know how he found that kind of ballpen. But anyway I am happy for his gift or maybe I couldn´t call it gift because he bought chocolate almost every weekend as he love chocolate, I don love chocolate too but not same like my husband. So we had a nice dinner tonight. I just came here in my computer because I promised my husband yesterday that there will be no computer for me this day, so I just used computer now and it´s 12:38 in the midnight. I am not sleepy yet that´s why I am here and I slept earlier that´s why I couldn´t sleep. How about you guy, how did you spent your Valentine´s day with your partner?

Monday 9 February 2009

New Layout Again ^_^

As usual new layout again hehehe. I like changing layout with my blog and also I found out that my old layout has same with my co blogger that´s why I changes it again. But I try to put in my mind that it always someone who has same layouts as me. I just can´t help not to changed my layout because this new layout, is it not nice huh? I hope you guy love my new layout Ciao!

Friday 6 February 2009

Sharing Words To You!

I recieved this mail from my from from US and I want to share it with you guys because I thought this is really good words!

Two traveling angels

Keep reading to the bottom of the page -- don't
stop at the feet (You'll see).

Two traveling angels stopped to spend the night
in the home of a wealthy family.

The family was rude and refused to let the angels stay in the mansion's guest room.

Instead the angels were given a small space in the cold basement.

As they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw a hole in the wall and repaired it..

When the younger angel asked why, the older angel replied,

'Things aren't always what they seem.'

The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor, but very hospitable farmer and his wife.

After sharing what little food they had the couple let the angels sleep in their bed where they could have a good night's rest.

When the sun came up the next morning the angels found the farmer and his wife in tears.

Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole income, lay dead in the field.

The younger angel was infuriated and asked the older angel how could you have let this happen?

The first man had everything, yet you helped him, she accused.

The second family had little but was willing to share everything, and you let the cow die.

'Things aren't always what they seem,' the older angel replied.

'When we stayed in the basement of the mansion, I
noticed there was gold stored in that hole in the wall.

Since the owner was so obsessed with greed and unwilling to share his good fortune, I sealed the
wall so he wouldn't find it.'

'Then last night as we slept in the farmers bed, the angel of death came for his wife. I gave him
the cow instead.

Things aren't always what they seem.'

Sometimes that is exactly what happens when things don't turn out the way they should. If you have faith, you just need to trust that every outcome
is always to your advantage. You just might not know it until sometime later...

Meeting friends Tomorrow!!

I will meet my best friend tomorrow after my school, I feel happy when the Friday comes because I will have a half day school and the next day will be week end and it means no class. And guess what guys I don´t have a school next week because it will be "sport lov" (sport event) so it means we don´t have a class for a week YEHEY I LOVE IT! hehehehe..... And after that I will start my practicum in the Kindergarten hhmm I am really excited to meet new children and people who is working there! Let see what will happen, one thing is for sure I will love it! This will be my third time doing practice so far I love it and I learn a lot about kids and also my Swedish language is improving everyday!

Monday 2 February 2009

Quite Cold Today

It was quite cold today and the temperature said -6 grrhhh that´s totally very cold. February is the coldest month here in Sweden and speaking of February my birthday is coming too, eww I´m getting old LOL and Valentine Day. Anyway I hope there will be a lots of snow before the winter season will end because maybe I will not experience the snow here next time.

It was not busy in school today, we were half day today and I love it because it means I can sleep until ten am hehe, we did our assignment to do interview with people who work in Gym. Tomorrow will be new day and I will have a whole day class tomorrow and it´s boring LOL.

I did a little bit of shopping today, I bought new jeans, jacket for spring time, scarf and blouse. I will be a live for once a month shopping LoL, but I try to control it because my cabinet now is full, some of my clothes that I never wear but I brought here in Sweden, I bring them back when I visit Philippines and give to my niece.

I missed my tasks

I been away from my computer today that causes me of missed some tasks specially in PP which I almost has a payment for this month but since I missed some tasks it means I wait until next month to get my payment from them because I need to earn 50 bucks before I get payment. Anyway there will be more tasks to come LOL, tomorrow is school time again so it means I will be away from my computer from morning until afternoon it means I will miss more tasks LOL.

Sunday 1 February 2009

Visit in My Parent - In - Law

Finally were home! It´s been a long day today for me because we were in my parents in law house. There so much Swedish conversation and it´s good for me to trained my Swedish. We ate lunch there and after that we had a conversation as usual, I enjoyed to talked to my parents in law but sometimes its gives me headache because of the language.

After the conversation me and my mother-in-law baked a chocolate cake, it was so fun to baked cake with my mother-in-law and I am so happy because now we both understand each other. My parents in law been so good to me since I arrived here in Sweden, they are both nice person. When we visited them I couldn´t help not to think of my parents back in the Philippines, and I am really hoping my vacation will be sooner. We went back home almost nine in the evening, my mother-in-law invited us to slept there but we said " Thanks but no Thanks" I wanted to went home and be at my computer, I miss already my blog LOL.

Saturday 31 January 2009

She´s OK

Thanks God my mother-in-law is OK now, we received a called yesterday from my father-in-law confirming that my mother-in-law is OK now and she back home from the hospital. TGIF I can able to sleep long time until ten to 11 am hehehe and tomorrow we will visit my parent in law. I´m sure there will be a lot of Swedish talking include me.

Tuesday 27 January 2009


School was so stressful for me because it´s more difficult now, before I never try to study but now almost my book is besides me all the time. This term where am I now makes me realized how hard to learn language sometimes it could me fun I admit! When I read Swedish book and too much Swedish word goes in my brain then I get headache hehehe, I don´t know why it just thought that way.

I had mentioned in my previous post that I went to seminar to get work, but sad to said I need like the offer of the company. Maybe you wonder why I applied to get work, it doesn´t mean that I will stop to go to school if I get work but I wouldn´t. I enjoy going to school meet new friends from different country, culture and many more!Next step apply in MC DONALD and restaurant, let see what will happen.

Sunday 25 January 2009


Here comes the Sunday lasts day of my rest! Tomorrow will be my school week again and it means I need to wake up early in the morning which I don´t like it. Today I woke up 11 A.M ^_^ that´s my daily routine every week end and I just stay home for the rest of the week end I don´t go out because it ´s cold out side I prefer to be inside. And tomorrow I started my day by attending seminar for work and after that back to school until 4 P.M.

I´m just wondering

I´m wondering why some advertiser now give 50 cent review?? Sometimes I thought it´s not fair LOL because we do so much effort doing the review. I hope sooner this kind of offer will be gone, because I thought it´s not fair ^_^ 50 cent is too lower for making a review. Sometimes it´s get me irritated because almost all my review is from 2 dollar to 50 cent and I´m stuck with this 50 cent review, I don´t get new review because of it.I hope advertiser realized that 50 cent is almost nothing LOL.

Thursday 22 January 2009

New Practicum in Kindergarten

I am excite because soon I will start my practicum again, my practicum will be one months. I am excited to meet my new babies LOL, I miss my first practicum that´s why I browse a picture with Leon on of my favorite kid in my very first practicum. I been doing practicum for three times now and I´m hoping to get work while I´m studying.

Back to my old layout

As you can see guys I used my old layout again, It was 2 days when I change my layout but I start to miss this layout that why I used it back. Anyway I have hard time to add my blogroll list because I lost some of my friends so if you couldn´t see your blog in my list just leave me a message OK? Happy blogging!

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Not Feel well

I just got home and I felt not good, I hope I will not be sick because I still have the whole day school tomorrow. I thought I got sick because of the different kind of weather here, I don´t like the weather here because it´s really cold I couldn´t able to wear sexy clothes because otherwise I be freezing. And I always wore heavy clothes and boots, before I arrived here I never knew this country has a cold weather.

Tuesday 20 January 2009

My new layouts

Hello Guys I ordered a new layout from Fe and here´s my new layouts. Anyway to some of my blogrool List friend was gone and if you see yours was not in my blogroll List don´t hesitate to leave me a message so that I can add you again. I want your opinion if my layout is nice or should I change it to my previous layouts.

Monday 19 January 2009

Swedish Words

I knew all of you knew that I am studying Swedish language, so I wanted to post some Swedish language who knows maybe you visit Sweden someday. So I´m sharing swedish language here:

Thank you so much - Tack sĂĄ mycket

Can you help me? - Kan du hjälpa mig?

Good Morning - Gud morgon

I love you - Jag älskar dig

Hi - Hej

How are you - Hur mår du? or Hur läget?

Please - snälla

Today - Idag

Tomorrow - Imorgon

You are beautiful - Du är vacker

I´m not yet very good in swedish but I am working in it..If you want to know some other swedish word just leave me a message.

Friday 16 January 2009

My signature

When I was visit Fe´s blog and I read about "how to add signature in a blog" so since I have been looking for instruction how to put signature in my blog so I follow here instruction and I did it. It´s not so nice but it´s ok at least I have the signature in my blog now. I will change it when I know better how to do it. Here´s the picture of my signature evens you see it in my blog everytime you visit it!

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Award From Fe

Another fabolous award from Fe, thanks for the award and giving me award as always ^_^. Same as you I recieved this award last week I think! Anyway Thanks again for the award!

The rule:
You need to list 5 addictions that I have and pass this tag/award to 5 more fabulous blogs

Here's mine:
1. watching tv
2. blogging
3. texting to my friends and family to Philippines!
4. shopping
5. my husband LOL

I am passing this fabulous award to all my fellow bloggers, you can free to grab and I hope somebody will grab it! Have a nice day all ^_^.

- Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary 

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